LotR SeSa 2013: Signups Closing Today!

Oct 28, 2013 01:01

We have 10 participants so far, and while intimate exchanges are great, we'd love to see more folks involved!

LotR SeSa 2013: Signups Close Today!
It's now or never! If you've been considering participating (or are hearing about it for the first time), now's the time to sign up for the Lord of the Rings Secret Santa exchange! Slash, femslash, het and gen, fic and fanart; you can request it all, so why not join in? (Please note that this is an FPF -- Fictional, not Real Person -- exchange.) The sign-up post is here, and sign-ups will close at 11:59 pm Pacific Time on October 28th.
    Important Dates:
    Sign-ups: Oct. 14 to Oct. 28
    Assignments sent out: Nov. 5
    Fic/art due: Dec. 13
    Fic/art posted to the community: Dec. 24
Please make your story more than 500 words (1000 is better). For fanart we'd expect you to spend at least a couple of hours on your work. We're looking forward to the exchange, and hope you are too!

Don't forget that lotr_sesa is open to all the Peoples and Ages of Middle-earth, including those of The Hobbit!


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