New this week at

Oct 03, 2010 18:16

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Please also note that these rules apply to the Faramir Fiction Archive ( only; other rules apply in the faramir_fics LiveJournal community. See the community's profile page or ask community maintainers caras_galadhon and savageseraph for more information on the rules of the faramir_fics LJ community.

New this week at the Faramir Fiction Archive, the archive that welcomes all fiction and art in which Faramir plays a major part, be it gen, het and slash, of any rating, in any language:
  • Exile by Alcardilmë (Rating: NC-17; with Faramir & Boromir, Théodred; A name called out in passion changes the lives of the Brothers Mir forever. Added: Chapter 5; Warnings: het, incest, violence, non-con, m/m; Work in Progress)
  • Hungry Eyes and a Blade of Steel by December (Rating: NC-17; with Faramir & Aragorn, Éowyn; Returning home unexpected on a rainy night, Éowyn gets an eyeful of the one thing she would have never imagined. Jealousy, hurt, curiosity or lust -which will have a top say in her? Written for the 6th Anniversary Challenge: Éowyn by iris. Added: Chapter 3; Warnings: het; Work in Progress)
  • Through the Fire by Tal (Rating: R; with Faramir & Orcs, Beasts, Monsters, and other creatures, Aragorn; During the Battle of Osgiliath, Faramir was taken prisoner by Sauron’s armies. After the Battle of the Black Gate he was saved by Gondor’s forces… or was he? Based on a challenge by Minx.; Warnings: Torture, rape, mind games; Work in Progress)
  • Mist by Geale (Rating: R; with Faramir & Aragorn; Seven years after the War, all was well in Ithilien, but all was also the same. And so change was called for and Faramir sees his world changing. But when dreams and desire mingle, what is left of reality? Added: Chapter 36 and Epilogue (Complete); Warnings: Slash & Angst)
  • Sombras by Lahyla (
    Rating: PG-13; with Faramir & Éomer; Una noche en el dormitorio de Faramir… (A night in Faramir’s bedroom…))
  • If instead of these weekly updates, you'd rather hear about new Faramir fics and pics right away, you can friend faramirarchive
  • If you have gen, het or slash fiction or art featuring Faramir that you'd like to share, please contact us at -- we'd love to have it!

het, slash

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