Top or Bottom?

Dec 25, 2022 21:01

Satoshi looked around the room he would stay in for the rest of the year. It was small. The university had opted for a double-decker bed to give the occupants more space.

Satoshi didn't care what kind of bed he would get. He could sleep anywhere. But, he did care that he would have another person staying with him in the room. It was the first time he had to share a room and he was uncomfortable with the idea. What if his roommate made too much noise? What if his roommate wanted to talk to him? He didn't know how to socialise.

"What a small room!"

Hearing the remark, Satoshi turned around. His roommate was here, standing at the entrance. Satoshi couldn't help but stare at the man. He was the most attractive man Satoshi had ever seen!

"Hi," The man extended his hand. In a daze, Satoshi reached out to shake the man's hand. "I am Ninomiya Kazunari. People usually call me Nino but since you are cute, I will let you call me Kazu,"

Satoshi simply nodded. He couldn't speak at all.

"So, which one do you want? Top or bottom?"


Kazu's question caught him off guard. For a second, he thought the question was about something else. But, as he noticed Kazu had his eyes on the bed, he realized that it was just a misunderstanding. He hoped he wasn't blushing.

"Whichever," answered Satoshi. "I can sleep anywhere,"

"Oh…" said Kazu, smiling weirdly at Satoshi. "We can just sleep together on the bottom bed. And, I prefer if you be the top one,"

"Huh?" This time, he didn't think he misunderstood Kazu. This time, he was certain that Kazu meant what he was thinking about.

"Come," Kazu pulled him onto the bed. "Let's enjoy ourselves before we start unpacking,"

Kazu's next action confirmed that the attraction Satoshi had for him was mutual.

A/N: So, the idea came from reading a book called The Atlas Paradox.


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