How Dare You! - Epilogue A

May 21, 2020 00:46

Nino was lying on the bed with Ohno on top of him, kissing him all over his face and neck while muttering 'I love you' repeatedly. They were still dressed but it won't be for long because Ohno had started working on his shirt.

However, before they could do more, Nino started to giggle and it caused Ohno to stop moving.

"Kazunari…" Ohno whined. He sat on the bed, giving Nino a pout. "Why are you laughing? You spoil the mood!"

"I'm sorry," Nino apologized, still laughing. "It's funny because usually, Aiba will show up around this time,"

"Urgh…" Ohno looked away from him. He was clearly sulking because of what Nino said. "He isn't here but he can still ruin our sexy time,"

"Awh…" Nino said, getting up from the bed to shower Ohno with kisses. He pushed Ohno to lie down on the bed but Ohno didn't want to respond. "Don't be jealous of Aiba. I'm sorry, okay,"

As there was still no response from Ohno, he started to tickle Ohno's stomach. To his surprise, Ohno suddenly reversed their position and he was once again trapped under Ohno's body.

"Because you’re thinking of Aiba during our sexy time, I will punish you,"

"Guilty as charged," Nino said as Ohno took off his shirt. "I'm ready to be punished,"

When Nino woke up the next morning, Ohno was nowhere to be seen. He was probably in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the two of them. Nino was too lazy to get up from the bed, blaming Ohno for it. So, hopefully, Ohno would bring breakfast into their room.

Nino looked around the room with a smile. After dating for a year, they finally decided to live together. Alone, this time. No Aiba to bother them when they wanted to… hmm… he smiled once again thinking of all those times Aiba had accidentally entered his bedroom or knocked on his door when he and Ohno were together. He didn’t think it was an accident. The timing was too perfect.

His smile grew wider remembering the day they had decided to live together. What happened on that day was similar to what happened yesterday. They were kissing in his bedroom and were ready to do more when Aiba walked in.

“Nino, I have some…” Aiba stopped mid-sentence when he realized Nino was not alone in his room. This time, he truly looked like he didn’t plan to walk in on them. Something was bothering him. “Oopsie… I don’t know Ohchan is here. I’ll talk to you later,”

He quickly left, leaving Nino with a pouting Ohno.

“Stop pouting,” Nino pinched Ohno’s chubby cheeks. “You didn’t lock the door so it’s your fault,”

“He will knock on the door,” Ohno countered, not wanting to admit his mistake. “You better check on him. It seems like he has something important to tell you,”

“Are you okay with that?” Nino asked for confirmation. “I’m sure he can wait,”

Ohno nodded his head to assure him. Nino then gave him a quick kiss. This was what he loved about Ohno. He never made Nino choose between him or his friends.

Aiba wasn't in the living room when he checked. So, he went to his room, knocking the door twice before he entered. Aiba was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about, Aibaka?" He asked, lightly smacking Aiba with the pillow. Aiba was surprised to see him in the room and sat next to him on the bed.

"Are you done?" Aiba asked.

"Nah…" He answered, pretending to look angry at Aiba. "There's no way I can focus. I have to talk to you first. What do you want to tell me?"

"Sorry," Aiba gave him an apologetic look. "I didn't know Ohchan is here,"

"It's okay. You better tell me what happened before my boyfriend gets cranky. Did Sho chan do anything to you?"

Not too long after the incident with Serina took place, Sho had finally decided to confess to Aiba and the two began their relationship.

"Sho chan… he asked me to move in with him,"

Nino wasn't surprised to hear that. Sho had recently accepted a job offer from another company. This would limit the time he spent with Aiba as they no longer worked at the same place. Made sense if he wanted them to live together.

"You didn't say yes?"

"I told him I will think about it. I don't know. I'm afraid that if we start living together, he might lose interest in me,"

Nino put Aiba's head on his shoulder and started to pat it. Aiba was always cheerful but he didn't have enough confidence in himself. He always thought that Sho deserved better than him. But, for Nino, they're the best couple. They complimented each other.

"Don't be ridiculous," He said. "Sho chan loves you. There's no way he will lose interest in you,"


"You're the kindest person, Aiba chan. You deserve to be happy with the person you love. And that person is Sho chan. He knows everything about you, every strength and every flaw. He accepts everything about you. He helps you whenever you think of a stupid experiment to do. Even though you're a bit weird and perverted, he still loves you. So, tell me, what will make him lose interest in you?"

"I'm not perverted," Aiba mumbled.

"Really?" Nino teased. "How many times did you walk into my bedroom when Ohchan and I are… you know what I mean, right?"

"That was unintended," Aiba defended. The cheeky smile on his face kinda betrayed what he said, though.

"Do you want to move in with him?"

Aiba nodded his head. "I want to. I will tell him about my decision. But, how about you, Nino? Are you okay to live here alone after I move out?"

Nino rolled his eyes as Aiba had just said the stupidest thing ever. "I'm not alone. Ohchan is with me. He is practically our roommate now,"

Aiba grinned idiotically at him. "But, Ohchan only stayed over on weekends. How about weekdays?"

"I'm sure if I told him about your decision to move out, he will be happy to stay here permanently,"

And he was right. When he told Ohno about Aiba's decision to move out, Ohno quickly voiced out his desire to live together with him. However, instead of continuing to rent at the place that he shared with Aiba, they decided to buy a new house. So, after months of finding a house and waiting for the loan to be approved, they officially moved into a new house a couple of weeks ago. And, today, they’re going to have a housewarming party, inviting only their family and friends.

The sound from his phone distracted him from the memories. He took his phone and noticed there was a text message from Jun.

What’s up, brat!

Are you awake?

Nino quickly responded to the text because he knew why Jun texted him early in the morning.

Morning, diva!

I’m awake but I’m exhausted.

It’s Ohchan’s fault.

Jun didn’t reply to his text. Instead, he called Nino.

“Brat,” Jun greeted him. “I’m not interested to know about your private activity with Ohchan,”

“I know. I just want to tell you,” Nino said, teasing his friend. “It’s early! Why do you call me? Do you miss me?”

Even though he couldn’t see Jun, he was sure his friend was rolling his eyes right now.

“Not at all,” Jun responded, didn’t try to hide how annoyed he was because of Nino. “I’m going to the supermarket now. So, I’ll be at your house in one hour or so. Make sure you’re not doing something naughty around that time,”

Both Ohno and Nino had decided to use Jun’s cooking skill for the housewarming party today. And his friend happily agreed to cook for them for free. He even volunteered to do the groceries for them because he didn’t trust them to buy the correct ingredients.

“I can’t guarantee, though,” Nino answered, still in the mood to tease Jun when Ohno entered the room, bringing breakfast with him. He glanced at the tray that Ohno brought with him, happy to see Ohno made blueberry pancakes for breakfast today.

“Fine,” Jun said. “If you don’t open the door when I ring the bell, find another chef for your party,”

“Okay, I will open the door when you ring the bell but I can’t guarantee what you will see,”

“NINO!” Jun yelled in annoyance. Nino had to move his phone slightly because it was too loud. Ohno shook his head, smiling to see how he teased his best friend.

“Sorry, Jun pon,” Nino said. “I just want to tease you because you’re so cute when you’re angry,”

“Shut up!”

“Don’t be angry, please,” Nino pretended to plead. He doubted Jun was angry at him. He was just annoyed. He smiled widely when he heard a sigh from Jun.

“You’re lucky I love you,”

“Awh, that’s so sweet to hear,” He responded. “I’ll wait for you. Text or call me when you’re almost here, okay,”

“Okay,” Jun agreed. “But, remember to behave properly,”

“Yes, Jun pon,” Nino said, ending the call. Then, he gave his attention to Ohno who was looking at him with amusement.

“Blueberry pancake!” Nino said excitedly when Ohno put the tray in front of him. “Yeah!”

“Yes, honey, pancake for you,” Ohno said, kissing the corner of his lips. “I really admire the way you teased Matsujun. He is scary when he’s angry but you’re not afraid of him,”

“He is just a softie, Ohchan,” Nino explained. Everyone was afraid of Jun because he looked intimidating. But, if they truly knew Jun, they would know that he wasn’t as scary as he looked. “He is not scary at all,"

“I am still afraid of him. He wants to punch me, remember?”

Nino laughed, remembering the old story. Yes, Jun wanted to punch Ohno for hurting Nino back then. But, he didn’t get the chance to do so because Ohno was shot by Serina and he thought it was a better punishment for Ohno.

“Only if you hurt me,” Nino countered. Once Nino and Ohno resumed their relationship after what happened with Serina, things were weird between Ohno and Jun. Even though Jun had given Ohno a blessing to be with Nino, he was still hostile towards Ohno. It took time for him to warm up to Ohno again but as Ohno had proven he was serious with Nino this time, he started to treat Ohno nicely.

Speaking of Serina, well, the bitch didn’t bother them anymore after what happened to her. She had lost her legs because of the accident and had to be taken care of by other people so of course, she cannot destroy other people’s lives anymore. She had once requested for Ohno to come and see her but Ohno ignored her. Serves her right!

Well, even though Nino hated her, he had to admit that having her trying to destroy his relationship with Ohno had its own silver lining. It taught both of them to be honest and trust each other. The relationship had been smooth after she was gone. They would argue sometime but they learnt to react maturely whenever there was a problem in their relationship.

“You make the best pancake, Ohchan,” Nino said as he took the first bite of the pancake that Ohno made for him.

“I know,” Ohno said smugly. “Hey, this will be the first time our parents meet, right?”

Nino nodded his head. His mouth was full so he cannot speak properly. But, once he swallowed his food, he couldn’t stop himself from laughing remembering the first time he brought Ohno to meet his family.

“Laughing again?” Ohno asked with a frown. “What’s so funny this time?”

“Just remember how my sister teased you,”

Ohno’s face turned red and it made Nino laugh even harder.


ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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