Day 5 - fav. Aiba-chan's AnS moment...

Dec 30, 2010 12:37

managed to download full episodes of [Juui Dolittle] and have been watching it the whole day, yesterday... XD
love Shun in there compared to his other dramas and taken a liking towards Inoue Mao in this too (maybe due to too many hot boys to look at that she didn't really caught my attention in Hanadan XD)...
will watch more Mao dramas and movies next time... ^^
and also watched AnS episodes back to back for the purpose to update today's topic...XD

30 days Arashi ichiban meme

day 1 - The first time you saw your ichiban and what you thought about him.
day 2 - Explain why he's your ichiban.
day 3 - Your favorite ichiban solo.
day 4 - Your favorite ichiban and Aiba picture(s) (if your ichiban is Aiba, just post your favorite Aiba pictures).
day 5 - Your favorite Arashi no Shukudai kun moment related to your ichiban.

my fav. AnS moment was whenever Aiba-chan decided to show off his cooking skill... 
i love when he did everything as he pleased...

no one can one made a suspicious moves with a bright smile on their face... XD

and appear without warning...

"chotto matte!!"
oh i love when he took me by surprise~ X3
cant help but LOL to see everyone's reaction when he did that...
i would love to taste each and every dishes he'd created from everyone's his favorite Mobu Tofu... XDDD
i've made a list of Aiba's Mobu Tofu recipes creations...
every single one of them looks delicious or maybe it's just me... XD
maybe i'll try to make it one day and taste it for real...

1. Mabo bagel - practically a mabo Tofu, except the tofu was replace with bagel.

it somehow looks- well, i bet i'll taste just fine... >_<

maybe we shouldn't look at this dish too close.. ><"

2. Aiba-pan (Aiba-bread) - (Mabo-pan & age-pan)

a variety type of 'Aiba-pan'

i. Mabo-pan - Mobu Tofu kneaded into the bread.

looks fine to me..

hmm.. still acceptable, i guess... ^^

ii. age-pan - Mobu Tofu as the filling.

this one looks great.. i wouldn't mind tasting it...^^

well, it still looks eatable... >_<

3. Mobu Tofu Pizza - pizza with Mobu Tofu as its topping.

maybe i would eat it if there's a lot of cheese...

nah, i'll pass... >_<

4. Mabo-pine-a-bo - practically a mabo Tofu, except the tofu was replace with pineapple.

my personal favorite out of all his creations... ^^

looks really delicious.. yummy~!! XD

5. Mabo ice cream - an ice cream with the taste of Mobu Tofu.

looks like normal vanilla ice cream to me.. XD

nothing good will happen if you mix hot&spicy and sweet&cold together...
it'll just cancel each other's taste or worst, they might fight to dominate our taste-buds~ ><"

NO.. absolutely not, Aiba-chan.... in fact, i really think that you're a genius~ XDD

also, i love his reaction whenever he was forced to eat ate spicy foods... XD

i know~ T_T

aw~~ poor masaki~ T_T

again~ T_T

aw~~T_T (love his hair though~ X3)

he's suffering... please stop feeding him with spicy food... T_T

dangerous indeed... but fun~ weee~~ XDD

ah~~ i miss Shukudai-kun~ T_T

day 6 - Favorite Arashi PV because of the way your ichiban looks in there.
day 7 - Favorite ichiban and Nino picture(s) (if your ichiban is Nino, just post your favorite Nino pictures).
day 8 - Any song (no Arashi related) that makes you think of him when you hear it and why.
day 9 - Favorite Himitsu no Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 10 - Favorite ichiban kawaii picture(s)
day 11 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the most.
day 12 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the least.
day 13 - Favorite ichiban and Ohno picture(s) (if your ichiban is Ohno, just post your favorite Ohno pictures).
day 14 - Favorite Vs Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 15 - Favorite ichiban sexy picture(s).
day 16 - Favorite ichiban baka picture(s).
day 17 - Favorite ichiban drama/movie.
day 18 - Favorite ichiban and Sho picture(s) (if your ichiban is Sho, just post your favorite Sho pictures).
day 19 - Favorite Arashi ni Shiyagare moment related to your ichiban.
day 20 - Favorite chibi ichiban picture(s).
day 21 - Whatever tickles your fancy related to your ichiban.
day 22 - A fanwork you did or somebody did related to your ichiban.
day 23 - Favorite ichiban and Jun picture(s) (if your ichiban is Jun, just post your favorite Jun pictures).
day 24 - Be honest, you have given him nicknames, haven't you? what are they?
day 25 - Favorite Arashi song because of the way your ichiban sings in there.
day 26 - Favorite Ichiban outfit/look.
day 27 - Let's imagine. What would you like to do if you had one complete day with your ichiban in your country?
day 28 - What would you say or give your ichiban if you had the opportunity during an Arashi concert?
day 29 - If you won a contest where you can have just one thing of your ichiban, what would you choose?
day 30 - Write a little letter to your ichiban.

now to watch arashi PVs before continue with writing... ^^

! own thought, ! meme, ! meme: 30 days arashi ichiban, a: aiba masaki, v: arashi no shukudai-kun
