Tonight I watched a two-hour NOVA special on the recent conflict between creationism and evolution. It was a really good show, and I recommend that you check out the website if you find the subject at all interesting: Apparently you can even watch the whole show there if you have time.
Anyway, I have to go to bed momentarily so I get enough sleep for the trip tomorrow, so I can't say all the things I want to about this subject. But there is one tangentially related note I want to bring up:
One of the sponsors of NOVA was David A. Koch. Not the David A. Koch Foundation, not the David A. Koch Memorial, just David A. Koch. That is now one of my secondary life goals: to become rich enough that I can personally fund a cause that I believe in. A good consolation prize if I can't do that would be to reach enough celebrity status through my writing that I could support such a cause through influence.