Feb 21, 2004 23:21
hey all. on fri. were the last basketball games of the regular season. but of course we're goin to the playoffs cuz the girls are undefeated and the boys only lost once. so yeh....that's cool. the game was fun though. reyna and charde's moms were goin crazy. i was sittin up there with them and lauryn. then nessa came and i sat with her. the girls game was so close tho. we were ahead, then behind, then ahead, then behind. it was so nerve racking. but we won in the end. the boys game....we just wiped them out. but there's a cutie on their team. #2. he's a hottie!! lol. but before the boys game started some kinda messed up words were spoken from one of my friends to another. so my friend whom the words were spoken to told another friend of ours and then that person decided to take it upon themselves to do a littel somthin somthin about it. lol. it was funny.
today was sat. session for UBC. boring once again. it was on biology and stuff and im not all into that. i mean...i get it. but its not like i want to b a biologist or nothin. i was tryin real hard not to go to sleep. cuz i was already tired, and then we were sittin down, and the ppl were just droning on. i was bout to b knocked out. there was even a cute one....then he started talkin....and he was gay. at least that's what my friends think. cuz of his voice.
ok...i have a question for all u readers. say u have a best friend that you've known all your life. but you guys only call each other best friends but dont really act the part. how would you go about acting like best friends? cuz i have best friend that ive known all my life and i love her to death. but we dont do "best friend things". but i want to cuz i want us to really be like best friends. im stuck. well yeh. i need to go to sleep cuz tomorrow is church. night all!