I did a meditation on the bus on the way to work. I got off the bus and walked along the same path as a woman and her adorable little terrier wearing an adorable little doggie coat (it was cold this morning). The dog came over and walked beside me for quite a ways. The woman looked amazed. I talked to the dog, and it danced by my feet as I walked.
I put in a nine-hour workday that was very productive with a very informative meeting during the lunch break.
When I got home I went on iTunes and bought a bunch of Moody Blues songs. Several of the titles sent my Muses in a tizzy - Your Wildest Dreams, The Other Side of Life, I Know You're Out There Somewhere, The Story In Your Eyes, Blue World, Going Nowhere, It's Cold Outside Your Heart, Nights In White Satin. ;-)
I also ordered three books that have been sitting in my Amazon shopping cart for months. All about the Roman fortresses along the frontiers of the ancient empire, and one is specifically on the fort system on Hadrian's Wall. I need to do research for a Tristran story I started a couple years ago, and for a drabble I have in progress for the
ka100 prompt, "Eboracum".
I put more story notes on the laptop. Some are far out and crazy, and I really like them.
Tomorrow I'm working on a piece called "Mea Culpa" for