Top 5 Celebs' meme

Aug 03, 2011 21:32

taken from jessibear_kun

List your top five favorite celebrities at the moment and answer the questions below. (Based on my Arashi-ranking :D)

1. Aiba Masaki
2. Ohno Satoshi
3. Sakurai Sho
4. Ninomiya Kazunari
5. Matsumoto Jun

♫ Out of a ten, how much would you rate 1?
I’d rate my aibaby 10 out of 10 but we know that nobody’s perfect. Thus, I rate him 9.8 out of 10; 0.2 for his perfect imperfections. :3

♥ What do you find most attractive about 1?
His smile and goofy attitude. How can a man be so cute and hot at the same time? I am in love. >_<

♫ If you could go out with 3, what type of date would you go on?
Hmm… candlelight dinner? A fancy date coz I know he’ll manage. Yeah, something like that. XD

♥ If 4 was a type of season, which season would it be?
Autumn. That’s an image I got from him; not too cold and also not too hot. :p

♫ Why is 5 not higher up your list?
No offense to anyone but I have absolutely zero interest on him. -_-
edited: ok, maybe not absolute zero.. but surely less than the other four.. >.<

♥ So what does 5 have to do to be brought higher up?
I don’t know. Nothing I guess. >.>

♫ What would the ideal situation be for you for 2 and 4?
You’re asking me about Ohmiya? That pervert-married pair? They fit perfectly at any situation from what I see. XD
Oh wait, what if it includes me? No, thank you. I’d rather just watch than suffer 4’s wrath. >.<;

♥ Which two people would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
1 and 3. Sakuraiba + desert island + me = use your imagination *hint=I’m a pervert XD*

♫ Marry, shag or kiss - 1, 3, 5?
Kiss 3. Kiss, shag then marry 1. Do nothing with 5. Ok, a kiss wouldn’t hurt so kiss 5 also. :p

♥ What do you hate most about 3?
His lack of physical interaction with 1. Come on, hug, kiss, butt-groping, anything, just do it to each other. I’m seriously in need of more skinship from both of them. >_<

♫ Have you ever thought how you'll react when you meet 2?
Expectation: “hey, you’re Ohno Satoshi from that group, Arashi right? So, how's it going? and where’s the other?”
In reality: “Ohchan?! For real?! Where’s the other? Aiba? sho? Matsujun? Nino? Aiba?! Aiba?! Aiba?! tell me where Aiba is!!! >0<”

♥ Have you seen 1 and 2 together on tv before?
Nope. Haven’t seen them on TV; not even once. All I can do is watch them from my laptop. Together? Of course, since they belong from the same group. LOL

♫ Have you ever had dreams about 3?
OH YES!! Together with 1. They’re doing something indecent on bed and I was ‘this’ close to actually sees it. Damn alarm! >.<

♥ Who would you take to a prom/ball with you?
I choose 5 for this one. Many thought of him as the handsomest one in the group so many I can brag about him being my date to my colleagues. XD

♫ Cuddle, glomp, or kiss 1, 3, 5?
Them again? Hmm… Then, I’ll do all to 1 while share a kiss with 3 and 5 respectively. :D

! own thought, ! meme, g: arashi
