Not Easy - chapter 11

Dec 18, 2011 23:03

title : Not Easy
pairing : KyuMin , divorce!KyuHae , EunHae , ex!EunMin , siblings!HeeWook
raiting : pg-pg15
warning : girl!Sungmin , girl!Donghae , girl!Heechul , girl!Ryeowook
summary : Kyuhyun is a single dad with 2 beautiful daughters . What happened when his daughters could not accept his new love , Sungmin , who is also his secretary?

A/N : Because I feel bad that I didn't post a longer chap yesterday . Hope this is long enough

Chapter 11

Heechul was walking towards the cafeteria when Ryeowook came running
towards her .

"HEENIM!!!"Ryeowook shouted before she stood in front of her sister ,
"Appa said that Auntie Minnie will take us from school"
"What ?! When did he said that ?!"
"Before we went to school"
"And you just tell me now?!"
"Because appa said..."
"Appa said?"
"It's a secret"

Heechul glared at her sister and crossed her arms

"What do you want?"She asked
"Buy me ice-cream since I already tell you a secret"

Heechul rolled her eyes and walked towards the cafeteria followed by

Kyuhyun was signing some papers and check when Sungmin came into his
office . He didn't even looked up when Sungmin greeted him . And
that , made Sungmin pouted

"Anyway , Mr.Cho , I am going to take your daughters at 3PM . So , is
there anything you want me to do?"
"No"Kyuhyun answered . Still not looking up
"Mr.Cho , you seem ... Bothered . Is there any problems?"Sungmin asked
"Miss Lee , I'm busy"Kyuhyun said and signalling Sungmin to exit his
office .

Sungmin puffed her cheek and exited the office . She slammed the door
close . When she went back to her desk , she took out her phone and
typed a massage to Kyuhyun

To : KyuBear
From : Minnie


To : Minnie
From : KyuBear

I'm busy , Min . Don't disturb me

To : KyuBear
From : Minnie

Did I do something wrong ? Please don't ignore me like this T_T

To : Minnie
From : KyuBear

I don't want to be childish . But yes . You did

To : KyuBear
From : Minnie

I did what???

To : Minnie
From : KyuBear

Think for yourself

Sungmin almost throw her handphone while reading Kyuhyun's reply . She
really do not know what she did wong . It can't be about Eunhyuk .
Sungmin thought

She sighed . Well , what a great drama will be going on later .

Donghae was happy to see Eunhyuk again . She was teaching her students
dancing at her personal dance studio when Eunhyuk came to surprise .
Her students were squelling and some girls almost faints .

"I'm here to learn . So , continue"Eunhyuk said , giving Donghae a
gummy smile . Donghae smiled back and continue to teach .

"What are you doing here actually?"Donghae asked Eunhyuk when the
lesson ended , leaving only two of them in the dance studio .
"Can't I come to see my girl ? I miss you , you know"He answered after
drinking some water
"Whatever . You didn't even contact me when you're at your hometown"
"Ummm,,the signal is bad"He lied
"Yeahhh . I believe that"Donghae rolled her eyes . Eunhyuk smirked and
came closer .

"You know , you look totally sexy when sweaty like this . With your
hair is a mess . It reminds me of .... Sex"Eunhyuk whispered
naughitlly . Donghae lightly punched his chest and giggled

"Really ? Prove to me"

Eunhyuk almost attacked Donghae lips harshly . He kissed her lips
passionately and nibbled on her upper lips . Donghae moaned and
wrapped her arms around his neck . While Eunhyuk wrapped his arm
around her slender waist . They continued kissing and moaning .
Eunhyuk slowly crawled his right hand into her shirt . Suddenly he
pull away and frowned .

"What's wrong?"Donghae asked , panting
"You're wearing sports bra"

Donghae laughed and pecked his lips . "How about we continue this at
my place ?" she said while groaping his hard clothed cock and Eunhyuk
can't help but to moaned desperately

Sungmin already arrived at Heechul's and Ryeowook's school gate . She
turned up the heater a little bit because it feels so cold . And
Sungmin was so nervous .

She saw the school gate opened and students almost running towards
outside . Sungmin spotted the girls and exited her car . She waves her
hands and smiled .

Ryeowook waved back but not Heechul . Heechul glare at her .
Nevertheless , she followed Ryeowook who excitedly ran towards Sungmin .

"Hi girls ! Hop on !"Sungmin said . Ryeowook sat besides the driver
seat while Heechul sat behind

"So , how was school ?"Sungmin start the conversation while starting
to drive
"Good ! Heenim bought me ice-cream!"Ryeowook answered happily
"It's winter , wookie . It's not really a good idea"Sungmin said
"But I want it!"Ryeowook said cutely . Sungmin chuckled and ruffled
Ryeowook's hair.
"So , how was your school Heechul?"Sungmin asked Heechul
"Mmm"Heechul replied , looking outside
"Okay .... Since Appa will be home a little bit late . How about we go
to the mall first?"
"YEAY!!!!!!! When is the last time we went to the mall , Heenim ? Appa
and Umma always busy"Ryeowook said
"Really ? Thank God I'm here!"Sungmin said cheerfully and earned a
cute chuckle from Ryeowook and a groaned from Heechul . Great

They had so much fun at the mall . They as in Sungmin and Ryeowook .
Heechul just follow behind and being diva when some guys looked at
her . Sungmin bought Ryeowook a new Barbie doll and for Heechul , she
bought a beautiful light pink jacket . Heechul admits it was very
beautiful . But she didn't say it out loud . Sungmin and Ryeowook hold
hands during the shopping . This made Sungmin happy . At least , one
of the girls accept her . They had dinner at a Japanese restaurant and
Sungmin showed her Japanese language skills . Ryeowook was so
impressed and asked Sungmin to teach her .

About 8PM , they went back home . Kyuhyun was still working . The
girls seems a bit sad but they didn't say it out loud . When they
arrived at home , Sungmin asked the girls to clean up and do some
homework before go to bed . When the girls were doing homework in
their room , Sungmin came in with a tray of two glasses of milk and
cookies .

"Some refreshment"Sungmin said smilling while putting the tray on
their study table
"Thank you Auntie Minnie"Ryeowook said and drank her milk . Heechul ,
as usual , didn't say anything .
"Appa is not home yet?"Ryeowook asked
"No . He said he'll be late"Sungmin answered as she stroked Ryeowook
"But I'm already sleepy"
"You should go to the bed first . Finish your milk and eat these
cookies . Then brush your teeth and go to bed okay?"Sungmin said in
motherly tone
"You're not our mom"Heechul said as she stood up and walked towards
the toilet . Leaving Sungmin hurt
"I'm sorry . Heenim shouldn't say that"Ryeowook apologize
"It'a not your fault dear . Now finish your milk"Sungmin said before
she kissed Ryeowook's head

The girls already slept when Kyuhyun came home . When he entered the
main door , he saw Sungmin at the living room , sleeping on the
couch . Kyuhyun smiled . Because Sungmin seems so beautiful . He went
towards her and poked her thigh .

"Hey , Minnie"Kyuhyun whispered
"Haa ? Owh Kyu . You're home"Sungmin said in a sleepy tone . Kyuhyun
sat next to her and hugged Sungmin . Not to forget to kiss on her
"What time is it now?"Sungmin asked when she nuzzled into Kyuhyun's
"Almost 11"
"Why so late?"
"My business partner need to discuss something important . Anyway ,
are the girls asleep?"
"Yeah . They wanted to wait for you . But I asked them to sleep first"
"How was your day?"Kyuhyun asked , stroking Sungmin's back
"Not so good in the morning"
"Why was it?"
"Because my boss ignored me"Sungmin said sarcastically
"Oh really?"

Sungmin punched his chest lightly and then yawned

"I'm sleepy"She murmured . Kyuhyun chuckled and kissed her pinkish
lips .
"Let's go to bed now"Kyuhyun whispered at her ears and pecked under
her ears , teasingly . Sungmin can't help but to moan a little bit .
"Carry me will you?"Sungmin asked cutely and Kyuhyun sighed
"Alright my Queen"

kyuhae, eunhyuk, fanfiction, eunmin, eunhae, sungmin, ryeowook, kyuhyun, kyumin, heechul, not easy

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