Nov 17, 2007 06:18
So, while we were at the basketball game on thursday ryan pointed out the funniest thing i have seen in a very long time. there was a little boy dancing his heart out with pom poms. if i had a camera, that video would be up on youtube. it was the funniest thing... and then when he dropped one, he continued to dance/flail around until he could retrieve it.
when the time comes for me to have children... i really hope my kid is awesome like that little boy, at least in the dancing department. he brought me much happiness, and i was fairly far away from him. kids make me happy, i want to be a mom... one day. not anytime soon, but one day.
and when i am a mom, i will teach my child to crazy dance and then take them to msu basketball games so they can amuse some random students. like an odd "pay it forward" type thing...