Movin' movin' movin' FUCK YEAH!

Feb 02, 2005 17:36

So excited!
Beyond excited!
I've been waiting since FOREVER to get a place with just Steve, and finally, the time has arrived and we've already sealed the deal with an apartment in beautiful downtown Portsmouth! Cool landlord, great building, beautiful studio apartment perfect for the two of us...I'm in fucking heaven.
I love individually all my roommates, and although its been no secret of how anxious I have been to move out, it has nothing to do with anyone. Just me and my inability to live with more than 2 people.
I'm too neurotic.
So off Steve and I go! We move in on the 15th to our tiny sunny palace on State St. and I just can't fucking wait.
Today, which is sadly almost over, has been a really kick ass day.
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