Cadcaptor Aiba - Chapter 10

Dec 14, 2013 02:33

I was surprised to hear that and I bet it’s not only me who was shocked. I looked over Aiba and Sho who stood behind me, too speechless to say something. On the other hand, Matsujun did not appear to be surprised. Maybe he already knew about this. Maybe he worked for Clow all this time to take Nino from us. But, he still looked unsatisfied. Maybe because he did not turn to human like the way he was supposed to be.

To be honest, there were too many questions I have in my mind right now. What is Matsujun? Who is Clow actually? How long did Clow and Matsujun deceived all of us? And, most important, why is Nino so important for both of them? What makes him so powerful?

“I know that all of you have a lot of questions right now. Well, as you used to be my disciple before this, I’m going to let you know the truth. But, first, why don’t we let Matsumoto to introduce himself first?” said Clow while Matsujun was just glaring at him, refused to follow his order.

“Matsumoto, is this how you should behave in front of your teacher, opps, sorry, your creator?”

Creator? What does he mean by that? He create Matsujun? Don’t tell me that Matsujun is actually…,

“Well, I think that you may have guessed it. Everyone, let me introduce to you my ultimate creation ever, Matsumoto Jun, the clow card,” as I thought, Matsujun is really really a clow card. I think Aiba and Sho have guessed that too.

“But, if he is a clow card, why isn’t he in a card?” asked Aiba. But, it was not Clow who answer the question. Sho was the one answering instead.

“It’s because he was unstable in his card form. That’s why he needs a body. Like you said before, there is something which was trapped inside Matsujun and that is the spirit of the clow card. To be specific, he is the NOTHING. He started to remember his memory and his power after you caught a lot of cards,”

“Impressive. As expected of my best student. Opps, wrong again. You’re not my best student. Of course my best student is the deceased Ninomiya Kazunari. Too bad he died without knowing how powerful he is,” hearing him said that made me turn to look at the lifeless Nino who was lying near Matsujun. Nino, who are you actually?

“Whatever, just get to the point. Why do you kill Nino?” I asked angrily. But, of course, Clow will not be scared of me. Instead, he was just laughing looking at me.

“Ohchan, isn’t it too bad that you are unable to save him this time? You know that the spell to be used to kill Nino could only be used once in 10 years by its users and you took the spell instead of him. Because of that, I have to wait for 300 years for him to reborn. I can’t believe that you, one of the stupidest people I have ever met would destroy my ultimate plan to get Nino,” suddenly, instead of laughing, he looked at me angrily. I don’t understand anything at first but then I remembered something. Clow was the one that talked to Matsujun before the havoc. He was the one who ordered Matsujun to cause the havoc. The reason was to kill Nino while pretending to be unsatisfied with the decision to choose Aiba as the owner of the card. But, why did Matsujun cooperate with Clow? Isn’t Nino his friend? Why did he follow Clow’s order?

“You manipulate my desire to be a human to get Nino’s power because you know that for Nino’s power to be transferred, he cannot be killed by human being. It has to be a magic creature,”

“Well, you just prove to be useful when I devise the plan to get Nino’s power. He is the son of the original creator of the Clow card who is my teacher. She is the most powerful magician back then and of course it would be natural that her power would only be inherited by her son.

“I believed that by having the clow card, which was called Sakura cards before this, I would be the most powerful human in the world. That’s why I always pretend to be a good student for her to choose me as her successor. But, then, I met a seer who predicted that her son would be more powerful than the clow card. Do you know why? Because her love for the boy in her womb was stronger than the cards that she create out of curiosity. The seer told me that there is a way for me to steal her son’s power but refused to tell me how. That’s why I changed my focus. I killed her and make it look like an accident after she lets me be the new owner of the cards. Nino was five at that time and I ordered people to kill her when she was sleeping and I would pretend to save Nino. All those times, Nino thought of me as his saviour when in reality, I’m the one who caused him to be motherless.

“I spent years researching for the method to steal Nino’s power. I kept him by my side so that I can steal his power the moment I discovered the method. Before I killed his mother, she was creating NOTHING to balance the power of the entire clow card. But, because she is dead, I have to continue her work of creating NOTHING. Maybe that’s why the card is so unstable and when it is finished, the card refused to stay in the card form. At the same time, I found a nameless body. I sealed the spirit inside the body and create Matsumoto. Fortunately, when the process is completed, I found out that the only way to steal Nino’s power is by killing him using a magical creature. Then, once the power is transferred to the creature, I just need to kill the creature to get the power. Of course it is only me who knows how to kill a clow card. Matsumoto which I created coincidentally may actually help me to get the power. I know how unhappy Matsumoto was when he knew that he is different than the rest of you and so I pretend to help him being a human by tricking him to kill Nino.

“Everything was going to go as what I planned. Mastumoto is willing to kill his friend because he is selfish. He wants to be a human so badly that he doesn’t care if his friend had to be sacrificed. I pretend to select my successor and his guardian as well as judge to pretend that I will die. I chose Aiba as my successor because he is the perfect candidate. He is a kind boy and has no trouble communicating with the cards but he is unskilled which will make sense why Matsumoto would object to the selection. Everything was as planned but because you overheard the plan, you protect Nino by taking the shoot of spell for him for yourselves. And I accidentally killed Nino and Aiba when I was releasing my spell, because of the anger after seeing you who died instead of Nino.

“That is why I need to change my plan. I locked Sho in the book and wait for the time when all of you will be reborn to get Nino’s power again. Even though he may not be the same Nino as before, the power will remain the same. The day Nino was born, I felt a wave of power and know that my time to get the power has come. All those years, I kept NOTHING’s soul in a bottle, waiting for the day when I could use it again. I found a baby who was born around the same time as Nino and used him as the carrier for NOTHING’s soul. To my surprised, the baby was named Matsumoto Jun, just like in the past. Once again, all of you become friends again and I just need to wait until Nino turned 17 because that is when his power is the maximum before releasing the cards and Sho to help me according to my plan. I planned to have the three of you in the library on that day before releasing the cards and Sho. Then, I just have to make sure Matsumoto knows about the clow cards so that he will remember about the past and realized that he is not human as what he thought he is. I sealed all of your memories so that you will not remember anything about me and just let you dream what you have to know. Once Matsumoto realized who he was, I make him tricked all of you to think that he wants the cards, when in reality what he wants is Nino. He did a great job doing that because all of you focused on Aiba only without realizing Nino was in danger. After that, all of you know what happened.

“Why do you want Nino’s power so badly? What is so powerful about Nino?” I asked him once he finished the story. To know how greedy for power he is makes me feel disgusted. He did a lot of crimes in order to get the power. He killed and manipulated people to get what he wants. But, what if the power that he wants so badly is not what he imagined it to be?

“Well, with his power, I can be immortal…,”

“But you live for 300 years already. Why do you still need his power?”

“It’s not because I’m immortal. It’s because I drink a potion to help me survive. The ingredients to make the potion are no longer available now. Fortunately, I make enough to last before I get Nino’s power. And, you don’t listen to me till the end. He has the combined power of the clow cards, which makes him stronger. The power to control time, to control fire, water, ice, wind and others all in a body. Clow card power is limited to their owner. With clow cards, I never really get the chance to experience the power. I just have the power to command the clow cards.

“You disgust me. I can’t believe that a nice teacher that I used to know is actually greedy for power,” I spat at him.

“Do you think I care about what you think? Okay, now, let’s stop the chit chat. It’s time for me to kill Matsumoto and then I will kill all of you,” with a speed of light, Clow went to Matsumoto. Unfortunately, before he managed to do anything, someone stopped him. And, to my surprise, it was Nino.

“Before you decide to kill J, make sure I’ve died first. If not, it will become useless, ne?”

A/N: To be honest, I don't really know what to think about this chapter. I tried to think the best plot but this is the one that have been stuck in my head ever since I wrote the last chapter.I always think of the plot during my ten minutes of walking to the train station or groceries shopping. I hope this is okay. I think I just need another two chapters to end the story. It really turns out to be different than what I originally thought. And yeah for me because I only have one more exam which is next Wednesday. After two days straight of exam, I just choose today to relax. I don't want to see the books until Saturday or Sunday. Anyway, comments are appreciated. I'm sorry that I haven't replied to the comments for the previous chapter. I'm so busy looking at my notes.

ohmiya, fanfic, cardcaptor aiba

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