Testing things out^^

May 16, 2009 14:11


First post. Checking how things work round here^^
It's been ages since I last posted here. LJ was killing me.
I've been getting this 'cannot display the webpage' every time I go here T.T So, technically, this is my first post :D

Recently, I've fallen in love with this guy, mumu-chan<3

I need to figure out the LJ-cut thing

So many I need to learn ^^" Am a noob :3
mumu-chan is chou hot!~! -heartshearts-
I first saw him in Nodame Cantabile. Not much of liking him during that time :3
Butbut, now I just fell all over him<3 Blame Atashinchi no Danshi for that xD

^This one I edited Okada Yoshinori's face so that I can go in the picture with mumu<3
Okada is Ohkura Takeru acted as mumu's aniki in AtaDan<3

Took me one hour and a half three hours to post this. Epic fail~

mukai osamu
