You're Beautiful - Part 6

Feb 10, 2019 13:08

Happy. Nino felt happy. He had thought his happiness would be when he was playing games. But, there were no games to be played here and yet, Nino was still happy to be here. And, it's because Satoshi was here with him.

"Satoshi, what are you doing?"


"What are you drawing?"

"Y... Nothing,"

Nino wasn't satisfied with Satoshi's answer. He knew Satoshi was drawing something in his notebook. It was the notebook that Nino bought for him on their first anniversary. He wrote Satoshi's name on the front page of the book, earning a disapproving look from Sho because he used unfamiliar words on it. But, he didn't care what Sho was thinking. The most important thing is Satoshi loves his gift and had been using it to draw.

He scooted closer, trying to see what Satoshi was drawing. Satoshi was too preoccupied in his drawing so Nino used it as an advantage to take the book from him.

He laughed when Satoshi screamed at him for being sly before proceeding to see the drawing. However, he ended up blushing to see himself reflected in the painting. Was this really him? No, it couldn't be. He wasn't as beautiful as the person in the drawing.

"Zumi chan, you ruined my surprise for your birthday!" Satoshi said with a pout.

"This is my gift?" Asked Nino. But, Satoshi shook his head.

"I practised in the book first. This is my first time drawing a person. Once I'm satisfied, I will draw a big portrait of you and put it in our bedroom,"

Nino smiled shyly at his prince. What did he do to deserve such a kind prince who loved him so much? He wrapped his arm around the prince's neck and kissed him deeply.

"I love you, Satoshi,"

"I love you too, Zumi,"

Nino smiled as he gazed at the happy face of Aiba and Sho. It felt good to be in love. Once upon a time, he had also felt the same for someone and now, he was happy to know that his friend finally had a chance to feel the same happiness.

It was evident they are really in love with each other. He loved the way Sho looked at Aiba lovingly when the other person was making a stupid joke. It was too adorable watching how Sho took care of Aiba. He was glad that Aiba can find someone to share his life.

How about him? Is he happy? He used to think that his happiness is with Satoshi. But, he cannot reunite with Satoshi. Is it time to find happiness with someone else? Or can he be happy by himself?

His last memory with Satoshi was too short. Satoshi was drawing a picture of him when they were attacked by a group of rebels who were trying to conquer the country. They didn't have the time to escape because the attack was too sudden. The rebels tried to kill Satoshi. But, he stopped them.

He saved Satoshi by taking the blow for him.

He didn't know what made him so brave to defend Satoshi at that time. But, he was glad that he took that chance. It gave Satoshi time to escape and a chance to be alive. The only thing he regretted was...

He didn't say goodbye to Satoshi.

"Satoshi..." That was his last word.

He felt pain, the same pain he felt when he first arrived here.

Then he heard a sob next to him. Is he dead? He remembered pushing Satoshi away when the leader of the rebels tried to stab him. As a result, he was the one getting stabbed. He remembered Satoshi screamed, trying to get to him but Sho pulled him away to escape. He didn't blame Satoshi for leaving him. No, Satoshi didn't leave him. Sho was the one who made Satoshi go. But, it's okay cause Satoshi needed to live.

He opened his eyes, trying to see where he was. To his surprise, he was in the hospital. He found it hard to believe. He was back in the present.

But he wasn't happy about it.

Nino closed his eyes, seeing Satoshi as he did that. Then, he opened his eyes, seeing the same face he saw in his imagination peering at him with concern. For a second, he thought it was Satoshi. But, reality struck him. It wasn't Satoshi. It was Ohno.

"Are you okay?" asked Ohno softly.

"Yes. Just sleepy,"

"Do you want to sleep here? We have an extra room," suggested Sho. But, Nino shook his head.

"It's okay. I can go home myself,"

To be honest, he cannot even walk. His head felt heavy. Maybe he should take the offer to sleep here.

"I'll send you home," said Ohno, taking his hand. Nino was too dizzy so he nodded his head, didn't really comprehend what Ohno just told him. As he was too dizzy to walk, Ohno gave him a piggy ride.

"You are so light. Do you even eat?" Asked Ohno as he heard the others saying goodbye to him. He didn't say anything, simply put his head on Ohno's shoulder, thinking of how pleasant Ohno's smell was.

Ohno woke up early that morning. Once he woke up, he immediately took a shower before preparing breakfast. Then, the lawyer would wake Nino. He didn't know what time Nino go to work but it must be early.

He wondered if Nino will freak out to find himself on Ohno's bed. Nothing happened between them because he slept outside. The lawyer knew that sending Nino home would be better. However, knowing that Nino lived with his parents, he didn't want to bother them. That's why he decided to bring Nino to his house.

After finished making breakfast, Ohno went to his bedroom to wake the other guy. He wasn't surprised to see Nino was already awake. Nino was looking at a stack of books on his shelf. He took one of the books and looked at it confusingly.

Ohno knew the book. It was the book that he took from the storeroom on the day Nino broke his heart. Ohno never read the book. He only looked at the drawing. It was the diary of one of his ancestors. But, he loved having the book in his room. In a way, it felt like the book was his.

"Ah," said Nino when he noticed Ohno came into the room. "I didn't mean to read your diary,"

Ohno looked carefully at Nino. Was it his imagination? He realized there was something sorrowful with the way Nino inspected the diary. It could be far-fetched. However, something told him that Nino had seen the book before. That was when a strange thought occurred to him as he remembered the drawing on the last page of the diary. But... it's impossible, right?

"It's not mine. I found it in the storeroom. It's weird, though. The owner had the same name as me," said Ohno, taking the diary from Nino and then turned to the last page of the diary. "His wife looked just like you,"

He was surprised when Nino began to tear up as he showed him the last page. Eh? What happened?

He didn't know what to do. But, he had to comfort Nino. So, he pulled Nino closer to him and hugged him. The moment he did that, he heard the other guy sobbing. He wanted to have a better look at him. So, he tried to let him go. But, Nino stopped him. Instead, he hugged Ohno even tighter.

"I miss him," said Nino in a low voice.

"Was it you? The woman in the last page?" He asked carefully. Slowly, things started to make sense now as he remembered what Nino said when he broke his heart years ago. He told Ohno that the person he loves has the same name and face as Ohno. Could it be that the person was the owner of this book? Was he Ohno’s ancestor? How could that be?

But, Nino didn't answer him. Instead, he kept on crying and Ohno let him be.

"I'm sorry," Nino finally let him go. "I shouldn't do that,"

"It's okay. Hmm... Let's eat breakfast. You need to go to work, right?"

He was surprised when Nino shook his head.

"It is my day off. I have to continue my research. Even so, I don't think I can do it. Can I stay here for a while?" Asked Nino. Ohno nodded his head.

He was about to leave but Nino held his hand, preventing him from going anywhere. It's okay. He didn't want to leave at all. He wanted to be close to Nino now, after seeing how broken he was after seeing the diary. But, he didn't want to push Nino to talk. He will wait until Nino is ready.

"If I tell you something, will you think of me as crazy?" Asked Nino.

Ohno stayed quiet for a while, thinking of the best way to answer Nino.

"I will listen to whatever you want to tell me. Even if it sounds crazy," said Ohno. He didn't think Nino realized what he was doing right now. The doctor was too sad to think. If this was the usual Nino, there's no way he will talk to him about what happened back then.

"I met him when I was in a coma..." Nino started his story as Ohno listened carefully. Nino met a guy who had the same name and face as him while he was in a coma. Then, he was married to the other Ohno, whom Nino called fondly as Satoshi. Ohno admitted he was a little bit jealous with Satoshi when he listened to the story. However, he wouldn't let his emotion controlled him right now.

"It's crazy, right?" Asked Nino once he finished the story. Ohno shook his head, which caused Nino to look at him surprisingly.

"I believe you. The diary here is the proof of what happened to you was real. Even though I never read what Satoshi wrote, I looked at the picture he drew. Trust me, whatever he drew here was the memory he had with you. It was the same as what you told me," said Ohno and then he turned to a page where there was a drawing of a couple on the bed with a pillow between them.

"Maybe you should read what he wrote. From what I see, he often drew the memory he had with you. Maybe what he wrote was something that he couldn't tell you," said Ohno. "I will leave you alone here. I'll be outside if you need me,"

This time, Nino didn't stop him from leaving. He was surprised to know he was okay with it. The lawyer decided to take today off. He never takes leave before. Most probably, everyone in the office will find it weird. Except for Jun, maybe.

For the first time in his life, he didn't blame fate for making him fall in love with Nino back when they were still teenagers. He didn't blame destiny for taking Nino away from him. And he didn't blame the fate for making them meet again after a long time.

As he listened to Nino's story, he noticed how he was taking Nino's feeling for granted. He knew Nino was in love with him. That's why he never shows him how much he cared for him. Unlike him, Satoshi showed to Nino how much he treasured Nino. No wonder Nino fell in love with Satoshi. When he realized he's going to lose Nino, it's too late. At that time, there was nothing he could do to gain the love again. Nino was already in love with a guy who treasured him.

Then, they were separated when Nino went to Canada. He tried to forget Nino even though it was hard. So, he distracted himself with work and hobbies. But, nothing could make him forget Nino. Once again, he blamed fate when he met Nino again. Things weren't easy for them in the beginning. However, it started to change when he decided to take a fresh start with Nino.

If he decided to continue with his ego, he might not know what he knows now.

If Nino told him all of these back then, he knew what his reaction going to be. He will accuse Nino of making up a story just to dump him. The young Ohno was too emotional. But now, knowing the story when he was older and mature made him think of it from a different perspective. Once again, he was thankful for the way things happen.

Even finding the diary has a significant effect. Fate wants him to discover it so that he can give it to Nino when the time is right. He believed it will help Nino to have a closure. To find his own happiness instead of stuck in the past.

And he didn't mind if Nino found his happiness with someone else. Cause he knew he will be happy if Nino is happy.

Even if they are not going to be together.

Nino watched Ohno walked away from him. He didn't want Ohno to go. Stay and read the diary with him, that's what the doctor wanted to tell Ohno. But, this is a journey that he had to take alone.

He opened the book, wondering if Satoshi will be angry at him for reading without his permission. When he looked at the first page, a small note was written there.

This is for you, my dear Kazumi.

Reading that note, he figured that maybe Satoshi won't be angry at him. So, he started to flip the diary.

Just like Ohno said, the diary was full of drawings. They were drawings depicting the memories he had with Satoshi. He smiled sadly, thinking of how delightful it was.

Then, he stopped at the page with writing on it.

My dear Kazumi,

Thank you for staying with me all these times. You made me the happiest man on earth.

If one day, I wasn't in your life anymore, promise me that you will not cling on our memory together. Find your happiness, my dear.

I love you, Zumi chan. More than anything in this world.

Nino didn't notice he was crying as he read the entry.

"Satoshi," he called the name fondly. "Can I be happy without you by my side?"

Then he closed his eyes. But, he didn't see Satoshi this time. He saw Ohno. Weirdly, he can see the difference when they basically looked the same.

After everything that had happened between them, would Ohno love him? Would he want to be with him when he had broken his heart before?

His bedroom door was opened as Ohno watched the television. He wasn't really watching but he didn't want it to be so quiet inside his house. That's why he switched it on.

Nino came out of the room. He looked a bit different than before. It was evident the doctor had been crying. Even so, he seemed happier. Ohno smiled at him. His instinct was reliable. The diary might help Nino move on from his memory with Satoshi and had a closure.

Nino took a seat next to him on the couch. He looked anxious like he wasn't sure what he was going to do.

"Want to eat breakfast together?" Asked Ohno when Nino didn't say anything.

"Later. You're not working?" Asked Nino.

"I'm taking a day off today. Do you want me to send you to Sho's house so that you can take your car?"

"Later. Ohchan...,"


Nino closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Wouldyougoonadatewithme," said Nino incoherently. Ohno didn't really get what Nino was saying. But, he thought he heard 'date'. He must have heard wrongly.


"I asked you to go on a date with me," said Nino one more time with a crimson red face. Ohno was surprised. Once again, he wondered if he heard wrongly.

"Ah, sorry, I'm not thinking straight. There's no way you're still in love with me. It had been 15 years. You might have someone else already. I'm sorry if I made things awkward between us. It was..."

Ohno stopped him with a kiss. It took Nino a while to respond for the kiss. However, once he realized what was happening, he lied down on the couch to allow Ohno to kiss him deeper.

"I love you. Only you," said Ohno once he broke the kiss. Nino smiled shyly at him. "Did you forget that I almost kiss you the other day?"

"So, do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Of course. But, not today. I want to stay in the house,"

He gave Nino a knowing smile. But, Nino rolled his eyes and smacked his head.

"No way, pervert. Didn't you promise me that we will do that for our third date? We've only done one date so far,"

Ohno chuckled as the memory came back to him. He remembered telling Nino that they're going to a love hotel for their first date. When Nino told him to be serious, he responded by teasing Nino that he's going to bring him there for their third date.

"I said I will bring you to a love hotel on our third date. I didn't say we will wait until our third date to do that. So, it could happen today," said Ohno playfully. But, Nino pouted in return.

"I just want to spend the day talking with you. I want to know you again,"

"It's okay. We will wait until you're ready. So, what do you want to talk about?"

And that's how they spent their day. The two of them talked about their life. And kissing for a lot of times.

A/N: Phew, I'm glad I managed to finish this fic. I was worried this would be another unfinished fic for me.
I hope it wasn't weird. I get the inspiration from watching a korean drama, Scarlet Heart. That drama never give me a closure and I'm still hoping for a second season.
I hope you will enjoy reading this and comments will be much appreciated.

ohmiya, you're beautiful, fanfic

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