Day 6 - fav. PV bcoz the way Aiba-chan looks in it~ XD

Dec 31, 2010 12:09

just another meme update... ^^

30 days Arashi ichiban meme

day 1 - The first time you saw your ichiban and what you thought about him.
day 2 - Explain why he's your ichiban.
day 3 - Your favorite ichiban solo.
day 4 - Your favorite ichiban and Aiba picture(s) (if your ichiban is Aiba, just post your favorite Aiba pictures).
day 5 - Your favorite Arashi no Shukudai kun moment related to your ichiban.
day 6 - Favorite Arashi PV because of the way your ichiban looks in there.

my favorite PVs are Truth and Monster...
if i were to choose based on how Aiba-chan looks, i'll go for Monster and My Girl...
Monster coz no one can resist Arashi's hotness while My Girl simply coz Aiba-chan was the main focus~ XD

Monster gifs

My Girl gifs

bonus: Love So Sweet gifs

day 7 - Favorite ichiban and Nino picture(s) (if your ichiban is Nino, just post your favorite Nino pictures).
day 8 - Any song (no Arashi related) that makes you think of him when you hear it and why.
day 9 - Favorite Himitsu no Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 10 - Favorite ichiban kawaii picture(s)
day 11 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the most.
day 12 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the least.
day 13 - Favorite ichiban and Ohno picture(s) (if your ichiban is Ohno, just post your favorite Ohno pictures).
day 14 - Favorite Vs Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 15 - Favorite ichiban sexy picture(s).
day 16 - Favorite ichiban baka picture(s).
day 17 - Favorite ichiban drama/movie.
day 18 - Favorite ichiban and Sho picture(s) (if your ichiban is Sho, just post your favorite Sho pictures).
day 19 - Favorite Arashi ni Shiyagare moment related to your ichiban.
day 20 - Favorite chibi ichiban picture(s).
day 21 - Whatever tickles your fancy related to your ichiban.
day 22 - A fanwork you did or somebody did related to your ichiban.
day 23 - Favorite ichiban and Jun picture(s) (if your ichiban is Jun, just post your favorite Jun pictures).
day 24 - Be honest, you have given him nicknames, haven't you? what are they?
day 25 - Favorite Arashi song because of the way your ichiban sings in there.
day 26 - Favorite Ichiban outfit/look.
day 27 - Let's imagine. What would you like to do if you had one complete day with your ichiban in your country?
day 28 - What would you say or give your ichiban if you had the opportunity during an Arashi concert?
day 29 - If you won a contest where you can have just one thing of your ichiban, what would you choose?
day 30 - Write a little letter to your ichiban.

now back on fooling around writing~ XD

s: my girl, ! own thought, ! meme, s: love so sweet, ! meme: 30 days arashi ichiban, a: aiba masaki, s: monster
