Title: Back to the Beginning (2/9) Fandom: QAF Rating: G (for now) Summary: Michael finds out about Brian's news, and has to tell Justin. Disclaimer: If only it belonged to me. Alas. Earlier installments: One
I didn't intend to reply to your reply to Paddies, but I can't get to a comment screen any other way for some reason. Anyway...... 1) I liked the first installment but was concerned that it was going to be Brian/Michael since Cynthia phoned him rather than Justin. yikes! ;-) 2) very relieved that Mikey phoned Justin and that Justin is flying home. I liked this segment, especially the *Joan's will* part. That family..... ok, on to Chapter 3. oh, and just out of curiosity. Do you have a timeframe for this - I mean, how much after 513 is this?
No, definitely NOT B/M. But Michael is part of the Brian-universe, and therefore he has to be included, esp. when it comes to stories about the Kinney family. He's the repository of knowledge about Brian's youth that Justin and others have to tap (the other choice is Debbie), because Brian sure as heck won't talk about it.
Timeframe: Justin is 26, Brian is 38. About 3 years have passed. The passing references to their age will be more obvious in segments 3 and 4. There's still something going on between the two, although it's unclear exactly what--note that Ted is aware of Brian's desires when it comes to that resort client!
Comments 4
I love the Joan!twist in the end...I just hope it isn't going to be something too painful for Brian... *sighs*
And I'm glad that Justin is coming home! :D:D:D
Of course Justin is coming home. That's the kind of man he is.
Timeframe: Justin is 26, Brian is 38. About 3 years have passed. The passing references to their age will be more obvious in segments 3 and 4. There's still something going on between the two, although it's unclear exactly what--note that Ted is aware of Brian's desires when it comes to that resort client!
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