One last short message, then I think I'm finally caught up. As you may remember, I'm starting up a Pathfinder game on Google Wave. So far I have Zim as a confirmed player. Zim is awesome and all, but even he is not quite sufficient for a game by himself. I'm looking for at least 2 and no more than 4 additional players. If you are interested (including if you are one of the "maybes" from earlier) let me know now. At whenever-I-get-around-to-it-o'clock on Monday, I'll be extending invitations to the Pathfinder forums, so any remaining spots will fill up fast.
Additionally, if you have even the slightest interest I would love to have people observe the game, as this will be my first time running an online game. Google Wave makes this quite easy as I can simply add you to the wave and you can watch each session in realtime or play it back later.
Experience with Wave is not necessary, and I have plenty of invites available. Experience with Pathfinder is also not necessary, although if you have no experience in D20 of any kind I will want to teach you outside of actual game-time.
-Characters starting at level 8
-So far every day of the week is available
-Sessions will probably run 3-4 hours
-Using some minor (and possibly one major) houserules for a slightly higher-power lower-magic-item world
-A fairly even balance between combat and non-combat
-Starting in the small kingdom of Thornvale, which has developed terrible luck and is besieged on all sides by multiple threats.
If you don't feel comfortable leaving an email address in the comments you can email contact info to me at pathfinder(at)