Under the assumption that if rotania.com is successful, I could eventually become an extraordinarily minor celebrity, I'm finally going to go ahead and start friends-locking things from this point on. So if there's someone out there who's secretly been lurking all this time, now's your chance to comment.
I'm mostly recovered from being a ball of stress and typing now. The weather today has not helped my mood, though. It was snowing when I went to bed last night, now it's hotter outside than it is inside. Running a website has been both good and bad for my confidence levels. Bad because I have no way (outside of feedback emails) of telling if anyone is even reading it, much less likes it. Good because that lack of knowledge means I have to forge ahead regardless, thus making me more confident in the long run.
Folks looking for an idle pastime for a few hours should check out
The Art of Theft, a delightful little stealth game where you play Trilby, a gentleman thief. It's well written and designed, although very simple*, and for me at least perfectly nails that line between being so challenging I give up and easy enough that I want to (and can) keep getting better.
*Seriously simple, the entire game is less than 3mb, and you only use eight key - four of them are the arrow buttons and one only comes up once per heist, and then only if you buy a specific upgrade.