Happy birthday, my bratty prince <3

Jun 17, 2017 23:31

Happy birthday, my little brat, Ninomiya Kazunari!

6 years ago, probably around the same time, I watched your drama for the first time. It was just a cameo appearance in Maou but it was enough to make curious about you. My next-to-watch drama after Maou was Ryusei no Kizuna and I'm glad I watched the drama. It was the starting point for me to be a fan of Arashi. You are incredible in Ryusei no Kizuna but it wasn't enough to make me fall in love with you.

Then, I watched Yamada Taro Monogatari. Just like how most of the characters fall in love with your smile, I also felt the same. Your smile,,, It was the reason why I want to know more about you. That's when I decided to be a fan of Arashi. I love you because you're bratty, meanie, stingy. It was fun to watch you bullying the other members of Arashi. You and the rest of members of Arashi are my source of happiness.

6 years. It was a long time for me. I was in my third year when I first know you but now... It has been three years since I graduated. Of course, I have been cheating on you from time to time. But, no matter what, you will always have the top special spot in my heart and I will always return to you.

Stay happy and continue to be awesome, Nino.

Thank you for making my life more interesting. You bring colours to my dull and boring life. Because of you and Arashi, I get a lot of new friends who share the same interest as me. Friends that I can rely more than the friends I have in my real life. I love you more because of that.

Don't forget to invite me to your wedding (Only if your partner is Ohno... Hahahaha)

Once again, happy birthday and thank you, Nino. My little bratty prince <3

birthday, personal, ninomiya kazunari, arashi

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