Day Off

Apr 16, 2008 07:27

It's been almost a week since I last posted. Where does the time go?

This morning, I was supposed to have surgery to remove a cyst on my chest. The surgeon's office called me yesterday to tell me that the doctor who was scheduled to do the operation is himself having surgery today. And at the exact same time as my appointment! Feels surreal. So, now I have to wait until May 13th. Thankfully, it's a 45-minute office visit procedure. In. Out. Done. It would've been nice to have it over and done with, but....

So, I have the day off, and I'm going to enjoy it! It's another gorgeous morning. I may hop across the street for a croissant and a cup of tea.

I wasn't looking forward to going back to work, but this week is going smoothly. I feel rested and relaxed and ready to go. The tension on campus the week I was away is easing. One of the incidents involved the defacing and destruction of campaign signs of two candidates running for Associated Students' president. One candidate is white, the other, black. Both signs were marked with racist, White Supremist slogans. There was a big rally and demonstration on Monday where the entire campus community turned out to support the candidates and to reaffirm the university's commitment to diversity. Unfortunately, diversity is one of the areas that needs to be stepped up and improved, but it doesn't get adequate funding. Committees are created, surveys are distributed, but when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is, the campus administration is stingy.

There's been a dramatic reshuffling of staff in our office. The two people who were shuffled are not happy about it. Mainly because they didn't know it was happening. Apparently, neither one was given any advance notice. As a union steward that got my attention right away, but it's an issue of poor management skills and there's no provision in the contract for that. But I am watching for any signs of a violation. I feel bad for my colleagues. Both are dedicated and hard-working professionals. They deserve to be treated in a professional manner. Our managers are not good at that.

I'm out of gas! A PG&E technician just stopped by to let me know they are working on the lines and we'll be without gas for most of the day. When they're done a tech will be by to check the lines in the apartment and re-light the pilot lights for the heater, water heater, and stove. Good thing I had the day off, huh? If I had had my surgery this morning, I wouldn't have been home to get that message! LOL

So, an hour after starting this e-mail, I'm off to get some breakfast. Just in time, too, as the utility trucks park in the lot next door and the techs start their work. And one of my downstairs neighbors has the bass on their stereo thumping away.

day off, work, surgery

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