Mar 28, 2016 20:38
Today was my last shift as attending. As attending, I led a team of three residents, three med students and a pharmacist in the care of up to 16 patients in the hospital. We cared for those with the flu, suppurating wounds, fractures, bacteria in the blood, cirrhosis, blood pressure in the 200s, ans seizures from alcohol withdrawal. All in a days work. Trouble is, that meant working for three weeks straight "for continuity". For my own sanity, I traded out the weekend in the middle, but that still means I work 24 of 26 straight days. Yes, I knew the patients well. Yes, I taught and learned a lot. But damn am I tired! I had a knot in my stomach all day with the stress of making sure everything was tied up with a bow for the new attending: notes written, discharges signed, billing done, signout completed.
But damn I'm tired.
Next up, moving in four days.
Ready for March to be done.