Not Easy - chapter 6

Jun 12, 2011 17:24

title : Not Easy
pairing : KyuMin , divorce!KyuHae , EunHae , ex!EunMin , siblings!HeeWook
raiting : pg-pg15
warning : girl!Sungmin , girl!Donghae , girl!Heechul , girl!Ryeowook
summary : Kyuhyun is a single dad with 2 beautiful daughters . What happened when his daughters could not accept his new love , Sungmin , who is also his secretary?

A/N : this chap is ..urghhh.. anyway , WISH ME LUCK FOR MY EXCHANGE STUDENT PROGRAM INTERVIEW!!!!

Chapter 6

Sungmin slowly knocked on the door and went in after she heard Kyuhyun said come in . She bowed and stood in front of him , looking at her pink planner .

"Mr.Cho , you have 2 meetings today . The first one is with Kim Enterprise before lunch , and the other one is at 3PM with Busan Shipping Company ."Sungmin informed Kyuhyun politely
"Thank you . Is there anything else?"Kyuhyun asked , not looking at Sungmin as he was too busy checking some paper work
"Your daughter called"Sungmin said in a low voice , almost whispering and Kyuhyun looked up
"She did ? Who?"He asked , almost surprised
"Miss Heechul . She said that she wants to meet you , but I informed that you're busy today . Do you want me to call her again to inform anything?"
"Tell her , I'll pick her at school today"
"Mr.Cho , it's Saturday . She doesn't have school today"
"I forgot . Well, tell her , I'll meet her during lunch . At Donghae's house"
"I'll inform her a.s.a.p"
"And Miss Sungmin , let's go out for dinner tonight"Kyuhyun said smiling cheekily
"I'm sorry . I have a date with my boyfriend tonight"Sungmin chuckled and went out from his office , not to forget to wink seductively at him before she closed the door .

It was 12PM and Eunhyuk was still on the bed , sleeping soundly . How great it is to be wake up so late and don't have to worry about going to work . And Eunhyuk is starting to get used to it . I love my life , he said when he opened his eyes . It's already a week since he had his break and he started to get a little bit boring .

Eunhyuk stood up and stretched . He looked at the mirror and praised his hot body . It's not easy to maintained 6 pack or chocolate abs like his fans said .

He didn't bother to wear shirt only his boxer when he went out from his room . The lunch was already served , thanks to his maid . He drank strawberry milk that was given by his maid and read newspaper suddenly , his phone rang .

He looked at the caller ID and it showed unknown number . He sighed and picked up but didn’t utter a word

“Hello?”He heard a familiar female voice
“Hello?”she said again when Eunhyuk didn’t reply
“Err,, Hello?”Eunhyuk responded
“Is this Mr.Eunhyuk?”
“Yes . May I know who you are?”
“I’m Miss Lee Sungmin from the Cho Company . Mr.Cho wanted to have a dinner or maybe lunch with you tomorrow . He asked me to call you for confirmation . I supposed you know who is Mr.Cho right?”Sungmin said . She sound professional but cold . It made Eunhyuk’s heart beat faster and hurt .
“Y-yes . Sungmin?”Eunhyuk said slowly
“Mr.Eunhyuk , are you free for lunch or dinner?”
“Sir , please call me Miss Sungmin . And lunch or dinner?”Sungmin tried to change topic . She hates that she had to call Eunhyuk and wanted the cnversation to end soon
“Sungmin , I..”
“Mr.Eunhyuk , I have important matter after this , so please don’t waste my time”she said firmly
“Lunch”Eunhyuk said quickly . Afraid that Sungmin will be mad at him
“Lunch it is . I’ll call you back to tell what time and where . Have nice day , Mr.Eunhyuk”
“Sungmin wait!”
“Please , call me Miss Sungmin.”
“H-how .. is your ..l-life?”Eunhyuk asked , stuturred
“Never been better . Thanks for asking . Have a good day Mr.Eunhyuk”
“WHAT IS IT?!”Sungmin lost her tempered and Eunhyuk fell silent . He heard Sungmin sighed and continued talking
“What is it?”she asked with a calmer voice
“N-nothing . I hope that we co-”
“Sorry , Mr.Eunhyuk . Mr.Cho call me . Good bye”

Sungmin hang up and Eunhyuk still had his phone near his ear . He was shocked . Never in his wildest dream that Sungmin will call him again . He smiled then frowned .


He said softly . Eunhyuk’s past suddenly came up on his mind . He still remembered the time before he moved to Seoul . He was madly in love with Sungmin . Sungmin was a nice girl . They were in a relationship almost 3 years . Sadly , broke up after Eunhyuk debuted . Sungmin was always there for Eunhyuk . Eventhough they had a rough time when Eunhyuk move to Seoul but they still managed to contact with each other . Eunhyuk just could not forget the innocent Sungmin . The one that he fall in love with . And when he met her at Kyuhyun’s house , she is a different person . Even her looks is different . Everything seem to change , he said in his mind .

Donghae was exhausted . Teaching people dancing is not an easy task . Especially when there is someone who don’t know how to dance but had to due to the agency’s rules . Lee Donghae had produed many incredible dancer like Eunhyuk . She fell in love with Eunhyuk when he taught Eunhyuk dance personally . He is an incredible dancer and Donghae never forget how Eunhyuk practiced untill late night just to show the agency his ability .

Donghae was proud of him . She accidently confessed to Eunhyuk one day before Eunhyuk debuted . Eunhyuk said yes . Why wouldn’t he said no . Donghae is nice , sexy but cute , awesome dancer and understands him .

They dated secretly because Donghae was still married to Kyuhyun that time . Unfortunately , they were busted when Kyuhyun saw them dating at a park . Kyuhyun didn’t get mad but he refused to talk to Donghae for almost 2 months . Donghae suffered a lot that time . She did anything she can to make Kyuhyun forgive her . She even broke up with Eunhyuk -Though they did not wanted to- . And Kyuhyun just said to Donghae he wanted to divorce . And that’s it . They divorced and Donghae back to Eunhyuk .

Donghae smiled when suddenly she thinks all about those past tragedy . Kyuhyun was right , they need to end this because they didn’t fall in love when they married at first place . They married because Donghae was pregnant and Kyuhyun , being her friend , helped her by agree to marry with her . Unfortunately , Dongahe had a miscarriage and she was not being herself and once again , Kyuhyun helped her by trying to love her .

When they officialy divorced , Kyuhyun said the most hurtful thing to Donghae which made her realised that she loves Kyuhyun . He said

“All these years, I gave you my money , my life , my love and babies so that you will be Lee Donghae that I know , but you didn’t realised that . And you love some other guy . I know you don’t love me like I loved you . Now , I think my love towads you is 0% . Have fun with your life , Lee Donghae”

kyuhae, eunhyuk, fanfiction, eunmin, eunhae, sungmin, ryeowook, kyuhyun, kyumin, donghae, heechul, not easy

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