Title: the noble wife
Series: Naruto
Pairing and Genre: Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke. Romance.
Words and Progress: 1000; Complete.
Notes: M. Set post-series. Featuring polyamory. For
smut comment fic meme (prompt: N/S/S; worst kept secret ever). Originally posted
Summary: There are times when she feels the confused, judgmental gaze of someone who
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But when night is upon them, he asks her about it in the quiet, awkward way he speaks to Sakura when he wants to sound empathetic (it's not that he's not empathetic: he just... speaks in a certain impersonal monotone that's perfectly natural... for him).
I love this section too!! I really appreciate how you focus on the intimacy between Sakura and Sasuke when it would be so easy to turn this into a NaruSasu fic or even NaruSaku. Their relationship is complicated, mostly because I imagine Sasuke being incredibly awkward (as you described him) which might lead to some harshness born of embarrassment and Sakura harboring resentment towards him (maybe even more so than Naruto in some ways) but still loving him and wanting to care for him. What you've written seems like the type of relationship they would have once they got past that. It's really sweet <3
affectionately, absentmindedly, manipulatively.
This describes Sasuke to a T. Every action of his has some meaning even if it's coming from an unconscious level where he's still trying to protect himself/control the people he loves. Wonderful insight.
Man, I really could gush for days. I loved loved loved this. This is what I've been needing from the Naruto fandom.
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