Jan 27, 2009 12:09

The FAQ! If you have any questions that aren't covered in this (admittedly small) section, comment with them, and your answer will be given, as well as added to this post so everyone can see!

Is there a specific program I have to use to participate?

No! Vidders of every program can participate in the challenge, whether you use iMovie, WMM, Sony Vegas, or anything else!

Can I submit slideshows?

Yes, you can. As a former slideshow maker myself, I know that a lot of effort does go into slideshows, although they're usually disdained as being of a lesser quality than videos.

Can I submit old videos in response to prompts?

Ehhh... No. We'd like to see you make new videos; this is a challenge, after all. We want to see some effort put into these; we're giving you plenty of time to make 'em.

I'm a fan of Wincest/Blackcest/Twincest/[insertfamilyhere]cest. Can I submit a claim involving this?

Yes, you can. Although we don't encourage incest IRL (considering that it's illegal, dangerous, and, in the eyes of many, gross), your Wincest/Blackcest/whatevercest pairings are legitimate subjects to claim. They've all got fan followings, don't they? So they're okay.

Can I submit a claim to an AU pairing or a crossover pairing?

You can't submit a claim to a crossover pairing, but you can submit a claim to an AU pairing. If you're having trouble understanding the difference, a crossover pairing would be Hermione/Jack Sparrow; an AU pairing would be Hermione/Ginny.

Can I claim more than one subject?

Yep! However, your time is not extended. You will have 3 months to complete 10 videos, rather than 3 months to complete 5.

Are there prizes? Awards? Glory?

There are no prizes for this competition--however, when you complete a claim, we make you a banner, announce your name in the fanvid5 YouTube channel, and put you up on the Hall of Fame! So you do sort of recieve awards. :)

Can I use Imeem/Vimeo to host my videos?

Considering the recent debacle with copyright claims, that's perfectly acceptable. You'll just have to let us know when you make your claim.

Who are the geniuses behind this whole scheme?

That would be me, lupinotuum, as well as CILLEXD! I maintain the community; the Amazing Cilleh works with the YouTube channel. :)

Are you guys kind and gentle?

Oh, definitely. We're just your friendly neighborhood mods. <3

frequently asked questions, mod post

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