[Drabble] Kiss Me

Oct 21, 2021 22:25

Nino had a song stuck in his head since he woke up this morning. He couldn't get it out at all. The problem was he couldn’t figure out what the song was. He thought of googling the lyrics. But, it won’t come out no matter how hard he tries. The only thing he had was the melody. But, it was only in his head. He couldn’t hum it to Aiba so that his friend could help him figure out what song it was. So, he had been restless all day, trying to get rid of the song. And, when he was restless, he became grumpy.

Tonight, he had a party to go to. His friend, Jun, forced him to go, saying he wanted to introduce Nino to a friend. Of course, Nino refused to attend but Jun wouldn’t take a no as an answer. So, here Nino was, alone at a party where he knew no one else with an unknown song stuck in his head.

From afar, he saw Jun with another guy. His friend pointed at him, perhaps urging the other guy to go and see him. Nino stayed where he was, staring at the other man who started walking towards him. Not bad, he thought. The man was around the same height as Nino. He was chubby, which made him look cute. When he stopped right in front of Nino, Nino couldn’t stop staring at his beautiful brown eyes. Right at that time, the lyrics of the song became clearer.

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance

Silver moon's sparkling


“KISS ME!” Nino shouted excitedly when the title of the song finally came to him. He totally forgot about the man who was standing in front of him. The other guy blinked his eyes, confused by what he did. Then, he smiled sheepishly before he said.

“Okay, if that’s what you want,”

The man leaned forward and put a kiss on his lips. Nino’s eyes widened, shocked because of what the man did. But, Nino couldn’t blame the man. It was his fault. He shouldn’t blurt out the title of the song like that. Besides, he enjoyed the kiss even though it was only for a moment. He wanted more.

“Hi, I’m Ohno Satoshi,”

“Ninomiya Kazunari,” said Nino, smiling shyly at the man.

A/N: The song is Kiss Me by Sixpence none the richer. I haven't listened to the song for a while and it suddenly appeared in my playlist today. That's how I got the idea for this drabble.

drabble; ohmiya; fanfic;, fanfic

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