Will you love me? - Part 4

Sep 20, 2021 23:48

The man couldn’t take his eyes off the phone on the table, afraid that if he did so, he would miss a call from a very important person. However, no matter how long he waited, it wouldn't ring. Why?  Why wouldn’t it ring? Why wouldn’t the other person call him? Didn’t he miss him? Or, had he moved on from him?

Maybe he should call the other person first. But…

He shook his head. No, he won’t call him. The person would call him first, he knew it. He just had to be patient.

Time passed but there was no phone call from the other person at all. The man let out a sigh. Seemed like it’s over between the two of them. Tears started flowing out, regretting what he had done. If only he wasn’t too prideful…

“Good morning, Nino!”

Toma greeted him the next morning. Feeling refreshed after talking to Aiba, Nino decided to get to work early today and he was the first to arrive. He found a note on his table, which was from Toma, informing him about the progress on the project they were working on. At the bottom of the note, Toma wished him to get better soon, which brought a smile to his face, happy to know someone cared about him.

“You look better today,” said Toma, sitting across from him. “I prefer to see you like this,”

Nino could only smile, wondering how different he was yesterday. For starters, maybe he was too quiet. At the office, he was known as the one who talked the most. Yesterday, he was too preoccupied, thinking about Ohno and barely talked to his colleagues.

“So, what happened?” asked Toma. “Does it have anything to do with your boyfriend?”

In the office, other than Jun, only Toma knew about Ohno. He only knew the bare minimum, though, having bumped into Nino and Ohno once. The nature of Nino’s relationship with Ohno prevented him from letting anyone else know about it. Ohno was a boyfriend who didn’t act like a boyfriend. That would be too shameful if anyone else found out about that. If Toma didn’t bump into him while he was on a date with Ohno, the man would also be clueless, just like the others.

“We just broke up,” informed Nino. Only the two of them were at the office now. It wouldn’t hurt to let Toma know.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” expressed the man, looking at Nino with sympathy. “Did he hurt you? Do you want me to beat him?”

Nino couldn’t help but laugh, being reminded of the conversation he had with Aiba last night. His new friend had also offered the same thing. Toma, on the other hand, pouted when he saw his reaction, perhaps thinking that he was being ridiculed by Nino.

“I’m serious, Nino,” said Toma. “You looked terrible yesterday. So, I don’t think the relationship ends well. What happened? Did he cheat on you?”

Nino sighed. In a way, it was true. Ohno is still in love with his ex-girlfriend despite being in a relationship with Nino. Shouldn’t that count as cheating?

“No,” denied Nino. Toma didn’t have to know the details. “We’re just… we’re not for each other,”

From the look that Toma gave him, Nino knew his colleague wanted to ask more. But, being respectful, he didn’t say anything regarding the relationship. He simply wished Nino well before the two of them began their work.

Jun arrived soon after and went straight into his room. Nino watched his retreat figure, debating whether he should go and meet his boss. Aiba had advised him to apologize for leaving without saying anything to Jun after the confession. But…

His thoughts were interrupted when Jun appeared once again, narrowing his eyes at Nino.

“I don’t expect to see you today, Ninomiya,” said Jun. He didn’t look awkward at all, acting as if he hadn’t confessed yesterday. Hmm, should Nino also do the same, then? Should he pretend that the confession didn’t happen?

“I apologize for causing trouble yesterday,” responded Nino. “I feel so much better today so I think it will be okay for me to come to work,”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” ensured Nino. “I will do my work properly today,”

“Okay then… if you say so,” said Jun. He looked away for a bit, seeming hesitant before he added. “Can you come to my room for a moment? I need to discuss the project with you,”

Nino readily agreed with the instruction despite the fear he had. What if Jun started talking about yesterday once they were alone? He wasn’t ready to talk about it.

Regardless of how he felt, Nino followed the boss, feeling Toma’s curious eyes on him as if the man knew that both Nino and Jun wouldn’t be talking about the project.

Nino took a seat and waited for Jun to begin. The boss, however, squirmed on his seat, evidently nervous. It was weird seeing Jun like this since he was always brimming with confidence. There could be only one explanation for him to be like this, Nino deduced. It had to be because of his sudden confession to Nino.

“Matsumoto-san…” Nino decided to be the one who broke the silence. “About yesterday…”

Jun took a deep breath the moment Nino mentioned the incident that happened yesterday. Before Nino could continue, Jun put his hands up, signalling Nino to stop. Nino only nodded.

“I mean it,” Jun finally said. “It’s not a joke. I really mean what I say. I love you,”

Yesterday, when Nino first heard the confession, he was dumbfounded, not knowing how to react. And, this time, he was calm as he was already prepared to have this conversation with Jun. At first, he thought Jun was joking and was just messing with him. However, thanks to Aiba, he started to see this from a different perspective and was convinced of Jun’s feelings.

“I appreciate the feelings but…”

The disappointed look on Jun’s face made it hard for Nino to continue. The man looked away, refusing to meet Nino’s eyes. He swallowed hard before smiling half-heartedly at Nino.

“I know you will reject me,” said Jun. “But, it wouldn’t hurt to give me a chance, right? I can help you forget your ex-boyfriend,”

The words that came out of Jun’s mouth made Nino sigh. It reminded him of how his relationship with Ohno started. At that time, he was ready to be rejected by Ohno. But, the man surprised him by accepting him. He wondered why. Was it because it was hard to say no? It could be. Because right now, Nino couldn’t say no to Jun. Not when Jun was looking at him with hope.

Was this how Ohno felt back then… back when Nino confessed to him? Did Nino look at Ohno the same way Jun was looking at him right now? If so… Nino shook his head, willing his heart not to be defeated by Jun. He didn’t want Jun to suffer, to hope. Rejection would be the right action to take. What Aiba said yesterday might be true… maybe Jun could be the one who would make him happy. Still… Nino didn’t think it was right to accept Jun just because of that. Jun deserved to be with someone better. Someone who loves him.

“I’m sorry, Matsumoto-san,” Nino said. “It’s just… I don’t think it’s right to accept you. It will only hurt you. I’m not over him. I cannot love you… not when I’m still in love with him,”

This time, Jun looked straight at him and asked him something that he couldn't answer.

“If you are still in love with him, why do you break up with him, then? Isn't it too early for you to give up?”

Because it's stupid to be in a relationship when you know it will lead nowhere.

That was what he wanted to tell his boss. But, nothing came out of his mouth because he didn't expect Jun would ask something like that.

To his surprise, Jun took his hand that was on the table. The action reminded him of what Ohno did in front of Minami. The man squeezed his hand and then looked at him again. Eyes full of hope.

"I don't want to force you," said Jun. "I know it's weird of me to ask you to go out with me when you have just broken up with your boyfriend," The man paused to take a deep breath before he continued. "But, please go out with me tomorrow night. Maybe you will feel something for me, maybe you will not. And, if you still don’t feel anything for me, I will stop bothering you,"

Nino’s eyes wandered around the hospital, looking for the familiar face of Aiba Masaki. He needed some advice from the man because of what happened this morning. Because he was stupid, he had agreed to go out with Jun tomorrow night. Was that the right decision? He had no idea and that’s why he needed to talk to Aiba.

Why couldn’t he just call or text Aiba? Once again, he was stupid. He didn’t have his new friend’s phone number. Thank goodness, he remembered the name of the hospital where Aiba worked. And, since it wasn’t far from his office, he decided to visit the man during his break. Hopefully, Aiba would be there. If he was not mistaken, Aiba would be working in the morning today.

And, now, he felt stupid again as he had no idea where he should be looking for Aiba. The man told him a lot of things yesterday but certainly, he didn’t tell Nino which department he was working at. Ah, this was so stupid! He was wasting his time by coming here.


When he heard his name being called, he almost jumped in joy. It must be Aiba. Who else would know him in this place, right? However, when he looked up, it wasn’t Aiba who stood in front of him.


Well, Nino didn’t expect to see Ohno’s best friend in the hospital. They hadn’t seen each other for a while. The man was too busy with his job, according to Ohno. Nino narrowed his eyes, looking at what Sho was wearing. A doctor coat. Sho worked as a doctor, he realized. This was a surprise. Granted, they were not close. Ohno was the only thing they had in common. They had only met a few times whenever Sho came to visit Ohno in the university. But, the man was quick to realize Nino’s feelings for Ohno and already warned him to be careful. A thought struck him. Did Sho know about the break-up? Had Ohno told him about it?

“What are you doing here, Nino? Are you sick?” Asked Sho worriedly.

Nino quickly shook his head. “No, I’m fine. I’m here to see a friend. Hmm, do you happen to know a nurse named Aiba Masaki?”

“Aiba-chan? Of course, I know him,” Sho chuckled. “He is very popular in our department. Come with me. I’m heading there now,”


“Yes, all the kids love him,”

Nino let out a long ‘oh’, realizing that Aiba must be working in the pediatric department. Well, that suited him.

“So, you are a paediatrician? I never know,”

The doctor responded with a chuckle. “Well, we didn’t know much about each other because we only talk about Satoshi. By the way, how is he? I haven’t seen him for a while,”

Nino scratched his head, not sure how he should respond. Sho didn’t know about the break-up yet and Nino didn’t want to be the one who told him about it. He had a feeling that he would get a lecture from Sho. The man already warned him that it wasn’t a good idea to be in a relationship with Ohno.

“Oh no! Don’t tell me…”

Nino only nodded. The man wasn’t dumb. Of course, he could figure out what happened between them based on his reaction.

“Come on, lecture me. Tell me how stupid I am. There’s no way…”

“Satoshi is so stupid!” Sho cut him off, clenching his fist. “I’m gonna punch him,”

Okay, another person who wanted to beat Ohno. As someone who knew Ohno personally, Sho could be the first one to do so. He could then introduce Ohno to Aiba and they both can beat Ohno together. Nino didn’t expect to get this reaction from Sho. But, he was glad that Sho sided with him despite being a friend of Ohno.

“When did this happen?” Asked Sho. “I have no time to meet him but I call him sometimes. The last time I talked to him was a week ago and he didn’t tell me about it,”

“Well… I dumped him two days ago,”

“You dumped him?” Sho’s eyes widened. “Serves him right! I’ve told him. He is my friend but I am so embarrassed because of the way he treats you. I keep telling him to treat you better. If not, you will leave him. Looks like it finally happens. What did he do? Why did you decide to leave him?"

Nino was spared from reliving the awful memory when Aiba showed up in front of them. The man couldn't hide his surprise when he saw Nino and Sho together.

"Eh? You two know…"

Sho's phone chose to ring at that moment, interrupting Aiba. The doctor looked at the phone, cursing.

"It's your ex!" Informed Sho, looking at Nino. "Excuse me while I go and scold him,"

“You know Sakurai-sensei?” Asked Aiba, tapping Nino’s shoulder. The man was impatient. Sho was still within earshot. “What did he mean when he said your ex? Did he know the stupid Ohchan?”

“Yes, they are best friends,” answered Nino. “Anyway, are you busy? I could use some advice right now,”

“Sure, I’m on my break,” agreed Aiba. “Let’s go to the cafeteria,”

Nino let Aiba bring him to the cafeteria. Since Nino wasn’t hungry, they went to take a seat and without wasting any seconds, Nino briefly told him what happened in the office this morning.

“I’m so stupid, right?” lamented Nino. “I shouldn’t agree to go out with him. It’s too early to date another person,”

And, I’m not ready to move on from Ohno. He kept that part to himself.

“I don’t think you’re stupid, Nino-chan,”

“It’s just… I don’t have any romantic feelings for him. Going out with him won’t change anything. So, why do I agree?”

“Maybe you don’t have any feelings for him yet because you only know him as your boss,” said Aiba, talking from a different perspective. “Maybe when you go out with him tomorrow, you will see a different side of him and who knows, you will be attracted to him. You have promised to go out with him, right? Let’s honour the promise, okay? If you still don’t feel anything for him after that, it will be his turn to honour his promise,”

Nino wasn’t entirely convinced by the argument. But, Aiba was right. The damage was done. He already promised Jun a date and that would be what he would give Jun. And, one thing he was certain about Jun… the man would never break a promise. So, if he said he won’t bother Nino anymore if Nino still hadn’t felt anything for him after the date, he believed Jun would honour the promise.

And, that’s what he did the next day. Waiting for Jun to pick him up for a date. At first, he insisted that Jun shouldn’t come to pick him up. However, the manager reasoned that since it could be the only time he would have a date with Nino, he wanted to do it properly. So, Nino gave in and let the man do as he wished. Only one date, after all. He was certain of it. Nothing would ever change between him and Jun.

Nino was nervous, thinking of what to wear for the date. When he dated Ohno, they always went out after work. So, he simply wore his work attire. Besides, Ohno wouldn’t even care what he wore. With Jun… well, for starters, it would be on Saturday. He could just dress sloppily but he wanted to at least show that he put in effort for the date. In the end, he decided to ask Aiba for his opinion.

Aiba suggested that Nino should go for a casual look. He chose a pair of dark wash jeans for Nino, pairing with a long-sleeve henley. A jacket was also added to the coordination since it was pretty chill right now. Nino agreed without any objections.

As Aiba was working the night shift, he didn’t wait for Jun to come. That was a relief for Nino. It was embarrassing to have Aiba here when Jun came. He glanced at the clock and at the same time, Jun sent a text message, informing Nino that he would be here soon. Nino took a deep breath, praying that everything would be fine. Not long after that, he heard the doorbell and quickly went to answer the door. However, to his shock, it wasn’t Jun at the door.

“I’m sorry, Nino. Give me another chance… please!”

Nino couldn’t believe what he saw. Was it really Ohno standing in front of him?

However, before he could process what he saw, Jun appeared from the elevator. Without thinking, he pushed Ohno away.

“It’s too late, Ohchan,”

He hurried towards Jun, leaving Ohno alone.

It’s too late…

The words resounded in him as he watched his ex-boyfriend with another person. Why? Why was he so stupid? Why was he so slow? He had a chance to be happy with Nino but he blew it away.

Now, there’s nothing he can do to get the man back.

A/N: I hope this is okay. And, I also hope it isn't too late for Ohno to get Nino back.

ohmiya, will you love me

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