Not Esy - chapter 7

Jul 03, 2011 13:45

title : Not Easy
pairing : KyuMin , divorce!KyuHae , EunHae , ex!EunMin , siblings!HeeWook
raiting : pg-pg15
warning : girl!Sungmin , girl!Donghae , girl!Heechul , girl!Ryeowook
summary : Kyuhyun is a single dad with 2 beautiful daughters . What happened when his daughters could not accept his new love , Sungmin , who is also his secretary?

Chapter 7

"I don't think this is a good idea"Sungmin said when she put her luggage in Kyuhyun's room or now should call as their room . Kyuhyun frowned when he heard that . He then hugged Sungmin from behind and sighed

"What made you think that?"
"I'm afraid the girls won't accept me"she said , almost whispering
"Nonsense . Sungmin , listen . I love you and the girls . And I want us to be a happy family"He said when he turned her around , holding her shoulder tightly
"I don't know"she looked away

Kyuhyun hold her chin and made her looked at him .

"Believe me"he said then kissed her softly on the lips

Eunhyuk was getting ready for a lunch with Kyuhyun . This is the second time he have a lunch with Kyuhyun . The first time was rather awkward because it was a week after Kyuhyun and Donghae divorced . The reason why he had lunch with Kyuhyun at first was because Kyuhyun wanted to say about how he should treat Donghae and everything . He knew that somehow Kyuhyun was still in love with Donghae back then , but now , he is not sure because Sungmin popped out of nowhere .

As an idol , Eunhyuk never fail to wear make-up a little bit even he does not have any schedule . So , he used BBcream and put on some powder and he is ready to go .

When Eunhyuk arrived at the restaurant and he spotted Kyuhyun's car and Donghae's too

"What is she doing here?"he asked himself

He walked out from the car and have his car key to the jokey . The waitress inside greeted him and showed Eunhyuk to a private room . When she opened the door , Eunhyuk saw it was a very luxurious setting and the table was so so big .

He saw Kyuhyun sat at the end of the table , Sungmin sat next to him with Ryeowook opposite of her . Donghae sat next to Ryeowook with Heechul opposite of her and an empty seat for him infront of Kyuhyun .

He bowed and sat on the chair .

"Uncle Hyukkie why are you here?"Ryeowook asked innocently
"Your appa asked me too"he replied with a gummy smile

"How is your holiday Eunhyuk-ssi?"Kyuhyun asked
"Boring . I don't know where to go"
"Maybe you should come and help me at the dance studio"Donghae said with an aegyo
"Donghae , stop it . You make me wanna .."Kyuhyun was cut when Sungmin pinched his thigh

"Anyway , let's order our food"Sungmin said as she smiled brightly to everyone

Sungmin and Eunhyuk didn't talked much . They don't want to disturb the family's meeting . Heechul and Ryeowook looked so happy to be able to have lunch with their parents . Sungmin felt bored and excused herself to the ladies . Eunhyuk felt bored too and excused himself . When he exited he saw Sungmin looked at a mirror situated just down the alley . He walked to her and noticed she froze .

"Hi Sungmin"he greeted and Sungmin just nodded .
"So , why are we here with them?"He asked , trying to open up a conversation
"Kyuhyun said that he wanted all of us to gather . Only that . Is that a problem?"she asked coldly
"No . Anyway , I never thought that I will be seeing you again"
"World is small isn't it ? I never thought that I will be meeting you with YOUR GIRLFRIEND . How awesome is that?"Sungmin said with a sarcastic smile
"Are you ...holding a grudge with me?"
"I don't know ... Maybe?"
"Sungmin listen . I didn't mean to break up with you"
"Really ? Wow , then why did you broke up with me ? "
"I .. I"

"I hate you , jerk"Sungmin said and walked passed him . Eunhyuk pulled her wrist and Sungmin turned to see a furious Eunhyuk .

"Let go off me"Sungmin said in a low voice
"Just , let me go !"

Sungmin struggled and Eunhyuk refused to let go of her wrist . With her free hand , she slapped Eunhyuk on the face . He slowly let her go and touched his cheek

"What is happening?"Donghae said with a shocked tone from behind . Sungmin turned around and saw everybody looked at them with a shock face .

"I ..I-"
"She is my anti-fan . I guess"Eunhyuk said with a stupid grin on his face
"I was curious and asked her a lot of things . She get annoyed and slapped me . I guess , I shouldn't annoy an ant-fan"

Sungmin looked at Eunhyuk with a shocked face . She didn't thought he would back her up . She bowed at everyone and walked away quickly . Kyuhyun ran after her , leaving everyone . When Kyuhyun catch up to Sungmin , he pulled her and saw she's crying

"Minnie , are you okay?"Kyuhyun asked in a worried voice . Sungmin didn't stopped crying and he hugged her tightly .

That night , Ryeowook and Heechul supposed to move back to Kyuhyun's house but since Kyuhyun don't want the girls see Sungmin's condition , he let them stay with Donghae for 2 days more .
When Kyuhyun finished shower , he saw Sungmin sat on their(his) bed looking at her phone . He sighed and walked towards the bed . Kyuhyun hugged Sungmin from the side and she hugged him , and pushed Kyuhyun on the bed so that she can snugged onto his chest .

"What's wrong baby?"Kyuhyun asked
"I'm....confused , tired"she mumbled
"Is it ....about , Eunhyuk?"Kyuhyun asked as he pat her head
"What about him?"
"He..I don't think we should talk about him"she looked up and saw Kyuhyun made a face

Sungmin sighed and sat up properly .

"He was my...Boyfriend"

kyuhae, eunhyuk, fanfiction, eunmin, eunhae, sungmin, ryeowook, kyuhyun, kyumin, donghae, heechul, not easy

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