Too Perfect for Me - oneshot

Mar 06, 2011 15:02

title : Too Perfect for Me
pairing / characters : Kyuhyun / Sungmin
rating : pg
genre : fluff , angst
warning : girl!Sungmin , character death
summary : “I love you” .. “But we can’t be together. You are too perfect for me”

Slowly, she walked along the beach. She felt nothing but only sadness. Looking at the sunset makes her heart clenched tighter. Why does this have to happened to me? She asked to herself . Then , her tears started to rolled down her flawless cheek . She hates that all of this had too happen so fast . She miss him . Sungmin miss Kyuhyun .


“Stop it , Sungmin”Kyuhyun groaned when Sungmin tried to wake him up . She puffed her cheek out and whined loudly when Kyuhyun cover himself with the white quilt

“Kyu , wake up! You promise me to bring me to the park”she said as she pulled the quilt . Kyuhyun groaned and sat up but still closing his eyes . Sungmin smiled in victory . She sat on Kyuhyun lap and cupped his face .

“Wake up now honey”she said cutely while shaking his face side to side . Kyuhyun couldn’t help himself from smiling and slowly opened his eyes to see his beautiful Goddess . Kyuhyun let out a heavy sigh and wrapped his hand around Sungmin’s waist

“Why is my princess so excited?”he asked as he nuzzled at her neck
“We’re going to the park remember?”
“Fine . But where is my morning kiss?”

Sungmin chuckled and kissed Kyuhyun’s cheek . He looked at her with his unsastified face and pouted . Sungmin smiled and gave a light peck on his lips . He smiled and pushed Sungmin on the bed so that she lay on the bed with him on top of her .

He tickled her and Sungmin can’t do nothing but only laughed . He loves it when she laughed


“Do you love me?”she asked suddenly when they were cuddling on the sofa after watching a love story .
“Of course . You are my everything”he said before kisssed her forehead
“Promise me you would not leave me”
“Kyuhyun-ah”she whined
“Promise me”

Kyuhyun chuckled and hugged her tighter and hummed Sungmin’s favourite song - Please, Athena OST

Sungmin closed her eyes as Kyuhyun stroked her hair softly . Then , she fall asleep with all the light touches Kyuhyun gave her .

“You are too perfect for me , Sungmin”he whispered at couldn’t stop himself from crying


“Don’t leave me , Kyuhyun!”Sungmin said between sobs as she pulled his arm . Kyuhyun didin’t even looked at her and continue to pull his luggage and walked towards the elevator . He ignored all the cries and screams .

“Kyuhyun , please”she begged and still , being ignored

Sungmin fall on her knees and hugged Kyuhyun’s leg , not wanting to let go eventhough he pushed her all his might

“Let go”he said with a low tone

“No ! Don’t leave me . I love you”

Kyuhyun stopped struggling and sighed . He clenched his fist tightly and thought how stupid he was right then . Then , he crouched on the floor and hold Sungmin’s shoulder tigthly so that she’ll let go off his leg .

“Sungmin listen . You are too perfect for me . We can’t be together”he said , looking directly at her teary eyes

“But I love you”she said between sobs

“No Sungmin , you don’t love me .”

“I do!”

“No . Sungmin , listen . You can have someone better , someone perfect . And that person is not me”

“Don’t leave me”

“I’m sorry”he said while tigthen his grip then stood up and pressed the down button on the elevator . When he entered the elevator , Sungmin was still on the floor crying and calling his name . He felt bad but he doesn’t have any other choice . Kyuhyun banged his head on the wall and screamed on top of his lung .


It’s been a week since he left her . And she didn’t even bother to go out . Because she knew that she won’t be able to find him . Only the sound of the television can be heard in that silent apartment .

How she missed his kisses and his hugs . How she missed everytime he said I love you to her . She missed the time when they make love . She missed his beautiful voice that always sings for her . She missed his laugh and she missed his manly scent . Out all , she missed him the most . Kyuhyun . The guy that helped her from getting raped by some idiot man at one dark street .

Immediately , she fall in love with him and now , he left her without telling any reasons why .

Suddenly , something on the television caught her attention . Kyuhyun’s picture . Sungmin gasped as she read the news headline


She was speechless and cried harder than before . Only God knows , how she felt that time . Heartbroken , mad , sad . How stupid she was falling in love with someone that she didn’t know that much . She only know his name and what he likes and dislike .


Sungmin opened her mailbox and noticed a pink letter wrote To My Goddess Lee Sungmin on it . She felt suspicious and opened the letter

To my beautiful Goddess Lee Sungmin ,

By the time you have opened this letter , I might not alive anymore . I’m sorry that I have hurt you . I love you , but we can’t be together . And I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you why I have left you .It’s hard for me to explain to you . Enough with the explnation of someone threaten me to hurt you if I didn’t gave myself in . Sungmin , if someone came and find you , run . Run away from that place and never go back . I was a bad person . I realised it when I met you . You changed my life , Sungmin . It hurts me that I have fallen to someone as perfect as you . Because you are too precious , too perfect for me Sungmin .


From somone who loves you even after he’s dead , Cho Kyuhyun

Tears started to roll down as she finished reading that letter . Sungmin tried to control her emotion but when all the memories with him floaded back in her mind she felt like everything ruined .


I love you , Kyuhyun . Even you hurts me a lot . I still love you

kyuhyun, fanfiction, kyumin, oneshot, super junior, sungmin

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