My Friend's Neighbor is Cute!

Nov 11, 2016 17:39

Jun frowned looking at his best friend, Ohno Satoshi. He had been giggling since he arrived at his house. It must be because of the phone. Ohno had been staring at his phone, typing something, then waiting for the reply and giggling when the reply came. He looked like a lovestruck teenager. No, he is definitely in love. It makes Jun wondered who is the lucky girl.

“Are you dating someone?” asked Jun. He knew he was right when Ohno’s face turned red.

“No. Where did you get that idea?”

“He is. Well, they aren’t officially dating yet. If you stay over in his house for a few days, you might meet his crush,” Sho interrupted their conversation.

“Sho, why did you tell Jun?” Ohno tried to deny but it’s too late.

“Well, I think I will stay here. It’s too expensive to stay in the hotel anyway,” said Jun. He stayed in US right now and went back to Japan to meet his family and friends for two weeks. “I want to see the lucky girl,”

He didn’t realized how Ohno and Sho exchanged look after that.

They went to sleep quite late, trying to catch up with each other. When he woke up, Sho already left the house to go to work. Ohno had his own art museum and he didn’t need to go out unless he had a meeting or an exhibition. Seeing that Ohno was still sleeping, Jun left his friend alone and took a shower first.

Right after he finished shower, the bell rang. He hurried to the door, wishing it would be Ohno’s crush. But, he was disappointed to see the delivery man.

“There is a package for Ninomiya Kazunari,” Jun frowned in return. He never knew anyone with that name. The delivery man might get the address wrong.

“I think…”

“Yes. Thank you for the package,” Ohno interrupted before he could say anything and happily signed the delivery form. Then, he went inside the house, smiling happily as he sent a message to someone.

Jun was tempted to ask if Ninomiya is Ohno’s crush but he didn’t think that it’s possible. He definitely heard a boy’s name but Ohno wasn’t a gay. They have been friend for a long time. He would know if Ohno loves a guy, instead of a girl. Maybe Ninomiya was his neighbour and he received the package on his behalf.

“I’m inviting someone over for dinner,” said Ohno when Jun was preparing dinner.

“Your crush?” asked Jun but Ohno shook his head. He was blushing. Jun wanted to tease him but he decided to tease him when the crush is here. Maybe he can get his friend to confess.

Around an hour later, the bell rang again. Ohno was in the washroom so Jun used this opportunity to open the door and looked at Ohno’s crush first. He was hoping to see a cute young lady but was surprised to see a short guy with a mole on his chin. The guy was cute and was equally surprised to see him.

“Is Ohchan home?” the cute guy asked, flashing an innocent smile. Jun didn’t know why but he could feel his heart beat faster when he saw the smile. He was too stunned to response.

“Jun, is he here?” he heard Ohno’s voice but he couldn’t respond. Ohno stood next to him, forcing him to open the door to let the guy in. If this guy was indeed Ohno’s crush, he understood why.

As expected, the name of the cute guy was Ninomiya Kazunari. He lived one floor below Ohno. He knew Ohno when he accidentally wrote a wrong delivery address. Since then, they’ve been contacting each other and going out together sometimes. He didn’t even bother to change the delivery address because it’s troublesome. He’s afraid he might write the address wrongly again. Ohno himself didn’t mind to receive the package on his behalf. Jun could only chuckle when he heard that. He knew the real reason. They just want to have a reason to keep seeing each other.

He could see both of them like each other with the way they steal glance at each other or the way the smiled at each other. Each of them had a special smile only for the others to see. They’re both in love but they’re too afraid to admit. Jun thought he should do something about it.

“Nino, are you dating anyone right now?” asked Jun. Both Ohno’s and Nino’s face turned red and he could see how Ohno was cursing him for acting without his consent.

“No. But, I’m interested with someone,” said Nino shyly, glancing at Ohno as he said that. He could see Ohno was disappointed to hear the response. Jun couldn’t help but laughing to see Ohno’s face. He wondered why Ohno was too oblivious to notice that the person Nino talked about was him.

“Awww, too bad. Ohchan here is interested with you. But, if you have someone else… well…. I guess, we could only pray for your happiness. I wonder who the lucky girl is,” said Jun. He loved the way both of them became embarrassed. Ohno smacked his head and cursed at the same time. Jun could only laugh.

“Ohchan,” said Nino softly. Ohno stopped cursing and turned at him. What Nino did next surprised both of them. He lifted Ohno’s face and kissed him. Ohno was surprised but he recovered quickly and responded to the kiss. Both of them kissed shamelessly like they’re not aware Jun was there. Jun turned his head in embarrassment. Well, he didn’t expect that to happen. He might feel gross to see two guys kissing but not with these two shorties. They’re just too cute together.

“Sorry for making you see that,” he could hear Ohno’s breathless voice once they finished kissing.

“Well, enjoy your time together. I will sleep in Sho’s house today,” said Jun as he dialled Sho’s number. He closed the door behind.

‘Ah, if only I meet Nino first’. He could only sigh. He finally meet someone that makes his heart beat faster but the guy is taken. Well, his friend’s happiness is more important for him, after all.

A/N: I was distracted from writing Magika when someone commented on this. This idea just came to my mind. I don't know why I'm making this from J's POV.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this short fic and comments are <3

ohmiya, fanfic

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