NB: Please remember to always get prior permission from the author or artist if you want to repost or in any other way distribute any of the stories or artwork you have found at FaramirFiction.com. If you need help contacting someone, get in touch with the archivists at admin@faramirfiction.com.
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New this week at the
Faramir Fiction Archive, the archive that welcomes all fiction and art in which Faramir plays a major part, be it gen, het and slash, of any rating, in any language:
- Midwinter Swap 2010: _Here's your chance to read that one Faramir slash story you wished someone would write... and to return the favour by writing one in return: it's the *10th edition* (hurray!) of our Swap!_
- Tales of the Telcontars by Susana (Rating: G; with Faramir & Eldarion, Aragorn; This series is mostly one-shots or two-shots from Eldarion’s point of view, or the point of view of Faramir’s children, set later in the same Desperate Hours AU as the rest of my stories. Added: Little Things; Work in Progress)
- If instead of these weekly updates, you'd rather hear about new Faramir fics and pics right away, you can friend faramirarchive
- If you have gen, het or slash fiction or art featuring Faramir that you'd like to share, please contact us at admin@faramirfiction.com -- we'd love to have it!