The Art of Getting to Know You [part 2/4]

May 05, 2014 03:19


Joonmyeon didn’t know why he thought he could handle the responsibilities of being in the student council, school magazine and prom night committee in the same year. He’d joined the three organizations the year before, and it was fine, but he was also just some minor member, not as the leader. And then there was also the matter of maintaining his grade, which was important, considering he was in his senior year now. Bottom line was, he was overwhelmed and needed every help that he could get.

“…and I know you’re done with your promotion materials, but I’d appreciate it if you still stick around and help the decoration team,” Joonmyeon told Yixing as they were having a lunch together and along with some of the other committee members. “They asked me to give them more hands and I think you can be the right person since you have a good eye with these kinds of things.”

Yixing could only chuckle. “Relax, hyung. I’m not planning to just leave you guys once my job is done anyway.”

Joonmyeon was grateful for Yixing’s understanding. And he was about to tell him so, when suddenly Kris put a phone on their table.

“Oh?” Yixing sounded as surprised as Joonmyeon was. “Did I leave it in your car this morning?” Yixing looked up at the tall boy as Kris sat down next to him and placed two cup of pudding in front of Yixing (one was mango and the other was chocolate, a treat after the typeface options he gave Kris earlier).

“Yes. Again.” Kris looked more amused than annoyed by Yixing’s antic it seemed.

Huh? Joonmyeon couldn’t help but to raise his eyebrow.

“Wait, wait, wait.” Joonmyeon interrupted the two. “You know each other? And how come you left your phone in his car, Yixing?”

Yixing looked like he wasn’t sure to let Joonmyeon knows about his relationship-more like partnership really- with Kris. So Kris helped him answer the question instead.

“I drive him to school this morning.”

“Since when you drive people around? And buy them puddings? I’m your oldest friend in this school and you’ve never bought me one.”

“Well, first, you can buy everyone and their mothers all the puddings in the world with your own money.” Joonmyeon clicked his tongue hearing Kris’ insinuation about his family wealth. “And second, haven’t you heard the hottest news this morning, spread by our resident evil personification of a deer? We’re together.” Kris awkwardly smiled and put his arm around Yixing’s shoulder.

Who automatically shrugged it off and told Joonmyeon, deadpanned, “We’re not.”

“Yet,” Kris replied without missing a beat. “We’re not yet together. Since Yixing needs some convincing. But we’ll get there.” And he put his arm back around the younger’s shoulder.

Kris had decided that if Yixing was the one who play this game first. And Kris just wanted to show that he could also play along.

Yixing huffed and rolled his eyes. Whatever. He thought no one would believe it anyway.

While on the other side of the table Joonmyeon still looked baffled. During all those years he befriended Kris, not even once the other boy showed any indication that he knew that Yixing even existed. And now he was wooing him?

“Well, just,” he tilted his head, still trying to wrap his head around this new development, “be careful, you two.” Then he frowned, not even sure why he gave such advice.

“Don’t worry, Joonmyeon, I know I will,” he convinced the student council president as he got up and motioned Kris to follow him. “Later,” he waved to the older boy before he dragged Kris to go out of the canteen by his wrist.

“Why do you tell Joonmyeon we’re together?” Yixing asked as they turned into a quiet hallway. “I thought you said we should keep this a secret.”

“After the stunt you pulled yesterday, you think Luhan wouldn’t tell everyone that I’m trying to get into your pants?” Kris sighed. “Besides, I figure it’ be better to give Joonmyeon a back story of why we’re going to see each other a lot these next few days.”

“Right,” Yixing responded vaguely.

“Why are you dragging me around?”

“Because,” The shorter boy shoved Kris into an empty classroom, “I’m going to need your help.”

“Why do I feel like your requests will only escalate from here?”

Yixing bit his lip. And he frowned. And pouted. And just looked downright upset because Kris didn’t readily agree to help him.

And Kris didn’t think that look was good. Not at all. Because Yixing looked like a cute kicked puppy. And who the hell could ignore such puppy, dammit!

“Okay, what?” Kris took a seat on one of the chair and waited Yixing, who grinned the second he heard Kris’ response, to explain it to him.

“I have an English homework for last period. And I haven’t finished it because I was doing that logo font for you last night.”

“Hey. Don’t try to pin it on me. I’m not the one who wanted to hang out and eat junk food after school.”

“Well, you have a point. But English’s not my favorite subject anyway, so I don’t think I can do it myself even if I want to…” Yixing let his words trailed off and looked up at Kris from under his long brown bangs, looking just a tiny bit embarrassed.


“So, can you do it for-.”

“Hell, no. I’m not doing your homework for you.” And to prove that he was serious, Kris crossed his arms in front of his chest. He wouldn’t let himself be swayed by Yixing’s puppy look or cute dimples. He would stand his ground.

He quietly watched as Yixing exaggeratedly threw his hands in the air and huffed and walked to take a seat next to him, looking dejected.

“But I don’t know how to finish it,” he whined to himself and drilled a hole on the top of the desk with his frustrated glare.

“You should’ve told me earlier then so I can help you, instead of just write it down for you. We only have 10 minutes left before the bell rings.”

“I didn’t even remember I have unfinished homework until you showed up with my pudding and then I remembered you must be good in English and you can help me.”

Now Yixing was downright whimpering and it was not fair at all for Kris.

“There’s a line, Yixing. Like you can ask a lot of things for me to do, but this is cheating.” Yet, Kris could already feel he was wavering.

Yixing made a weird high pitched whine that sounded so sad that Kris was sure no one could say no to it. No one. That was his justification.

“Fine.” Kris, defeated, reached out his hand for Yixing to show him his homework. “Just this one time though. I swear I’m not going to do this anymore for you.”

And of course Yixing squealed the second Kris resolution crumbled.

“Just this one time. Promise,” he told the older boy.

“And what are you going to do if I said no, by the way?” Kris asked casually while he scanned the part that Yixing had done for any mistakes.

Yixing shrugged. “Skip a class and figure it out later probably.”

Kris spared a glance at the shorter boy who was puffing his cheeks and mindlessly making farting sounds next to him.

“Why do I feel like that’s also your answer for every subject?”

“Well it’s not like I’m going to need English or Algebra once I become a singer.”

Kris tapped Yixing’s head with the pen he was holding.

“And what if you became internationally famous and had to do interviews with foreign media?”

“There’s always translator.”

“You’re the absolute worst.” Yixing shrugged without care. “Want me to tutor you instead? Just to make sure none of this ever happens again.”

A look of surprise flickered on Yixing’s face. But he didn’t say anything and instead he once again shrugged, back to puffing his cheeks as if he was impatient and wanted Kris to just finish his homework already.

And Kris thought that look was cute on him. Seriously, he was being careles and lazy, and still he looked cute.

“Seriously the absolute worst.”

Offering to mentor Yixing, on top of being his slave in general, was proven to be a bad idea since Yixing was apparently behind in almost every subject. Kris ended up dropping by to Yixing’s house every day after school just to make sure he got his homework done.

Kris probably shouldn’t care so much about Yixing’s academic problem since the boy himself didn’t seem too concern about that and had been surviving his school life just fine so far. And Kris knew he wasn’t the perfect tutor since he himself wasn’t as studious as Kyungsoo and wasn’t a good teacher like Joonmyeon. But someone should at least try.

Sometimes, most of the time though actually, Kris tried to explain a simple math formula and Yixing would reply him with a strum of his guitar, change the subject by asking if he liked the new song Yixing wrote with Kris’ words for its lyrics. And okay, that last one was actually fun and even though Kris had never given any thought about song writing before, he found himself quite enjoying it. And sometimes Yixing’s mom asked him to stay for dinner, and it was also fun since she was such a great cook.

In other times, Kris got himself distracted because Yixing had gazillion (okay, more like 6 maybe) kittens and puppies running around the house since he and his mother couldn’t help but to bring one home whenever they found abandoned ones (Kris had experience it once when he had to drive Yixing home. And of course the puppy peed in his car. And he would’ve thrown both Yixing and the puppy out of his car if only they didn’t have that look, which were of course a force to be reckoned with aka Kris was just weak with anything cute and Yixing’s sad puppy look and an actual sad puppy definitely classify as one.)

If it was other people, Kris might have felt annoyed by them. Might have thought of them as dumb and just plain weird. But then he would find Yixing sitting on the bleacher, waiting for him to be done with his basketball practice, getting lost in his own world between the music in his ears and the sketchbook on his lap. Kris could sit next to him for minutes and Yixing wouldn’t even know it.

Kris liked that focus look on Yixing the best. And he was reminded once again that Yixing was one of those people who could really be into what he loved, but couldn’t even bother to worry about other things, like school. And maybe that was okay. Kris knew he would definitely thrive with his art anyway.

Kris also knew, Yixing’s neck was hypersensitive. And maybe he was being a jerk, but he couldn’t help it but to blow on the pale skin, causing Yixing to yelp and leap up on his seat, sending everything he was holding to fall on the ground.

“Wufan!” Yixing pouted at the older boy who was grinning and feigning innocence, “That is so rude!” Yixing threw harmless punches at Kris’ arm which only caused the taller to laugh.

“You know what I think is rude?” Kris asked as he picked up Yixing’s sketchbook from the floor and opened it to the last page where Yixing drew Kris midair during a layup. “Drawing someone without their permission.”

“Oh, please.” Yixing tried to snatch his sketchbook away, but Kris held it away from him. And Kris had long arms, so there was basically no hope for Yixing to get his sketchbook back without the other boy giving it to him. “Your fangirls are taking pictures of you and you’re basking at their attention. Now give me back my book.”

“If I admit I love the attention, can I have your drawing instead?”


“Why not?” It’s my portrait.”

“It’s not even good and I haven’t finished it.”

“Once you’re done with it, can I have it then?” Kris asked, nicely if he may added, while still trying to fend off Yixing’s grabby hands.

“Ugh, fine. Whatever.” Yixing rolled his eyes in defeat. “How long have you been sitting there and watching me anyway?”

“Few minutes.” Yixing looked shocked and self-conscious all of the sudden. “Hey, not my fault you’re so spacey when you’re in the zone.”

Yixing clicked his tongue in annoyance. “You should stop that. And why are you so dressed up?” The younger boy took note of Kris fresh shirt and styled up hair.

Kris cared for his looks. Maybe even too much, if Yixing could be honest. But even then, after practice he usually would just wear the shirt he wore for school earlier. Yet today he changed his shirt.

“My teammate, Chanyeol, got a party at his house tonight,” he told Yixing as he returned his sketchbook, “You should come.”

“Wufan, you should’ve told me if you have something else so I wouldn’t have to wait for you,” Yixing started to whine.

“Or you can just come with me. Chanyeol won’t mind.”

“Thanks. But I don’t go to parties.” Yixing got up and started to walk down the bleacher without waiting for Kris.

“Why don’t you go to parties?” Kris asked as he tried to catch up with the younger boy.

“Not my scene.”

“Really? I think I’ve seen Luhan in some parties.”

“We’re not attached at the hip, you know.”

“But, I mean, you dance. And you can dance in parties.”

“Well, sorry, but my idea of dancing is not grinding hip with another drunk, horny teenager.”

Once out of the school building, the two boys headed toward Kris’ red BMW. It was one of the last few cars still waiting for their owner in the parking lot. It was Friday after all, most kids were even more eager than usual to get out of school as soon as possible if they didn’t have anything else to do at the school.

Kris unlocked his car so Yixing could get in first. And by the time he got into his own car, Yixing already had his iPod connected to the audio system and was in the middle of picking a song to play. Apparently, Yixing was still determined in his mission to broaden Kris’ musical taste since he found out that Kris only listened to gangsta rap and 90’s rock band like Creed.

Yixing decided on Jay Chou this time, and Kris didn’t mind. At least it wasn’t one of those horribly sad Chinese ballads that Yixing liked so much. But on Jay Chou they could agree. Kris liked the music and the lyrics were poetic. They would sing together under their breaths. Sometimes Yixing forgot the words, sometimes Kris couldn’t hit the right note. And they would laugh and corrected each other.

They almost reached Yixing’s house when the younger finally realized, “Why am I here? Why are you driving me home? I thought you’re going to the party.”

Kris laughed at how late Yixing realized all this. He wasn’t sure if it was because Yixing was being slow as usual or because it was already so natural for him to get into the Kris’ car without even thinking. “That’s fine. I was going to just hang out with Chanyeol before everyone comes, but he’s probably with his boyfriend anyway.”

“Oh. Baekhyun.”

“So, you know Baekhyun.”

“Well, he sings together with Kyungsoo and Jongdae. And I accompany them sometimes with piano or guitar, so…”

“So that’s another kid you know at the party. You should definitely come, okay.”

“I don’t like parties, okay.” Yixing climbed out of the car the second it was parked nicely in his driveway and Kris turned off the engine. “Everything’s too loud at parties. I can’t even hear myself thinking.”

“Now that you say that, I can imagine you’re spacing out by yourself while everyone around you are busy getting drunk and making out,” Kris said with hint of amusement as he followed Yixing to his front door.

“See, it’s just weird for me to be there.” Yixing toed off his shoes before stepping further inside. “Mom, I’m home.”

“And with Kris,” announced the older as he bent down to scoop one of Yixing’s cat. An orange tabby, and if Kris remembered correctly, this one was called Van, brother of Ludwig and Beethoven.

“Are you going to stay for dinner, Kris? I’m cooking your favorite tonight,” Yixing’s mom told them from the kitchen.

“Of course I’m staying.” And Kris was grinning while petting Yixing’s cat happily, despite the unimpressed look the younger was giving him.

“I thought you’re going to go to a party.” Yixing was grumbling, although he wasn’t actually rejecting the idea of having Kris staying for dinner. After all he’d been having a suspicion that helping him with his study was actually only an excuse so Kris could eat Yixing’s mom’s cooking almost every night. So today was nothing out of the ordinary.

Kris put the cat down when they were inside Yixing’s room so he could inspect Yixing’s grooming products on his dresser and immediately disappointed when he could only found one old jar of hair wax.

“This is already expired,” he informed the owner who only shrugged at him in return.

“I never really use it.”

Van the cat already made himself comfortable on Yixing’s lap and he purred happily when Yixing scratched the back of his ears.

“You never really use anything it seems. You don’t have toner. Your lotion doesn’t have SPF. And no night cream either,” Kris complained.

Yet, he still combed his hair back with his fingers and put some of the expire wax on it. “Do you have a hair dryer?”

Yixing replied him with a pointed look. “I’m not a princess.”

“Hey! Even a prince needs grooming, okay.” Yixing snorted a laugh, which Kris ignored. “Do you think I should style my hair like this? For prom? Or should I just let my bangs down as usual?” The blonde boy pointed his now pushed back hair.

Yixing took a quick glance before paying his attention back to his cat. “I don’t know,” he answered with a shrug. “It’s just the same.”

Kris clicked his tongue. “You’re not even looking. How is this just the same? Come on, Yixing, look at me.”

Yixing rolled his eyes. Kris was so excited with everything related to their school prom night. It was almost as if he’d been preparing for the night since the last one ended almost a year ago (or maybe he did). And yet he still talked about trying out new suits and shoes, just because he didn’t want to miss out if there was a better item out there.

When he finally looked up, Yixing was reluctant. And he was definitely lying when he said it was just the same. Obviously Kris looked much more mature with his hair styled up like that. And with a tux, he would definitely look stunning.

But Yixing decided to settle with a simple, “It’s nice.”


The younger couldn’t help but to laugh at Kris’ almost desperation for compliments. “Look, I don’t think your date would mind whether you comb your hair down or up.”

“Well I mind. And also…” Kris walked up to Yixing who was sitting on his bed. He picked up the cat from Yixing’s lap and put it back on the bed before he held Yixing’s wrist and pulled him up to stand.

“What?” Yixing asked, startled.

“Teach me how to dance.”

Kris was beaming with excitement. He already had one hand on Yixing’s waist and the other one holding Yixing’s right hand.

“You know I don’t dance like that, right?” The younger tried to step away from Kris’ hold.

“But still, you’re a dancer and more coordinated than I do.” Yixing still looked reluctant. “Oh come on, just something simple so I don’t embarrassed myself.”

Yixing sighed helplessly. It seemed like Kris wouldn’t let him go with this one.

“Okay.” Yixing put his left hand on Kris’s shoulder and let his right one lifted by Kris. They looked at each other for a second. And then Yixing moved away. “We need music,” he said curtly before turning away from Kris.

Yixing picked up the iPod he threw carelessly on his desk earlier. And as he scrolled through the songs in his gadget, the ticking sound from his clock suddenly seemed so loud. He had never slow dance with anyone before and now his palms started to sweat.

“How do you usually dance?” he asked Kris who had moved to a better space to get more room for them to dance. A soft piano melody filtered through the speaker.

“I just sway.”

“It’s perfectly fine to just sway,” Yixing said with a shrug, still trying to get away from teaching Kris how to dance.

“Yeah, but it’s my last prom in high school. I should at least improve.” Kris once again took Yixing’s hand when the younger looked unsure. “It’s your song?” His left hand subtly pulled Yixing’s closer as he asked the question. And the younger nodded in reply. “It’s nice.”

“Thanks.” Yixing finally smiled as he positioned Kris’ left hand higher from his waist to his upper back. “Remember, always be a gentleman, Wufan,” he said with a mock warning look.

The older pouted but his hand stayed.

Standing this close, Yixing could smell the soap Kris was using when he took his quick shower at school. He could feel the heat radiating from Kris’ warm body. And he suddenly was hyper-aware of his slightly wet palms. Or how his head only reached around Kris’ nose and he could only hope his hair didn’t smell like sweat since it was already at the end of the day and on top of that, he had a mini dace battle with Jongin during lunch.

“I think it’s better not to stand so close to each other, so you have room to move your feet,” Yixing suggested.

“Okay.” And Kris took half a step back.

“Want to try move from side to side?”


“Okay. Slide your left foot to the left.” Kris did as he was told. “And then follow with your right foot.” Even before Yixing finished his sentence Kris already slid his other foot. “Now-.” Again, Kris naturally stepped back into their first spot without Yixing had to tell him to. “See, it’s easy.

“Yeah, but I’m stiff.”

Yixing chuckled softly. “You do,” he told Kris honestly. “You just need practice so you’re comfortable with your body and leading your partner.”

“I think it’s easy because it’s with you.” Kris led them to their right this time just as he saw something flickered in Yixing’s eyes before it disappeared as quickly. “You’re natural with these kinds of things.”

“Just relax.” And Yixing let himself being glided back to their left. “You’ll be fine.” Kris only hummed in response.

“Xing.” The nickname was first being used after the first few days of Kris coming to Yixing’s house and trying to help him with his study. “You know I can see everything, right?”

“See what?” Yixing looked up to see a mischievous glint on Kris’ eyes. And then everything clicked. He’d seen that look many times before that he could only roll his eyes.

Yixing actually couldn’t stand wearing button up shirt for the whole day. That was why the second the school bell rang, he’d unbuttoned or took off his uniform shirt completely, so instead he’d only wear his low-collared tank top undershirt (which of course Kris swore must be illegal).

“Trying to peek into your partner’s dress definitely wouldn’t be considered as gentlemanly now, would it?” Yixing teased.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Kris tried to be daring and gently stepped forward, hoping he was leading Yixing well enough so that the shorter boy knew to compliment his move. And Yixing’s smile was encouraging as he stepped back. “But you already call me a pervert anyway. So, nothing to lose there.”

When Yixing’s dimple only turned deeper and his eyes shaped like a pair of crescent moon from his laugh, Kris silently wondered if the dancing would be easier if his partner wasn’t this distracting.

Kris left after a nice dinner with Yixing’s family, just like usual. Yixing’s parents were warm and attentive to Yixing and him. And they were completely supportive with Yixing’s decision to pursue art (if his name wasn’t already a hint). It was always nice for Kris just to be there, sharing a meal with them and watching them interact with each other.

He probably spent longer in Yixing’s house than what he was planning that the party at Chanyeol’s place was already going on full blast. He found his schoolmates already in various states of inebriation. And when he finally saw Chanyeol, the younger boy was too busy lip-locking with his boyfriend to care to greet Kris.

Kris then found Luhan when he was about to get his own drink. And surprisingly Luhan was alone (instead of harassing his soccer teammate, Kim Minseok).

“Oy,” Kris called Luhan who only nodded back at him. “I was from Yixing’s house. I told him to come, but he doesn’t want to.”

In an instant, Luhan straightened himself his full height, trying to intimidate Kris. And despite being almost a head shorter, he managed to make Kris took a half step back.

“I swear if you try to take an advantage of him by taking him to parties and getting him drunk, I will cut your-.”

“Whoa! Chill! What the hell?” Luhan looked positively murderous. “I just want him to come, okay? Meet other kids.”

“Well, he can’t.” Luhan huffed, still looking at Kris with distrust. “Yixing couldn’t hold his alcohol. It makes him do stupid things and forget all about it in the morning.”

“I didn’t even know that.”

“Now you know. So if you even just think to use it-.”

“I won’t, okay, Luhan. I’m not even trying to get into his pants.”

Luhan narrowed his eyes at Kris. “So what’s with all those moves you’re pulling on him?”

Kris groaned, threw his head back in frustration, before finally decided it’d be better if Luhan knew the truth so he’d stop pestering him about this whole protecting Yixing’s virginity thing. If Yixing was even still virgin.

Luhan let Kris go after he found out about the real deal between Kris and Yixing. Now that he knew Kris wasn’t trying to bed Yixing and therefore didn’t have any reason to threaten him, Luhan couldn’t help but to find the slightly younger boy to be boring. Although, Kris thought, everything and everyone must have turned boring for Luhan now that Kim Minseok was here.

It was around the same time that Kris’ cellphone beeped and vibrated in his jeans pocket, signaling he had received some messages from Yixing.

What is this supposed to mean? The first one read. Then the second message, a picture, came. And it was the idea for their school magazine logo that Kris submitted earlier that day, as per Yixing’s request. Yixing said that he should at least get the idea of how Kris wanted it to be so that it wasn’t 100% came from Yixing’s creation. Because after all, it was Kris’ name that was going to be attached to it.

I’ve written down the explanation for it, Kris replied.

It’s a huge circle with three little circles inside.

Kris could imagine Yixing would’ve had a straight, unimpressed face if they were face to face.

Another message came even before Kris could reply the previous one.

And don’t even dare to give me your ‘everything must come from perfect egg shape’ speech.

Kris made a face and decided he’d need to sit down if he had to deal with Yixing’s usual frustration and creative block rant.

Those are not even egg shapes, Xing

OTL why did I let Kyungsoo to convince me to help you T___T

Yixing said that at least once a day.

I bet it’s because I’m easy on the eye

@_@ please. I want to keep my dinner stay in my tummy

Met that evil deer you call best friend btw

Please tell him don’t get too wasted
He promise to go with me to pick up my guitar tomorrow

Can’t. he’s with Kim Minseok now
Not taking that chance (ーー; ;)

@_@ @_@ told you I wanna keep my dinner

Kris chuckled to himself. But instead of replying to Yixing, he navigated himself around his drunken schoolmates to reach the stairs and went upstairs where the bedrooms were. It was too loud downstairs that Kris couldn’t hear himself thinking.

Tho it’s good if they finally do it, he read Yixing’s message after closing one of the bedroom’s door behind him. F I N A L L Y.

And you owe me 10 bucks, Kris replied.

Only if they actually do that tonight, Wufan

Speaking of doing it
He threatened me again -__-;;
So I told him about our deal

So much for keeping it a secret huh?

Usually in a party like this, Kris would have a few drinks just to lower his inhibition before he went to looks someone with a pretty face and tried to get lucky. And sometimes he would just get drunk and do stupid things with his team mates.

So he found it ridiculous, that this time, when the party died down, he was instead lying all alone on Chanyeol’s sister’s bed with his phone screen showing Yixing’s last message, telling him good night and have a nice dream.

Kris let out a frustrated sigh. That was a potentially amazing party he just wasted. But, hey, at least he had helped Yixing through the night to finish two options for their logo and he could present those to Joonmyeon and the others on Monday, he tried to convince himself.

Kris stretched his long body on the bed, trying to find the best position to rest. He thought it’d be better if he stayed there than driving home in the middle of the night.

If Luhan can’t go with you tomorrow let me know, he typed on his phone as he settled himself under the warm blanket, deciding to reward Yixing for finishing the logo on time. I’ll go with you.

On Saturday, Yixing went out with Luhan to pick up his new guitar. And apparently Yixing didn’t have to pay Kris for their bet. Although Luhan did announce that he and Minseok were finally officially together.

As usual Kris came to Yixing’s house on Sunday, polishing the logo Yixing had made earlier and helping the younger with whatever school work he had. But of course they could only finish half of it, since Kris spent the other half of the time trying to help Yixing with his new composition.

Yixing looked satisfied though. And Kris noticed that the melodies and lyrics he created were now brighter, happier, compared to the ones Kris listened to when they first got to know each other.

On Monday, Kris presented the logo options to the other members in the club. They were having a hard time picking between the two, because they liked the two designs.

Kris watched Joonmyeon frowned at the printed logos in his hands, putting on what Kris called as his thinking face.

“Maybe we should put this aside,” Kyungsoo finally suggested, “We don’t need to make a decision now. We only have two to choose from and we can always do a vote if we still can’t reach consensus.”

“Yeah,” Jongdae grumbled against the surface of a desk where he stuck his face against. “I just want to go home.” His lense-less eyewear lay crooked between his face and the desk.

“Right,” Joonmyeon finally diverted his attention to smile at the rest of the members, “it’s been a long day. I think we all should take this home and I expect everyone to already have a decision in our next meeting.”

“Oh great!” Jongdae stood up from his seat, even before Joonmyeon could finish his words, to stretch his body and looked satisfied when the kinks in his muscles loosen.

When he passed Kris on his way out, Jongdae smirked and gave him a pat on his back. “Who would’ve thought Kris-hyung’s creations could put us in such position. I was even ready to call my preschooler sister to help us understand whatever you would present to us today.”

Kris shared a knowing, cautious look with Kyungsoo even when he answered Jongdae with the same playful tone. “Please, Jongdae, save your little sister the trouble. My high-brow works would be too difficult for his young mind to comprehend.”

“Yeah, right,” Jongdae scoffed before Kyungsoo dragged him out of the room before he could say anything anymore.

Kris slung his designer satchel bag across his chest and was about to follow the younger boys when Joonmyeon called him and asked him to stay.

“Help me with some of these… things,” Joonmyeon explained distractedly, once again fixated with the design logos in his hands.

Kris raised an eyebrow but stayed in inside the room anyway, while few other juniors and freshmen members bid them goodbye.

Joonmyeon didn’t take long to finish his… things with Kris. When they walked together from their club room and along the rather empty hallways, they were talking about their academics works that were just getting harder. Well, Joonmyeon talked about that anyway. Kris tuned him out mostly and thought about which NBA game rerun would be aired tonight.

Just ast they stepped out of the building, Kris could hear melody playing from a guitar and Jongdae’s and Kyungsoo’s familiar voices in perfect harmony with each other. The guitar player, Yixing, sat sideway on the step with his back against the banister, watching the two younger boys with a fond, astonished smile on his face.

“Kris,” Joonmyeon inadvertently pulled Kris attention away from Yixing. And at the same time, Kris was only then realizing he had stopped on his track. He looked at Joonmyeon’s serious eyes, who then told him, “I mean what I said,” as he referred to their private discussion earlier.

“Wufan!” This time it was Yixing who called him without giving him a chance to reply to Joonmyeon. “You’re taking forever,” Yixing started to complain. He placed his new guitar carefully inside the case and slung said case over his shoulder before following the younger boys to stand up and walk up to their two seniors.

“Joonmyeon asked me to help him finish up something,” Kris explained.

Yixing lips formed an adorable O before he offered an apologetic smile to Joonmyeon for his complain earlier. And when he turned to Kris, he asked whether they could finally go home now.

Jongdae, always in tune with whatever gossips circulating at their school, teased Yixing about being a clingy boyfriend. Yixing in turn rolled his eyes, elbowed Jongdae on his rib and told him that they were not even together.

Kris saw Joonmyeon opened his mouth and was about to say something, when Kris cut him. “It’s just… Yixing’s home is on the way, okay,” he said, explaining the matter to Jongdae, even as his eyes never left Joonmyeon’s. “And since yours are not, I can only say, see you tomorrow.”

Kris already had his hand on Yixing’s shoulder, trying to guide him to climb down the steps and walk to Kris’ parked car, when Joonmyeon called Kris’ name again.

“I know, I know,” Kris said and waving his hand dismissively, already walking away from the rest of the boys. “See you tomorrow, okay.”

And as Yixing looked over his shoulder to bid them goodbye, Kris fixed Joonmyeon with his own stare and nodded. He already knew what Joonmyeon was about to say and that he was serious about that without Joonmyeon had to repeated himself.

This afternoon, Yixing forgot, or maybe was not in the mood, to listen to the songs he had in his iPod. So he sat quietly on his seat. Although Kris noticed he had his fingers drumming against his bobbing knees, probably itching to play with his new guitar again.

“It doesn’t even take half an hour to reach your home, Yixing,” Kris said with a soft smile, “Relax.”

“I got this melody in my head. And I was about to play it. But then Kyungsoo and Jongdae came and asked me to accompany them for a performance. So I didn’t get the chance to,” Yixing explained as his tapped his fingers faster. “Oh, I can’t hang out with you this weekend then.” Kris wanted to remind him that the only reason Kris came was to help him with his works, but of course they both knew what actually always happened instead. “Because I have to practice with them, you know.”

“Hmm,” Kris hummed his reply. “What do you make them do in return?” Yixing turned to look at Kris and made a questioning sound. “For helping them for their performance.”

The younger frowned. “Why…” Then he looked up, as if it’d helped him understand Kris’ question better. “Why would I make them do anything?”

Yixing was having his moment, and by now Kris was already familiar with it. But it still didn’t stop to sigh with exasperation.

“Because you make me buy you pudding every day.” The words looked like finally dawned on Yixing. “And do your home works.” Then Yixing started to chuckle. “Transporting stray dog to your house even though we both know he’s going to pee in my car.” Yixing was laughing heartily right now. “And I swear if you say they don’t have to do anything for you, I swear…”

“You’ll what?” Yixing asked half in defiance, half in amusement, because during the short time they had known each other, all Kris could and would do was to roll his eyes or grunt, or at most, complain when Yixing did something that Kris didn’t agree with.

And just as Yixing predicted, the older boy grunted in his annoyance. Although he also reached his hand across the console to mess Yixing’s hair not too gently, causing Yixing to squeal between his laughter.

When Yixing’s laugh died down into small chuckles, he told Kris, “If it makes you feel any better, Kyungsoo usually bake me something, okay.”

“That’s it?” Kris protested.

“They’re friends.”

“We’re friends now.”

“Well…” Yixing answered vaguely with a shrug, which Kris could interpret as ‘maybe’ or ‘it’s too late now to stop the treats though’ or it could mean anything really. But one thing for sure was Yixing had gone quiet after.

“So… What’s for dinner tonight?” Kris tried to change the subject after the sudden shift in the atmosphere around the other boy.

“Pizza. Mom’s not at home.”

“Oh.” Kris turned the steering wheel to bring the car into the street where Yixing’s house was at. “I don’t like mushroom on my pizza, okay.”

“Hmm.” Yixing was still looking out the window instead of looking at Kris. And when Kris pulled into his driveway, Yixing then sighed. He seemed to have finally decided that he wanted to talk. “I wasn’t serious, you know, about this whole ‘making you do whatever I ask you to do’. Except maybe for the pudding,” he quickly added. “I was just going to do the assignment for you and send it back when the deadline comes. But you were waiting for me to finish my dance practice to drive me home. And how could I say no to a free ride,” he huffed, and there was a little pout on his face, as if he regretted and blamed Kris that they consequently had to stuck with each other a lot during these past few weeks.

The soft purring idle car engine was the only thing that could be heard. And Yixing probably should open the passenger door and step out of the car now that it was parked in his driveway and Kris might want to go home now. Yet instead Yixing fidgeted on his seat.

That was a way out, Kris realized, that Yixing just gave him so he wouldn’t have to drive Yixing to and from school anymore, wouldn’t have to help him with his school works, to let a stray dog pees in his car, or even to interact with each other like they were more than someone who needed help and the helper. And it made him think, not for the first time during the day, if he’d do it differently.

He knew he wouldn’t be satisfied with himself if he just dumped all his design obligations and only saw the end product of it. But more importantly he wouldn’t know how patient he could be when faced with someone as stubborn as Yixing, or maybe how weak he was to a set of adorable wide eyes and cute dimples, or how satisfying it was to hear the thought he poured into words was sung with beautiful melodies.

So when finally Yixing heard the engine being turned off and the key pulled out from the ignition, Kris told him, “I still don’t want mushroom on my pizza.”


!round 2014

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