I got this
Write Or Die from my good friend
mirabile_dictu She sent it to me when I announced I was doing NaNo this year. It would have come in handy, but I was pretty much AWOL from LJ during November.
I don't know what it was. Maybe I was just biding time before having to admit, for another year, that I didn't make goal. I got a lot of writing done at the write-ins I went to. And I was excited about my novel idea. But, I still got bogged down and it was hard.
This was my seventh NaNo. I've never made it to 50,000 words. And I knew even before I started I wasn't going to make goal. I felt defeated even before I began. Our campus version of NaNo has a goal of 25,000 words. So I chose to go for that. Well, 14,000 words didn't cut it. But I did find tools that seemed to work for me. I felt really good about that and I've got a plan of attack for next November.
First, I need at least a rough outline, some idea of where the story is going.
Second, I need to start with more supporting characters. I can always drop or combine them later.
Third, I need music. This year it was Richard Rossbach's Sacred Rhythms.
Fourth, I need to do write-ins.
Fifth, I'm adding Dr. Wicked's Write Or Die tool.
I like Write Or Die's real-time countdown and word counter. I didn't think it would work for me, but I was comfortable with it from the beginning. I wrote 1,297 words in 30 minutes. I'm going to play with it some more.