The Boss & The Secretary - Going shopping

May 07, 2020 01:03

“You’re pregnant?”

As expected, Aiba’s voice went up an octave higher. Nino nodded his head, confirming what Aiba had said.

"Oh my God!" Aiba shouted excitedly, beaming with happiness from ear to ear. "This is so exciting!"

Nino had to close his ears because of how loud Aiba was. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Jun recording the reaction as he had promised.

"How far along are you?" Aiba asked. But, before Nino could answer, he bombarded Nino with another series of questions without letting Nino answer any of it.

"What did the doctor say? You have seen the doctor, right? Do you know the gender of the baby? Have you decided on the name? Can I be the uncle? Why don't you take a break until you give birth to the baby?"

All the questions are making Nino dizzy. Thankfully, Ohno noticed it and immediately asked Aiba to give Nino some space. Aiba only pouted in return. That's when he realized Jun and his phone.

"What are you recording, Matsujun?"

"Your reaction," Jun answered. "Before you arrived, we had a bet on how you're going to react. Nino is the winner. He said you would scream when you hear the news,"

Aiba tilted his head as if he had just realized something. He gave Sho a confused look. "Why aren't you surprised?"

"Because I already know about it," Sho answered calmly. Aiba's eyes widened and he pouted once again.

"So, am I the last to know?" Aiba sounded gloomy. It was rare to see the cheerful guy look so sad. It didn't suit him. "How could you tell them before me? We should find out together,"

"Cutie didn't tell them, Aiba chan," Ohno was the one who answered. "You're the first person he told about the pregnancy,"

"But… they already know," Aiba still sounded like a sulking child.

"I told Sho because I was too excited," Ohno explained. "And Jun knew because he saw Cutie's belly,"

Aiba had his attention on Nino’s belly before he mumbled. "I just thought you're getting fatter,"

"Everyone thought I am getting fatter,"

Aiba suddenly giggled and went closer to Nino. The change in his mood was too sudden. No one would believe that just a minute ago, he was brooding because he was the last one to know about Nino's pregnancy.

"Can I touch your belly?" Aiba asked sheepishly. Nino blinked his eyes. He was too surprised with the sudden request. "I want to feel the baby,"

"No!" Ohno protested, sounding like a jealous boyfriend. "You cannot touch Cutie's belly. Only I can touch it!"

"But, I want to feel the baby!"

"No! You cannot touch the belly!"

"Who says you can decide? It should be Nino's decision,"

"Of course, I can! He is my…"

"STOP" Sho yelled. But, it didn't stop the two of them from quarrelling.

"It's not my fault, Sho chan!" Aiba said. "Ohchan is being unreasonable. I just want to…"

"And I said no!" Ohno cut him off.

"Why? It's not your belly. You don't have a say,"

"Of course, I have! What's inside the belly is mine,"

Nino couldn't stop laughing when he watched them. Ohno and Aiba had always got along so well so it's weird to see them squabble.  It was even funnier to think they were fighting because of his belly. But, he stopped laughing when the two of them glared at him.

"Let me decide okay," He offered. "Aiba chan, I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable letting you touch my belly,"

Ohno smirked at Aiba upon hearing what Nino had said. He purposely put his hands on Nino's belly to make Aiba jealous, knowing that Nino would allow him to do so. When Aiba saw what Ohno was doing, he pouted, causing Nino to feel bad.

"Let's wait until it becomes bigger," Nino continued and this time, the situation was reversed. Aiba was grinning while Ohno looked at him with puppy eyes, expecting him to change his mind.

"Let's eat," He said, trying to distract them from talking about his belly. "I'm starving,"

When they heard what he said, both of them looked worried to hear he was starving.

"Wait here," Ohno said. "I'll put the meal on the table,"

Ohno quickly left for the kitchen with Aiba followed behind to help him.

"That was the weirdest argument I've seen," Jun remarked once the two were out of earshot.

"Me too," Sho agreed. "And it's very unlikely to see the two of them argued,"

They heard the sound of Ohno and Aiba laugh in the kitchen. Nino rubbed his belly, thinking of what Ohno had told him before. Ohno was right. He would not be alone to raise this baby. His friends were with him and he was very happy to have them in his life.

A few days later, Ohno brought him to a mall. He said they should start preparing for the baby. Nino wondered if it was too early to prepare but he followed Ohno, nevertheless. He can't wait to see baby stuff like cute clothes and toys.

"I want to buy some paints," Ohno informed him as they entered the mall, holding hands. "I want to renovate the guest room. I want to make it our baby room,"

That was a good idea. Ohno was a good painter, after all. "What do you want to paint?"

Ohno rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful. "I have a few designs. I'll show you later,"

Ah, so that's what Ohno had been doing with his sketchbook. Nino can't wait to see the design.

"We should look for your clothes too," Ohno suggested as they were looking around the mall, deciding which section to go to first.

"Why?" Nino inquired. "I've enough clothes,"

"But once your belly becomes bigger…" Ohno looked uncertain to continue. Knowing what he meant, Nino hummed in agreement. Ohno was right. He needed to buy new clothes too.

"How do you feel today?" Ohno looked at him with concern. "Do you feel dizzy?"

Nino shook his head. Before they went out, he felt dizzy. But, he kept it as a secret because he didn't want Ohno to cancel their trip to the mall. Well, it didn't matter because he felt better now.

They entered a baby store and Nino’s eyes widened to see a lot of baby stuff in the store. He went to the centre, pulling Ohno with him to look at a cute stroller. When he saw the stroller, he started to imagine strolling in the park with Ohno and the baby. Ah, it’s going to be lovely. He checked the price and gasped realizing how expensive it was.

“It’s cute but it’s so expensive,” He commented. “Let’s look at the clothing, shall we?”

He pulled Ohno to the clothing section. He started by looking at the mittens and hats. Oh my, they’re so adorable. He couldn’t wait to put them on his baby.

“They are so small,” He told Ohno. “I can’t wait to see our baby wearing them. Oh my!”

He shouted excitedly when he saw a cute set of clothes with a cape. Once he was done admiring the clothes, he started to run around the store excitedly, looking at each item in the store with excitement. Ohno only shook his head as he tried to keep up with him.

“Aren’t you going to buy anything?” Ohno asked as he was looking at the romper collection.

Nino shook his head. “They are too pricey. I want to look at other stores too,”

“Okay,” Ohno agreed. “But, if you like any of them, just get it, okay? Don’t worry about the price,”

Nino nodded his head. “I need to go to the washroom,”

“Sure, let’s go together,” Ohno was about to follow him but he stopped him.

“I’ll be fine to go on my own,” He told Ohno. Even though Ohno was reluctant, he finally let Nino go on his own.

The washroom was empty when he entered. He quickly relieved himself. Since he was pregnant, it was actually hard for him to control his bladder. Once he was done, he washed his hands. That’s when someone entered the washroom. When he turned around, he blinked his eyes, surprise to see Kenta on the door.

“Hey, beautiful!” Kenta said with a smirk. “I’ve been looking for you,”

A/N: I apologized if this wasn't good. If you don't remember who Kenta is, he's the one who wanted to buy Nino from his step father but Ohno stopped him. As always, comments are appreciated :)
I will post the next part of How Dare You after this.

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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