[Fiction] four naruto drabbles

Jul 19, 2010 15:39

Title: Laundry Day Briefs
Series: Naruto.
Genre and Pairing: PWP. Naruto/Sasuke.
Words/Progress: 150; Complete.
Notes: M. Underwear fetish. Written for narutobanged's comment ficathon (prompt: Alejandro).
Summary: It's pretty hideous: the pair of briefs Sasuke has on.

It's pretty hideous: the pair of briefs Sasuke has on. White, but worn-grayed. Hardly any elastic left, if there was ever much on it in the first place. Fits loose on his slim hips. Fits loose around his thighs. You can see his cock outlined perfectly-no shame, like a slut. Maybe he's a bit of a slut: it's in the way his thighs turn pink with blood and excitement as you touch a stripe down his thigh; the quiver in his knee as you tongue it. It burns you with nervousness, a need to please (you want those wanton sighs, don't you), and the trill of kinetic energy pulsing through you as you kiss those ugly, ugly briefs-lick them-mouth them. Then you realize you're the slut (have you even taken off your boots?) and you grip his hips and never want it to end.


Title: Foggy
Series: Naruto.
Genre and Pairing: Romance, Gen, Dark. Shisui/Itachi.
Words/Progress: 115; Complete.
Notes: T. Canon character death. Written for narutobanged's comment ficathon (prompt: nothing left to burn).
Summary: There's no air between you and he, and no where to shout, no where to run.

You swallow like an idiot, stomach already swollen with water expanding that much more. It burns. It burns so much-hurts so much. And there's no air between you and he, and no where to shout, no where to run. There's just the idea of separation that doesn't exist and the weight of water pressing down on you; the smell of oxygen withheld from your lungs; the knowing-knowing-that he's a foggy image above you that you'll never see clear again.

You can't even move but your hands find his hands on your shoulders. Too weak to do much so you hold on. Like an idiot, you hold on.

But there's no support now.


Title: Preparations
Series: Naruto.
Genre and Pairing: Horror, Gen. Minato/Kushina.
Words/Progress: 150; Complete.
Notes: T. Gore. Written for narutobanged's comment ficathon (prompt: the finale).
Summary: Her breath comes in in short pants, each suck for air too far apart.

Her breath comes in in short pants, each suck for air too far apart; each suck another fight to keep from swallowing the blood that has just risen. She's still alive but she's choking. On her own blood and the pain her mind has already withered from... she's choking. And he's crying-high-pitched wails... a sound of a baby's confusion and the strife of an entire world dependent on one man. You... have to ignore them. You can't think of them right now. Preparations... preparations are needed. Flip-turn-flip of your wrist. Line across the dirt, three dashes and another line-she managed a garbled scream. Her mind is lost, Minato. Her mind is lost and you have to finish and no, she's not Kushina anymore. Stop. Eyes to your hands. No-no-oh... strands of her hair dip across her face. Red stripes of hair, red stripes of blood... and she's choking on the strands.


Title: Seek
Series: Naruto.
Genre and Pairing: PWP, Dark. Orochimaru/Sasuke.
Words/Progress: 210; Complete.
Notes: Written for narutobanged's comment ficathon (prompt: tongue-in-cheek).
Summary: He'll make you pay for that comment later.

He'll make you pay for that comment later. Maybe it will be a slap in a few minutes or harsh training tomorrow, but you doubt either will happen because you can already feel the burning of his fingers tight on your hips-bruising and insensitive. His tongue halfway around your neck as if to choke you; his hair shrouding your shoulders in a sign of his possession over you. (You dare talk back to me, Saaaasssuke?) And you will not close your eyes even though he won't know it if you do: the one time he caught you, you felt twisting heat tearing somewhere-everywhere within you for days. No, you will buck back into the weak form behind you that stinks of snakes and the dark, and your eyes will not flicker from the wooden headboard, wanting to get away... wanting it all to stop... wanting it to go on just a bit longer. He drags it out as long as he can (never mind about your stamina) and makes it hurt and sting and you will need to wash thrice in boiling hot water before you can swallow the building bile in your throat.

And even though you know all this, you still seek out his anger. Because you're sick, Sasuke. Sick.

shipping: misc, f.animanga: naruto, expression: fiction, love: gen, love: slash, love: het, love: enemies, shipping: sasunaru

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