Jul 27, 2005 16:21
"Sitting in a sand pit, life is a short trip, the musics for the sad man."
So yesterday was alright. Me and Mary Ellen went shoppin' and what not. First we headed to the Mall, where I managed to find that black shirt (I'll take pictures soon, I think), so I can wear the pink tie effectively. Got my uncle a Vote for Pedro shirt. Bought her a book, a movie, and some candy, because I'm the coolest. Got me a comic (Wanted, it's really great), because I'm suddenly a nerd. That was at Barnes and Nobles, then we headed to Best Buy where I got Requiem for a Dream, and the new Dane Cook CD/DVD set "Retaliation", which I listened to both CD's (a standup show on each), and watched most of the stuff on the DVD all last night after I got home, because who doesn't want to laugh non-stop, right? Right. So anyway, after that we headed to eat, at Texas Roadhouse, then we went to Walmart, where I bought many pair of boxers and undies, and Saving Private Ryan, because for some reason I didn't have that on DVD, and also got Basketball Diaries. Then we went and saw The Island, it was totally delicious. I recommend everyone see's it soon!
So today's the day I go to my mom's, sigh. Why do I have to waste my days off to visit them, but when they have days off they never show up here? Double standards? I think so. Then she whines about me not visiting enough, I'm like, Mom, I work everyday but Tuesday and mother fucking Wed. You have weekends off, it's a different situation, also I do manual labor, where as you sit around all day. So fuck off, when I have days off I don't want to drive out to the fucking farm and eat dinner, hear my step-dad get overly pissed off about the stupidest shit, and gripe out my siblings whenever he gets a chance, it's all I can do to not fucking kick him in the liver. But hey, what do I know? Nothing, so I'll go.
I ordered a bunch of posters the other day and got the first one today, the Batman Begins movie poster. I also ordered some WWII propaganda posters, onces for rifle saftey, and the other's a recruiting poster for the Waffen SS. Fucking sweet, also got a Boondock Saints poster, and something else, that I suddenly...no wait, it's Fall Out Boy, yeah. Well anyway, I'm going to hang this up and head out I guess. Later...
//brian out