i am young and fabulous!

Oct 04, 2008 13:30

that's what i like to say to myself and the people around me who need a little encouragement from time to time. it's a good way to help create (or at least simulate, hurhur) some sort of positivity when challenges are about to test what you are made of. it works, seriously.

anyways, a sort of stranger asked me a few days ago, "so how have you been?". I replied with an okay, not bad. Then I sat down to think for a couple of minutes and asked myself, "no really, how are you?"

Only then, did it dawn upon me that in the past few months, nothing earth shattering has happened. i did not win the lottery. no one died. i have a job. i have friends. and family who care. and as of recently, i forgot that i have actually been somewhat carefree! which is just absolutely awesome.

i am still young and fabulous!

i can't wait to focus on doing something new, something good for myself. and i must say, sketching is an amazing late-night de-stresser. some talented youtubers have been giving me some good sketching lessons. there's alot of amazing talented undiscovered people out there.

and i don't know how to end this post. my nose is full of mucus. it's all runny. hurhur. ok bye.

so remember, we are all young and fabulous and there's nothing that can take you down!
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