Day 29 - fav. group photo + quiz...

Nov 13, 2010 16:50

i'm getting closer to finishing this meme~~ 
one more day and i'm done... XD

Arashi’s 30 days meme

Day 01 - Favorite Arashi song
Day 02 - A rumor about any of the members that left you an impression
Day 03 - An Ohno picture you can’t take your eyes off
Day 04 - Favorite Nino cover (like the one he sings on Baystorm)
Day 05 - Favorite AnS Moment
Day 06 - Favorite Member Engrish
Day 07 - Quote from a Non-Single Song (Album and B-side only)
Day 08 - A Sho picture you can't take your eyes off
Day 09 - Favorite Arashi PV
Day 10 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 11 - An Arashi/Member moment that makes you laugh your ass off
Day 12 - Member/s wearing the Wackiest outfit you’ve ever seen
Day 13 - Favorite VS Arashi Moment
Day 14 - A dream you had with Arashi/member, in great detail
Day 15 - Favorite Arashi Quote (except from songs)
Day 16 - A Nino picture you can’t take your eyes off
Day 17 - The first Arashi-related drama you thought of the moment you read this
Day 18 - Fave OTP or Member-Ai moment
Day 19 - A MatsuJun pic you can’t take your eyes off
Day 20 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 21 - A picture of your Arashi Stuff
Day 22 - Favorite HnA Moment
Day 23 - Chibi Arashi picture
Day 24 - An Aiba picture you can’t take your eyes off
Day 25 - Favorite Arashi Solo
Day 26 - Favorite Concert DVD
Day 27 - Favorite Live Performance
Day 28 - A Fanwork (made by you or others)

Day 29 - Favorite Group photo

my fav are every pics that have sakuraiba's love in it.... even just a slight~ XD
for example these pics...

sho's and aiba's hands were on each other...
(or maybe that's nino's but i like to think my own way~ XD)

i'll never get tired of this pic... ever~~ XD
how aiba's face looked so timid under sho's touch and sho's closing his eyes devouring aiba's smell *hentai mode ON*~~ XD
pity how jun didn't manage to get in the pic (if you notice, he's right behind aiba-chan and in between sho and ohno)...
this pic was taken during the filming of one of the episode of Arashi no Shukudai-kun....
damn AnS staffs for not airing this sweet moment~ >.<

ohmiya + jun + sakuraiba~~ XDD

just grab and kiss him already, Sho...
we know u wanna do it~~ XDD
nino also approved~ X3.
juntoshi acting weird behind them, now that nino wasn't paying attention~ XD

see, now that nino thought sho didn't wanna do it, he's all going for aiba...
and sho to the rescue~~~  XD
juntoshi still acting suspicious... XD

sho promised to take good care of Aiba...
but nino wouldn't buy it so he stuck closer to keep an eye on them... X3
meanwhile jun and ohno decided not to do anything funny anymore... XD

somehow nino realized that he's all for riida....
he decided to get back together with him (but not without warning~ XD) and left sakuraiba alone...
jun tried to get in between sakuraiba but couldn't since he didn't know what's on those two minds~ XD
aw~ poor jun-pon~~~

in the end, everyone lives happily ever after~~
*fainted coz of staring too long at their smiles... XD*

notice how Riida smirked in this photo...
plus his black hair, he's SAIKO~!!! XDD

sakuraiba + jun + ohmiya = my ARASHI~~ XDD

to the quiz as always....
dare ka na~? XD


p: matsumoto jun/ohno satoshi, a: sakurai sho, ! own thought, a: ohno satoshi, ! morph, ! meme: 30 days arashi, a: matsumoto jun, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/ninomiya kazunari, ! meme, g: arashi, a: ninomiya kazunari, a: aiba masaki, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
