what it do

Sep 07, 2008 23:57


it's been a few days short of a month since i landed in los angeles. i was saying "i've been here a couple weeks" and then "i've been here 3 weeks" whenever anyone asked, and then i figured, just like my bank account, that i had better check just to make sure. i am still hauling my paintings in the back seat, and the miscellaneous items and spare tire in the trunk, with my threadbare emergency swimming suit and goggles. i have been staying in Laurel's 2nd bedroom and while it is definitely like camping, it's been a blessing.

i finally found a wonderful apartment in Culver City, which is a well-rounded city of 80,000 apparently (the same population as Las Cruces.). it's known as "studiosville" or something, lots of TV, lots of movies, but more importantly has a pretty kicking art scene and tons of little galleries that i'm a block away from and some cool industrial areas. the apartment is lovely. it seems to be a sort of conglomerate of the 2 apartments i loved in new mexico - the open, airy space and the red tile floors combined. there is an art studio in the back which used to be a garage that is my own private white cube for painting. it's a super nice street called Cattaraugus Street, with some amazing foliage, and long-term neighbors in the compound. i'm almost broken from lack of home and can't wait to unload and put a root or two down somewhere at last; this has been a long 6 month journey of couch touring. i have never been to ikea, but i already have a fold out sofa and cutting board table picked out. :)

it's really accessible to downtown also. i'll be around 7 miles from each of the campuses i use and i'm planning to use the bus and bike for the most part. there is a bike path that runs along a creek, thus free from road rage maniacs and assholes, but guess what? there are attacks and muggings going on under the freeway against bikers. i've already brought it up that there should be a project. the biking is a highly politicized thing here, and both bicyclists and drivers are pretty serious and pissed. it's not a nice bike friendly city like minneapolis or SF. (or anywhere else reasonable and tolerant on the planet earth.) no, instead, the brainwashed masses cling to their steering wheels and lay down lead feet, refusing to accept the notion of anything divergent from the almighty auto. kinda scary. something to be reckoned with. i watched a hummer stop traffic, having a standoff with a bicyclist flicking him the bird. ..... i'm tired of driving. the buick is tired too, tired of stop and go, stop and start. it's time to negotiate the space in as much lucidity and safety as possible and give that thing a rest while my legs start pumping to action.

school is starting to pick up and the classes are interesting to say the least. the level of challenge feels appropriate to very high, to nearly goddamned impossible. it is becoming clear that the academic rigors may actually pale in comparison with the nuance of collaborative work. on an interpersonal level, the group is extra cool and remarkably familiar / familial. i have some very, very bad study habits, or lack therof.....can't even see how it's all going to work, that is, creating a long-term sculpture project, reading and writing papers, doing collaborative work in laton once a month and beyond, and somehow trying to make money at a job and have time to make paintings and go to the beach or meandering on my bike. this is the overwhelm that makes my eyes heavy and my discouragement start to pull me down, but i need to keep trusting that it will work out and the crazy career path i am choosing in all its miscellany will fall into a productive and reasonable rhythym.


on the one time.

love y'all, miss the fam quite a lot, (a ylot ylot ylot!!!!) miss the autumn, miss the co-ops. (there's one here but it's a freaky scene and full of expensive raw foods and rich do-gooders.i tried to give the 5 digit PLU only to be laughed at by the cashier that it was only 3 digits; the signage was misleading to the language i have grown up with. of course i informed her that i'm from minneapolis and that is how we do.)

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