Jun 09, 2008 18:30
What's your fandom / are your fandoms?
Chronologically: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, X-Men (movie- and comic-verse), Star Wars, Marvel comics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Superman (movie- and comic-verse), Prison Break, with a smattering of others in there (Batman, Heroes, Bones, et cetera)
Favourite character(s).
Wow, this has changed so much over the years. Again, chronologically: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger (I was a HUGE DM/HG shipper back in the day), Eomer (huge Eomer/Lothiriel shipper), Wolverine, Han Solo, Vader, Buffy Summers, Spike, (Spuffy!), the Scoobies, Superman/Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi (MiSa!), and others.
Why this particular fandom?
Given I have several fandoms I'll give a general answer to this question. I am always attracted both to fandoms and to ships with a lot of complexity. The more involved and complex a relationship or story, the better the fanfic will be and the more figurative 'meat' there is for the writer to sink his/her teeth into. This also means complexity for the individual character, ones with unique backstories and ambiguities and three-dimensional qualities. So generally (with the possible exception of HP and a few of my mini-fandoms), all my fandoms have either a character or a ship that deeply intrigues me.
* How long have you been a fan?
Started reading fanfic back in 1999 as ten year old (oh, the memories ;)) and joined ff.net in 2000. Been writing ever since, though you wouldn't know that from the relatively small quantity of my work that still has a home on the Internet (I've regularly purged the crap!fic I've written over the years).
When did you first feel the urge to write fan fiction?
I got into fanfic because I "wanted to find out what happened next" and I started writing because I had my own ideas I wanted to get out of my head. Come to think of it, I have been "writing" fanfic in my head ever since I was a young girl, creating stories with characters from books I read and movies I saw and so on. So actually putting down in words what I had running around my head wasn't much of a leap.
Did you write other stuff before that?
Always. Creative writing has been a hobby of mine since I learned to write, period.
Do you participate in other activities involving your fandom or is it restricted to writing fiction?
Yes, I really like to get to know people in a given fandom (the reason I'm on LJ).
How would you describe your genre of fan fiction?
I am not a great writer of romance (though I have done it), and my style is generally Gen, Het, Drama.
Are you loyal to your fandom or do you write about something else as soon as there's something new that's interesting?
I have an obsessive personality (shocker? probably not) and while my focus/interest varies, I do remain loyal to my fandoms though I tend to lurk a lot more when I'm in the throes of a different obsession.
Do you write alternate universe stories and if so, why?
Not usually, though I have written a few AU ficlets here and there that have never been published.
Do you write crossovers, if so why?
Again, never published any. My eyes only.
About the writer:
What's your age? 19.
Nationality? U.S. citizen
Gender? female
Occupation? student
Education? currently at university
Do you write alone or sometimes with others? alone, but a BETA reader or readers is essential
This was fun! Great idea for a community. :)