1.What song are you really listening to?: "Summers Lost" - Hurt
2.What show are you watching now?: That 70's Show
3.What other website are you on right now?: Facebook, youtube.
4.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
5.Do you love your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Sure. :|
6.If he/she broke up with you what would you do?: 8l
7.If the cutest person ever came up to right now and asked you out, what would you do?: Probably say that I'd have to pass. :'| Or think they're messing with me idk.
8.Do you read slash? (bands, shows, movies, books ect..): Nah.
9.Who's slash if so?: 8|
10.What pairing?: 8|
11.Why?: Bl
12.Do you watch porn?: Naw. I have before, but mostly because I found it amusing. I'm not too horribly interested in it.
13.How often?: Never?
14.Are you gay or straight?: Fff.
15.Have you ever had sex?: Nope.
16.What is your bed time?: This week it seems to be 4am.
17.How long can you stay out at night?: As long as I want. B| Actually I don't go anywhere, so.
18.You walk in on your grandmother changing, what do you do?: Apologize and leave the room? 8|
19.Worst movie you've ever seen?: I have no idea. Most horror movies, tbh. I find them horribly boring. :(
20.Best movie you've seen?: Fff, depends on my mood.
21.The first celebrity you remember having a crush on: I have no idea.
22.Who is your current celebrity crush?: None really?
23.Would you date them?: Nah.
24.Marry them?: Nope.
25.Have you ever quoted anything they have said? (If it's an actor, not something they have said in a movie): Nope.
26.How many friends are on your friends list?: Um, 73? I think.
27.Do you like them all?: No of course not. B|
28.Who is your best friend?: No one in particular.
29.Why are they your best friend?: Oi.
30.Who on your list would you get rid of?: WHERE TO START. B| Everyone, out. Now.
31.If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?: If a girl farts while she's alone in an elevator, does she blush? B'|
32.Favorite Candy?: I'm pretty fond of Reese's.
33.Favorite food?: Depends on my mood.
34.What was the most embarrassing thing you had to do?: Um, I have no idea. Presentations were always pretty embarassing for me. One time I found myself on the school intercom, though. 8| That was pretty special.
35.How many siblings do you have?: Three.
36.Brothers or sisters?: Two brothers, one sister.
37.How many cousins do you have? (in your close family, not like your twice removed ect..): Uh, six?
38.Are you the oldest in your family?: Out of my siblings, yeah.
39.How old are you?: 20.
40. What is the age of your oldest sibling?: 18.
41.Are your parents together?: Yup.
42.Who do you live with?: My family.
43.How many grandparents do you have?: Three that are still alive.
44.Do you watch sports?: No.
45.Which ones?: Oi.
46.What teams do you follow?: B|
47.Can you believe this is only question 41?: Dumbshit. B|
48.Do you like animals?: Yes. D':
49.Cat or dogs?: Both? 8(
50.Penguins or Kangaroo?: Both?! D8
51.Whether or not you've had sex or not, does size matter in a guy?/Does size matter in a girl?: These aren't really the things I think about, so. Not really? 8l
52.Would you ever have a threesome?: Naw.
53.Are you glad that that was the last sex question?: 8|
54.What is your all time favorite band?: Again, depends on my mood. I guess I'd have to go with Primus/Les Claypool, since he's pretty much my bass idol.
55.Have you ever dreamed about them?: Naw.
56.What was the weirdest dream you've ever had about them?: Oi.
57.What do you love more, them or the music?: The music.
58.Why do you love the music?: Because Les Claypool is amazing? :/ The music is admittedly a bit weird but the musicians are all amazing.
59.One word to describe the frontman?: Weird?
60.Who is your favorite band member?: Les Claypool. B|
61.Why are they your favorite?: MOTHERFUCKER.
62.What do you hate about that band? (there has to be one thing..): I can barely stand listening to them these days since it makes me miss my bass? B|
63.Are people going to kill you for saying that?: Highly doubt it.
64.Do you know what you are doing later on in life?: Not really. I have a few things in mind, but nothing concrete yet.
65.Do you plan on going to college?: Yep.
66.For what if you are?: Again, don't know. I've been heavily considering the medical career, though. Radiology in particular.
67.What is on your tv now?: Snoopy Come Home.
68.Are you bored yet?: Oi.
69.Would you ever prostitute for money if you had to?: Naw.
70.If you could blow up one thing without getting in trouble what would it be?: Let me consult Axel.
71.Why that?: Because he likes to blow shit up idk.
72.Strangest fact about yourself?: I don't know.
73.Have you ever had surgery?: Yep.
74.How many times?: Once.
75.What for?: I had to get a cyst removed from my wrist. It was growing and interfering with my writing, so.
76.Do you have a scar?: Yep.
77.Have any more coming up?: Nope.
78.Have you ever had stiches?: Um, I don't think so? I'm pretty positive they didn't use stitches when I had surgery, so. Or maybe they did? Idk.
79.How many times and how many?: Oi.
80.What for?: Christ almighty.
81.Do you have a scar?: B|
82.Can you speak more then one language?: Naw.
83.What other language?: 8l
84.Who is your bestfriend off of livejournal?: I don't really talk to anyone sadly. I guess Samantha, but I haven't seen her in months, so.
85.Would you rather: eat gum off the sidewalk, or lick spit?: I think I'd rather smack my face off the concrete to be honest.
86.I say summer you think?: Ugh. Sunburns and hot weather.
87.I say spring you think?: So?
88.I say winter you think?: Snow.
89.I say fall, you think?: It's lovely.
90.Scariest position you've been in?: Hm. When I worked at Taco Bell, I had to clean the mens room and one of the guys that came in like, cornered me. That could've ended badly, idk.
91.Best gift you've given some one?: I have no idea.
92.Best gift you've received?: Well, I'd say my bass, but considering they sold it it kind of cancels out. B|
93.NOW what are you listening to?: "My Name Is Mud" - Primus
94.Done with this?: /thuds over
95.What time is it?: 1:23 AM
96.What is your slogan?: Good days to you.
97.What is your favorite color?: Idk I'm fond of orange lately.
98.Are you taking any lessons?: Naw.
99. Which one do you like the most?: 8|
100.Strawberries: Whipped cream.
101.What color is the sky?: Dark. B|
One final question, What do you have to say to the person who tagged you?: I wasn't tagged. I stealed.
/official meme post the
end of the year appreciation meme