OhMiya Family - Happy Birthday, Papa (Part 2)

Jun 16, 2020 23:35

"Umai!" Kazu commented as he took the first bite of the hamburger steak that Satoshi made for him.

"Of course, I am a good chef," Satoshi responded. He couldn’t eat yet, focusing more to feed Jun first. Their little baby had just woken up grumpily, asking to be fed. So, Satoshi volunteered to do it.

Kazu smiled gently at his husband, glad that Satoshi would be the person he spent the rest of his life with. After their marriage, he quit his job and helped Satoshi with the administration of the camp. However, with three children now, it’s difficult to help Satoshi. So, he stayed at home to take care of the children. Sometimes, he would bring them to the camp to let them play.

“Yes, Daddy is a good chef!” Masaki agreed. “This hamburger is very delicious,”

Nino smirked, noticing a chance to tease Masaki.

“So, you prefer Daddy’s cooking over mine?” He pretended to be sad. Satoshi rolled his eyes in response to what he did.

“No!” Masaki denied quickly. “Papa’s hamburger is delicious,”

“So, Ki likes Papa’s hamburger or Daddy’s hamburger?” He asked. It didn’t matter but he just wanted to tease Masaki, who seemed to have a hard time deciding.

“Papa, stop teasing Ki!” Sho said when he saw the look on Masaki’s face. “We love both,”

Kazu smiled softly at his sons, loving the way Sho protected Masaki from his tease. “I’m sorry, okay, Ki,”

“It’s okay,” Masaki answered. “Ki loves both,”

They continued eating, not in silence, of course. Sho seemed to have a lot of questions about the way the universe worked and sometimes Kazu didn’t even know how to answer them. But, he would still try to give the best answer to his curious son. From time to time, he would glance at Satoshi and Jun, a little jealous to see the way Jun behaved when he’s with Satoshi. Kazu always had a hard time feeding him but it didn’t seem to be the case for Satoshi. In fact, Jun was always calm when he’s with Satoshi. He never saw the baby smack his Daddy’s head, something that he always did when he’s with Kazu. But, it could be because Kazu loved to tease Jun. His favourite prank on Jun would be hiding Jun’s toys when he was playing with them. Ah, he totally enjoyed teasing the baby.

After they were done eating their lunch, Satoshi brought the cake from the kitchen and sang happy birthday for Kazu. Sho and Masaki sang along with him while Jun babbled in his own language when he saw the others were singing. It was amusing to watch Jun and he couldn’t stop laughing.

Satoshi put the cake in front of him. “Make a wish before you blow the candle, okay?”

Kazu shut his eyes, wishing for the happiness and well being of his little family. “Let’s blow together,” He told Sho and Masaki. And the two of them blow the candles with him.

Once the flame from the candle was out, Satoshi asked them to pose for pictures before they ate the cake. Kazu picked Jun up from his chair against his will and kissed his cheeks to annoy him. The baby retaliated and as usual, he smacked Kazu’s head. As he wanted, the moment was captured in one of the pictures they took.

The house was peaceful and silent in the evening. Masaki and Sho took their nap in the living room while Jun was sleeping in his room.

Kazu rested on the couch. He put his head on Satoshi's chest as his husband gently stroked him. It felt so comfortable.

"Satoshi…" Kazu said in a daze.


"Have you ever thought about how different our lives will be if we never met?"

Satoshi shook his head. "I couldn't imagine a life without you or our sons. It would be… urgh… it must be boring. My life right now is perfect because I met you,"

Kazu smiled, remembering Satoshi when they first met. The guy was so strict and he didn't like it when people made fun of him. It was the reason he didn't like Kazu back then. But, now, even though he rarely teased their sons, if he saw Kazu teased them, he would join him sometimes.

"In another timeline, when I didn't go to the camp and we never met… I think I would still be alone. I wouldn't even consider settling down with a family,"

"You would probably marry your job or games,"

Kazu laughed. It was possible.

"And in another timeline…" Kazu added. "If I went to the camp but you didn't save me… hmm… maybe, I'm not even in this world anymore,"

Satoshi became stiff when he mentioned the incident. He stopped stroking Kazu. "Hmmm… don't mention the incident anymore. I don't like it,"

Kazu sighed and raised himself from his position so he could look at Satoshi's face properly. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I just think… well… even though it was traumatic for me, I'm glad that it brought us closer. If it didn't happen, we might still hate each other,"

Satoshi gave him a small smile. "When you didn't show up that day, I thought you're acting up. But, I know… you might be childish… but you are not irresponsible. Even though you're reluctant to do all the tasks, you still tried to complete them. So, it didn't make sense for you to act up. That's why I decided to look for you. I'm sorry for thinking badly of you at first,"

"It's okay," Kazu assured him. "I didn't give you a good first impression, after all,"

"I love you, Kazunari," Satoshi said all of a sudden. But, it wasn't a surprise at all. Satoshi would sometimes randomly express his love for Kazu. And after Kazu had dampened the mood by bringing up the incident, it made sense for Satoshi to say those words. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too," Kazu responded. He leaned forward for a slow and steady kiss with Satoshi, glad that they weren't bothered by anyone this time. It's rare to be alone with Satoshi nowadays so he should appreciate it. Any seconds now, one of their kids might wake up.


A second after they let go of each other, Jun’s voice could be heard through the baby monitor. However, he wasn’t crying. He was just babbling in the language only he could understand. Kazu and Satoshi frowned as they looked at each other. It was rare for Jun to wake up without crying. The two of them went to Jun’s room to make sure he was okay.

When they entered the room, Jun was lying in his crib and laughed happily when he saw the two of them. Kazu picked Jun out of the crib and the baby didn’t protest this time.


Kazu almost dropped the baby, too surprised with what he heard. Did he hear correctly? Did Jun just call him papa?

“Did he…”

Satoshi nodded his head in response. Oh my, Jun had called him papa. It was his first proper word. Kazu was overwhelmed and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. This was a very touching moment. The two of them always quarrelled but Jun had called him first before Satoshi even though Satoshi was his favourite. Man, this was the best present ever!

“Call me Papa again, Jun!”

But his little son ignored him as he played with the button on Nino’s shirt.

“See… he called me first before you,” He smiled triumphantly at Satoshi who stuck his tongue out at him in return.


Satoshi let out a mirthful laugh. “It was easier to say Papa than Daddy,”

“Not a valid reason,” Kazu countered. “Sho chan’s first word is Dada. Jun could also do the same. Right, Jun?”

But the boy didn’t respond. Instead, he asked to be passed to his Daddy which Kazu happily did. Jun could spend his time with Satoshi but it wouldn’t change the fact that his first proper word was Papa.

Kazu smiled remembering how Satoshi had boasted about Sho’s first word back then. It was a bummer for Kazu but the situation was reversed with their second child. Masaki’s first word was Papa and Kazu kept bragging about it. Looked like he had a chance to do the same again.

He ruffled Jun’s hair, which made Jun look at him with a glare. Truthfully, he didn’t expect the best present he would get this year would be from Jun. Spending his birthday with his little family and hearing Jun called him Papa as his first word… wow, this was the best birthday ever!

A/N: Happy birthday, my cute little brat, Ninomiya Kazunari. I love you so much!
Did you watch Johnny's Happy Live today? I just finished watching it. It's truly wonderful. I'm having so much fun watching Arashi, V6 and Kinpuri.
I hope this is okay. I wrote this based on the idea gave by a friend. Gambitsfox had suggested the idea about the retreat camp for the birthday fic. But, as I could not figure out how to link it with the birthday, I decided to use it for how they met. And, I believe I still owe ninonia_earth a fic about sick Nino. I will try to write that later.
Anyway, I didn't give much details about the accident that brought them closer for a reason. I want to write another fic in this universe. So, if you want, I would write a fic of how they first met.
I have a favor to ask. If you have read my previous fics, can you please participate in this poll? I want to know which fic that I wrote is your fav. I'm truly grateful for those who already voted. And when I saw what the first person voted for, I am overwhelmed. It's my fav out of the everything that I wrote. I totally didn't expect someone will love the fic as it was truly a personal fic for me.
I'm rambling too much, ne? Thanks for reading. Hope I didn't bore you. As always, comments are very much appreciated.

ohmiya, ohmiya family, fanfic

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