Magika - Chapter 9

Apr 01, 2014 01:31

“Do you see the same thing as I do?” asked Nino to Ohno when he realized the chubby guy has woke up. He has wake up long before the other boy but he pretend to sleep to avoid questions from the other three. It’s a good thing that the other boys had sleep when Ohno finally woke up.
“What do you see?” Ohno asked him back. Nino just stared into the wall, thinking about whatever that happened in the flying class. He doesn’t think anything was weird when he was unable to control the broom because it has happened a lot in the class before this. But, when he collided with Ohno, he started to see a vision and when he woke up, he was already in the infirmary. He still remembers the vision. In the vision, he saw two kids, which are undeniably Ohno and him playing together. Then, his parents took him away from Ohno. He doesn’t know if it was just a dream, or maybe a future. Maybe his parents wouldn’t let him be friends with Ohno anymore if they know about Ohno’s ability. But, if so, why are they still kids in the dream? He doesn’t want to admit it, but he thinks that the dream is his past. But, he thinks it is impossible because he just met Ohno.
Before he managed to answer Ohno, a woman approach Ohno and she looks like the lady who prevent Ohno from going after Nino in the dream. Maybe she is Ohno’s mother. She must have been worried knowing about the accident that happened to his son.
“Satoshi, are you okay?” asked Ohno’s mom as she hugged Ohno. Then, she looked at Nino and nodded her head.
“What happened, Satoshi?” asked his mother again. But, before Satoshi or Nino managed to answer the question, Kitagawa sensei appeared from the door. He approached Aiba, Sakurai and J, asking them to go sleep in their own room. They look so sleepy and just agree with the order. Kitagawa sensei called Ogura san to send them back to their room to ensure they arrived safely.
After his friends left, Ohno mama gave a questioning look to Kitagawa sensei. It seems like she was asking for something in silence and Kitagawa sensei understands it and nodded his head. She looks worried but she doesn’t seem surprise with whatever information he gave her. Nino just looked at Ohno who has the same look as him. Both of them know that Ohno mama and Kitagawa sensei are keeping a secret from them.
Kitagawa sensei asked Nino and Ohno to go back to sleep. Nino refused to do so but he knows that Kitagawa sensei will not tell him anything. So, he pretends to comply with the order and close his eyes. Ohno, on the other hand, just give him a confused look before decided to do the same. After ensuring that both of them had go to sleep, Kitagawa sensei and Ohno mama went out of the infirmary and closed the door. Being as quiet as possible, Nino goes to the door to hear the conversation between Ohno mama and Kitagawa sensei. Ohno who has the same idea as Nino also follow him to the door.
“I’ve warned Ninomiya san before this. Casting the memory spell to these boys is futile. One day, the spell will be broken. If my guess is correct, they saw the glimpse of their past when they collided,” he heard Kitagawa’s voice.
“Maybe it is my fault. I should not let Satoshi comes here. If he didn’t come, he will not know Kazunari and the spell will not be broken,”
“Ohno san, even if you prevent him from coming, the spell will still be broken. It is a powerful spell but it is also has its limitation. It will only work until they are 15 years old. Even if you don’t want them to meet, they will still meet. It is their fate,”
“Couldn’t you cast the spell again? I don’t want to hurt any of them,”
“I’m sorry, Ohno san. There is nothing I can do. They are already 15 years. The spell only works for little kids,”
“But, what will Ninomiya sama do if he knows about this?”
“Don’t worry about Ninomiya san. I’m sure he will understand the limitation of the spell. Furthermore, he has changed after your husband died. Just go and have rest. I will handle this,” said Kitagawa sensei and Nino could hear footsteps walking away from the infirmary.
Nino gave a questioning look to Ohno. Based on what he heard, it seems that both Ohno and he had known each other when they were kids. But, for some reasons, his parents asked Kitagawa sensei to wipe their memory. But, for what? As he was thinking, he didn’t hear footsteps coming to the infirmary. Before he managed to get back to his bed, the door was opened from outside revealing Kitagawa sensei who was smiling at them.
“I know that both of you will eavesdrop my conversation with Ohno san. I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” said Kitagawa sensei.
“Sensei, what do you mean by putting a memory spell on us? Why do you have to do so?” asked Nino eagerly. But, Kitagawa sensei just shakes his head, refuse to answer the question.
“Go to sleep. I cannot answer the question. I’ve promised your parents to never speak about it to you. But, don’t worry. When the time comes, you will remember everything. I think it will be soon. But, let me warn you; don’t force the memory to come out. Let it comes naturally to you,”
“There is no but. Go to sleep. You need to go to class tomorrow. And, Ohno san, I expect you in my office tomorrow. I think you need to begin your lesson as soon as possible,” said Kitagawa sensei as he leads the two boys to their bed. Comply with the headmaster’s order, both of them get to their bed and close their eyes. As the headmaster left, Nino gets to Ohno’s bed to wake him up. Both of them had sleep for a while before this. They can get to bed a little bit late tonight.
“Ohchan, do you have any idea of what’s going on right now?”
“I am as clueless as you about this. But, I think it is because of my telekinesis,”
“What makes you think so?”
“Because in the dream, you father took you away from me after I do telekinesis. He said that I am a monster,” said Ohno. Nino just looks at him curiously. He didn’t remember this. He just remembers being taken away from Ohno.
“I think we shouldn’t think about this right now. Just like sensei said, we need to let it comes naturally. Even though I’m confused with everything right now, I think I will get my answer for my telekinesis tomorrow. I am so anxious to know about it,”
“Promise me that you will tell me everything, okay,” Ohno just nodded his head. They both decided to go to sleep. Nino kept on thinking about his loss memory with Ohno before finally sleeping without getting any answer.

A/N: I hope this is okay. As always, comments are appreciated.

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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