Here's the youtube vids of various FF13 stuff. Posting them as links instead since the video descriptions have deep links (time links) for each section of the video (e.g. links to each weapon for the weapons video):
Weapons VIdeos:
Lightning |
Fang |
Hope |
Sahz |
Snow Part 1 |
Snow Part 2 |
Vanille Misc. Videos:
Limit Break |
Summons Part 1 |
Summons Part 2 |
Unlockable PS3 Themes Finally a Video of the final mission (no.64) being 5-starred:
M64 Part 1 |
M64 Part 2 Edit: Fixed some videos which failtube did not properly upload despite the videos meeting the size / length limitations -_- So tempted to disable comments on future videos thanks to the amount of retarded questions that get thrown into the comments box...