Day 4 - Aiba-chan's pictures... ^^

Dec 26, 2010 21:36

still in aiba's month, it's time to update the meme.... XD
i was thinking of taking a break from writing when i remember i need to update this...
i'm gonna keep going with this in slow and steady pace...
and enjoy every second of it~ XDD
so, lets get on to it... but before that...
disclaimer: these photos and pictures were edited by me but they are NOT MINE... most pictures were taken from ANJ@lj, saobang2211@lj and while the rest were found when i'm googling the net... so, the credit goes to them... ^^

30 days arashi ichiban meme

day 1 - The first time you saw your ichiban and what you thought about him.
day 2 - Explain why he's your ichiban.
day 3 - Your favorite ichiban solo.
day 4 - Your favorite ichiban and Aiba picture(s) (if your ichiban is Aiba, just post your favorite Aiba pictures).

since my ichiban is Aiba-chan, that mean it's....
Aiba picspam time~!!! \(^0^)/
and a new type of flailing... XDD

i heart aiba masaki (i just gotta put this one up... XD)

ok, lets pretend that i'm a reporter from a magazine (magazine name: [WHY ME?!] XD)
i was told to go and meet [Arashi no Aiba Masaki] and asked for his memorable photos...
me and my partner (the magazine's photographer which is an OC and not important at all XD) went on our way as soon as we got the approval from Aiba Masaki-san's manager....
we were warmly welcomed by Aiba-san and he didn't refuse when our photographer asked to take his picture..

very nice to meet you to~ XD
upon request, Aiba-san had given us a few pictures of himself taken by other members...
Aiba-san had gave us a few pictures (the title of the pictures were created by himself) and told us to personally ask the other members what happened or what  they were thinking about during these pictures were taken...
when we were about to leave to find the others, Aiba-san offered us to take his picture again...
i couldn't refuse since i'm a crazy fangirl who wouldn't miss this golden opportunity professional, so we took a couple of pictures of him and i decided to share his best...

i very hope so to meet you again even though in my dream~ X3
so with the task fall upon me and a few photos of Aiba-san in hand, i continued my journey to find the truth behind these photos....
we went to their greenroom where the other four were waiting...
we were greeted by Matsumoto Jun-san and Sakurai Sho-san and after waiting for about 15 minutes Ninomiya Kazunari-san and Ohno Satoshi-san appeared...
turned out that they were actually making out hiding behind the couch...
our photographer managed to take a photo of them while we were all lost in a heated conversation...

i was sitting across them during the talk (if anyone wondering)
it took about 3 hours later before i finally finished on collecting a few informations and comments regarding the photos and excused myself...
here i would like to share it briefly with the reader of [WHY ME?!] (again, it's the name of the magazine XD)


- [WHY ME?!] magazine -

- comments and photographer revealed -
note: author (me obviously)'s comments were in between the *stars*

the winter-emo look
photo by: Ohno Satoshi
comment: this picture was before his surprise birthday party. i guess aiba-chan thought we forgotten his birthday. *chuckles and the other three laugh*

the i'm-gonna-go-emo-today look
photo by: Matsumoto Jun
comment: thanks to me he managed to look like this. *smug*

the i'm-in-an-emo-mood-so-don't-talk-to-me look
photo by: Ohno Satoshi
comment: *whisper* i saw him arguing with Sho-kun before i took this picture. *looks at Sakurai-san and smile when the other raises his eyebrows*

the bed-hair look
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: it's not what you're thinking about. *blush*

the i-still-wanna-eat-you-even-though-there're-foods-in-front-of-me look
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: we're just eating our lunch. *blushing deeper*

the come-on-i-know-you-wanna-kiss-me-that-badly look
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: still not like what you're thinking. i was just testing the new camera i brought. *fidgeting in his seat while the other smirking*

the i'm-checking-you-out look
photo by: Matsumoto Jun
comment: *nods* yup, definitely by the great me.

the lying-on-the-clover-bed-and-looking-hot-while-doing-it look
photo by: Ninomiya Kazunari
comment: it's not that hot if you ask me. *raises eyebrows*

the what-ifs pose
photo by: Ohno Satoshi
comment: i asked him, what if he was born as a woman. *chuckles while the other rolls their eyeballs*

the i'm-shy-but-i-wanna-make-a-peace-sign pose
photo by: Ninomiya Kazunari
comment: i asked him to do his best pose and this was what he came up with.. lame~ *rolls his eyes*

the all-time-favorite-emo look
photo by: Ohno Satoshi
comment: eh? did i took this one? but i don't re- oh, wait. i did. this was after he's being yelled at by Matsujun. *looks at Matsumoto-san and smiles* his own fault though.

the i-wish-i-could-just-go-naked pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: i was just asking him to feel the softness of the new sheets *look everywhere but me*

the strip-tease pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: this is when... *think hard* the room was getting hotter and he had to take of his jacket. i wasn't looking at him though. *silence* well maybe a little when i took the picture but that's it. *trying desperately to make everyone believe him*

the i-wanna-go-naked-but-someone-doesn't-approved-thus-this pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: this one was.... *silence* can we skip this one? *i shake my head* fine... i just thought he would look great in that. *others look at him in disbelieve* i'm telling the truth!!

the i-know-i'm-hot look
photo by: Matsumoto Jun
comment: oh, he's good. obviously thanks to me, again. *smug and Ninomiya-san rolls his eyeballs*

the cross-dressing-beauty-hugging-a-puppy pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: masaki even gave you this?! *grab from me and shove it in his pocket* i want you to forget about this. *lucky i'm a pro, i manage to make a second copy of this XD*

the ah-my-pants-got-spoil pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: good God! what was he thinking?! *trying to grab it from me but this time i was faster* it's not like what he wrote. we were just fooling around.

the i'm-trying-to-look-cool-but-being-cute-instead pose
photo by: Matsumoto Jun
comment: he failed on this one. i asked him to act cool but somehow he looked cute *sakurai-san smiles looking at the photo*

the hanging-beside-the-window pose
photo by: Ohno Satoshi
comment: we were bored coz everyone else's busy. *smile sweetly*

the something-is-eating-my-wrist-but-i'm-gonna-act-cool pose
photo by: Matsumoto Jun
comment: i told him not to play with that leather bracelet. *looks very annoyed*

the i'm-very-tired look
photo by: Ninomiya Kazunari
comment: he was helping me remove the furniture in my house. *Sakurai-san looks at him frowning* he was  just helping.

the i'm-bathing -with-my-shirt-on-so-that-i-would-look-sexy pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: i swear i didn't took this one. *grab the picture and stares at it in intently*

the i-want-someone-to-cuddle-on-bed-preferably-shochan pose
photo by: Sakurai Sho
comment: this one too. *still staring intently at the pictures* can i take this? *looks at me with puppy eyes. i guess everyone in Arashi had learned Aiba-san's secret weapon when i give him the last two photos.*


- end of report -
- To be continue -

click to: - part ii: aimiya -

last but not least, i wanna thank  lolex90 for her present *hugs and kisses*

day 5 - Your favorite Arashi no Shukudai kun moment related to your ichiban.
day 6 - Favorite Arashi PV because of the way your ichiban looks in there.
day 7 - Favorite ichiban and Nino picture(s) (if your ichiban is Nino, just post your favorite Nino pictures).
day 8 - Any song (no Arashi related) that makes you think of him when you hear it and why.
day 9 - Favorite Himitsu no Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 10 - Favorite ichiban kawaii picture(s)
day 11 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the most.
day 12 - The part of your ichiban's body you like the least.
day 13 - Favorite ichiban and Ohno picture(s) (if your ichiban is Ohno, just post your favorite Ohno pictures).
day 14 - Favorite Vs Arashi moment related to your ichiban.
day 15 - Favorite ichiban sexy picture(s).
day 16 - Favorite ichiban baka picture(s).
day 17 - Favorite ichiban drama/movie.
day 18 - Favorite ichiban and Sho picture(s) (if your ichiban is Sho, just post your favorite Sho pictures).
day 19 - Favorite Arashi ni Shiyagare moment related to your ichiban.
day 20 - Favorite chibi ichiban picture(s).
day 21 - Whatever tickles your fancy related to your ichiban.
day 22 - A fanwork you did or somebody did related to your ichiban.
day 23 - Favorite ichiban and Jun picture(s) (if your ichiban is Jun, just post your favorite Jun pictures).
day 24 - Be honest, you have given him nicknames, haven't you? what are they?
day 25 - Favorite Arashi song because of the way your ichiban sings in there.
day 26 - Favorite Ichiban outfit/look.
day 27 - Let's imagine. What would you like to do if you had one complete day with your ichiban in your country?
day 28 - What would you say or give your ichiban if you had the opportunity during an Arashi concert?
day 29 - If you won a contest where you can have just one thing of your ichiban, what would you choose?
day 30 - Write a little letter to your ichiban.

a magazine reporter? LOL at myself...
ohmiya and sakuraiba being obvious during the interview? LMAO
that was too much crack even for me... 
this is what happen if i'm bored to the max...
anyways, if you happen to read this, do tell me your opinion on this~ XD
now to focus back on writing~ ^^
feedback is much love~<3

a: sakurai sho, ! own thought, p: aiba masaki/ohno satoshi, a: ohno satoshi, ! meme: 30 days arashi ichiban, a: matsumoto jun, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/ninomiya kazunari, ! meme, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, a: ninomiya kazunari, a: aiba masaki, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
