It's Kazunari, not Kazuya - Part 2

Jan 06, 2021 23:53

The office was almost empty. Aiba and Jun had left for an appointment, leaving Nino alone with Sakurai, who hadn’t come out of his office after assigning him a task. With no one to talk to, Nino felt lonely. Well, at least, he had a job to do so that made him feel less bored.

He took a sip of tea he had made earlier and grimaced because it had gone cold. Glancing at Sakurai who still had his eyes on the computer screen… good, the man wouldn’t notice it, Nino thought, he pointed his finger towards the tea and then chanted a word that would sound strange in this world. A moment later, sparks could be seen flying from his fingers and went into the tea. He sipped it and... Ah, it’s hotter now!

He shut his eyes, enjoying the warm tea. Tasty!


Nino was forced to open his eyes when he heard the sound. He almost cursed to see Jun standing in front of him. His friend didn't smile. Instead, Jun was glaring at him. And he knew why.

"I've told you, right?" Jun said, trying to keep his voice low. "No magic,"

"I know," He retorted. "But, there's no one around,"

What he said did nothing to soften the look on Jun’s face. On the contrary, the other man was looking at him with a scowl on his face because of the way he dismissed the matter. Nino knew he was at fault. But, no one saw what he did, right? So, what’s the big deal?

“What if Sakurai-san sees you?” Jun said, tilting his head towards Sakurai’s direction. Nino glanced at the boss and then rolled his eyes at Jun. Sakurai was too preoccupied with his work. There’s no way he would notice what Nino did.

Nino let out an exasperated sigh. Since his arrival, Jun kept reprimanding him for carelessly using his magic. Okay, admittedly, it was difficult at first to stop relying on magic. So, he didn’t mind when Jun scolded him. But, today was a different story. He knew Sakurai didn’t see him do anything. In fact, he was sure that even Jun didn’t see him either.

“Did you even see me doing it?” He finally snapped. “I bet you just sense the magic, right?”

The snort that came out from Jun confirmed what he thought. Nino wasn’t the only one who could do magic here. As someone who came from the same place as him, Jun could also do the same. In fact, it was Jun’s magic that brought them here.

“I want you to be careful,” said Jun, sounding frustrated. Hearing the tone of his voice, Nino felt guilty for snapping at him earlier. “I don’t want people to know about us. I don’t want them to know that we’re different,”

Nino nodded his head with a promise that he would be careful. It’s understandable why Jun was a little edgy. His family wouldn’t allow him to return yet because of Nino.

“I’m sorry,” Nino said, earning a confused look from Jun. “If I didn’t bump into you…”

“It’s okay,” Jun cut him off before he could finish. “It’s my choice to bring you here,”

Nino didn’t say anything. Jun didn’t want to talk about it and he respected the decision. The two of them were silent, unaware of what the other was thinking about. For Nino, he was reminiscing the day he met Jun. But, before his mind could drift off, Ohno suddenly appeared. He seemed to be in a bad mood and it intensified when his eyes met Nino’s.

"Kazuya!" The man yelled, surprising both Nino and Jun. Once again, he had called Nino by the wrong name. And yet, Nino couldn't correct him. Well, who could when the boss was glaring at him?

"This is all your fault. You have to take responsibility,"

"Eh?" Nino was confused. What did he do? Why was the boss angry at him? He had no idea at all.

"Don't play dumb!" The boss continued. "Because of you, Mei-chan is angry at me!"

Nino blinked his eyes. He still didn't understand why the boss was throwing a fit and blamed him. Who was Mei-chan? Why was she angry at Ohno? And why was it Nino's fault?

"I had a date with her this morning. But, because of your interview, I was late and she was sulking. I brought her shopping and bought her stuff. But, she still refused to talk to me. Her mood improved after I bought her a diamond necklace. But, now she is angry at me again because I left her in the middle of our date. Sho-chan called me to get back to the office. Apparently, he found out about the meeting I have with a client from an email that you read. Who asked you to go through my emails, Kazuya? I didn't give you permission, right?"

“I did,” said Sakurai calmly. Ohno’s loud voice had alerted him of the commotion. Nino was glad that his other boss appeared. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to calm Ohno who was now pouting when he saw Sakurai. Nino merely checked Ohno’s email as instructed by Sakurai to see if Ohno had an appointment today.

“Satoshi, apologize to Ninomiya-san,” ordered Sakurai. But, Ohno didn’t do so. Instead, he continued glaring at Nino’s direction.

“I don’t want,” mumbled Ohno. He sounded like a small child. And weirdly, Nino thought he was cute when he was sulking like this.

“Stop being childish, Satoshi,” said Sakurai. “Ninomiya-san is not at fault here. If it isn’t for him, I will not know you have an appointment with Honda-san today. You know he is a big client, right? Have you finished the design that he wants?”

Ohno didn’t say anything. He simply answered with a shake. Sakurai, on the other hand, took a deep breath. He appeared to be calm. But, Nino could see the fury that he tried to conceal.

“Go and do it now,” ordered Sakurai. “Later, Ninomiya-san will join the meeting,”

Ohno stared sharply at Nino but he didn’t object. He hurried towards his room, clearly afraid of Sakurai. But, before he left, he stuck his tongue out at Nino, who widened his eyes in disbelief. Wow, his boss was quite childish. That’s unbelievable.

Once Ohno left, Sho directed his attention to both Nino and Jun.

“That girl is a bad influence on him,” said Sakurai to Jun, who nodded in agreement. “We should do something about it,”

“She doesn’t even love Ohno-san,” Jun said, voicing his opinion. “She just wants his money, right?”

“Obviously,” Sakurai agreed. “Ah, why couldn’t Satoshi see that? I have talked to him about this but he refuses to listen to me,”

Nino tuned out the rest of the conversation. He didn’t know Ohno’s girlfriend. So, it’s better if he didn’t say anything about her. Instead of joining their conversation, he should focus on his work. However, he found himself staring at Ohno through the glass window. Hmm, why couldn’t he take his eyes off the man?

“Ninomiya-san…” Nino jerked in surprise when he heard Sakurai call him. “Are you okay?”

“Ah, sorry,” Nino quickly apologized. Did his boss and Jun see what he did earlier? Did they know he was staring at Ohno? “Do you need anything, Sakurai-san?”

“Have you finished going through all his emails?” asked Sakurai. Nino answered with a nod. There were a lot of unread emails so it took some time for Nino to finish reading all of them. He opened a file in the laptop that he used and showed his boss all the appointments and deadline for Ohno.

“Wow, this is great!” Sakurai exclaimed, looking at the planner that he made for Ohno without blinking his eyes. He was totally in awe. “You have been doing good so far, Ninomiya-san. I couldn’t thank you enough for letting me know about the appointment with Honda-san. He is our big client. I couldn’t afford to upset him again,”

Nino smiled shyly at his boss. He was happy to be complimented.

“As I’ve told Satoshi, you will join the meeting with Ohno-san. This is the file about the project,” Sakurai put a document on Nino’s table and then looked at his watch. “You still have two hours before the meeting. Go through as much as you can so you know what it will be about, okay,”

Nino answered with a nod. Sakurai smiled at him and then excused himself to get back to his office. Once he left, Ohno suddenly came out of his room.

“Kazuya, I am thirsty,” yelled Ohno from the door. “Make me a cup of tea,”

“Okay, Ohno-san,” Ah, the man still called his name wrongly. When he sent the drink later, he should correct him.

“Why are you still standing there?” rebuked Ohno. “Go now!”

Nino hurriedly went to the pantry to make the cup of tea for Ohno as requested. He didn’t want his boss to be mad at him. He quickly prepared the drink and then sent it to Ohno’s room. The man ignored him as he put the tea on the table. Instead of doing his work, Ohno was staring at his phone with a pout.

“Here is your tea, Ohno-san,” Nino said. “Do you need anything else, Ohno-san?”

His boss scoffed before he sipped the tea that Nino had prepared for him. He didn’t say anything about it so Nino assumed it was okay for him to leave. He took a step towards the door but Ohno stopped him.

“Who said you could go, Kazuya?”

Okay, this time, it would be okay to tell Ohno his real name, right?

“My name is Kazunari, Ohno-san. Not Kazuya,”

“Whatever. I will call you whatever I want,” Ohno dismissed him. “Mei-chan is still angry at me. So, you have to do something about it, Kazuya!”

Nino tried to remain calm. He didn’t like it when people called his name wrongly. But, he couldn’t scold his boss. So, what should he do?

“Do you hear me, Kazuya?” said Ohno when Nino remained silent. From the playful smirk on Ohno’s face, he could see that his boss deliberately called him Kazuya to annoy him.

“Yes, Ohno-san,”

“Good! After the meeting, I will have dinner with Mei-chan. You will come with me and tell her everything that happened today was your fault,”

Huh? That was a ridiculous request.

“You will come with me, Kazuya,” Ohno repeated the order.

“But, that’s not my job,”

“Of course it is your job, Kazuya,” Ohno retorted. “You are my PA. It’s your job to make my life easier,”


“No but. You will come with me. That’s final,” said Ohno and even though Nino was reluctant, he nodded his head. Ah, why did Ohno force him to go? He didn’t think he could survive to see Ohno with another girl.

A/N: Today is my birthday so I wrote this as a gift for myself. Hahaha.
We know a little bit about Nino in this part. Seems like he can do magic and Jun could also do the same thing. As for Ohno, he is so childish. I apologize for making him like this. But, I actually enjoyed writing him with this kind of personality. And, Nino is also attracted to Ohno. Would something happened between them? Let's see ne.
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy reading this fic. Let me know what you think of it, okay? It will be very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, it's kazunari, fanfic

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