In 'Instagram Changed Its Logo and Everything Is Going to Be OK' for Los Angeles Magazine, Josh Scherer wrote
Adweek called Instagram’s logo change “a travesty” and “the worst design fail of the year,” which is a huge statement considering Uber changed its logo to look like a Matrix fan fic app two months ago. From Boston Globe’s Isaac Feldberg:
Though there’s no shortage of teenagers keen on the pop-rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, few fans have channeled their enthusiasm into action as effectively as Peabody resident Ashley Royer, 17, who last month published “Remember to Forget” through HarperCollins. The book, which follows the life of a depressed teenage boy following his girlfriend’s death, started out as band-centric fan fiction. This is kind of the opposite of rubbing off the serial number - she stenciled one on, for market share, as, despite this quote, if you believe Ashley this was never actually fanfic. I think there's a pretty big story here... it's one thing to develop your fanfic chops in lieu of non-fanficy ones because you want an audience (this describes me); or to use a character to work out your own issues; it's another thing to co-opt an audience. <- I need a better word than 'co-opt', because she was very young when she started (and is still very, very young).
Cosmopolitan’s Eliza Thompson admitted to searching on-line for
"Troyella fan fiction rated M".
For New Zealand Herald, Kim Knight wrote that
A not-so-brief history of the trigger warning compiled by BuzzFeed, tracks the evolution of the phrase from clinical psychology (where it was used in relation to sufferers of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) to fan fiction to social media sites to mainstream media and university course descriptions. For The Atlantic, Judith Shulevitz wrote
In the U.S., there is a new Charlotte Brontë biography by Claire Harman; a Brontë-themed literary detective novel; a novelistic riff on Jane Eyre whose heroine is a serial killer; a collection of short stories inspired by that novel’s famous last line, “Reader, I married him”; and a fan-fiction-style “autobiography” of Nelly Dean, the servant-narrator of Wuthering Heights. According to Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine, a scenario by which Bernie Sanders could go into the party convention with more delegates than the next POTUS
has also been touted by Seth Abramson, an assistant professor of English at the University of New Hampshire and author of a cult-favorite series of Bernie delegate-math fanfiction. Parent Herald’s Beatrice Walters wrote
Since December of last year, about a hundred slash fan fiction novels had been written about Finn, and another new character, Poe, who is a male Resistance Pilot. Veronica Roth told The Guardian
I think fanfiction is pretty awesome. I don’t read Divergent fanfiction, because I want to leave that space for the fans to remake the world and the story how they see fit without me poking my head in. But generally, fanfiction is a way for people to explore writing and character-building without the pressure of inventing a whole new world. It’s collaborative, and creative, and communal. So as long as it’s not for profit, and it’s clear that someone is working with another author’s ideas and characters-and usually fanfiction writers are good about disclaimers! - I say go for it. Have fun with writing. Continue to live in the worlds that you love. From Wan Jiahuan and Yi Ziyi in News China:
"[Monkey King: Hero Is Back] is a film of our own. We’ve done so much. We drew fan art, wrote fan fiction, posted and reposted numerous tweets, and recommended the film to our friends, people near us, and also other netizens," self-styled "tap water" fan artist Nana (pseudonym) told our reporter. "We’ve all made our own contributions and we are so happy and proud of its success." For The Guardian, Hadley Freeman wrote
One of my favourite forms of fan fiction is the rewriting of movie plots from the villain’s point of view: the Joker is trying to bring joy to Gotham only to be thwarted by a grim-faced weirdo in a bat costume; the poor Wicked Witch Of The West lost first her sister and then her own life to a murderous child, and so on. The point - aside from reminding us just what a psychotic little monster Dorothy actually is - is that no one ever thinks they’re the bad guy. In 'This Game of Thrones Porn Parody Is All About the Happy Ending' for Vanity Fair, Jane Borden wrote
porn is more participatory than typical fan fiction. From Megan Geuss in ars technica:
Judge: Star Trek fanfic creators must face CBS, Paramount copyright lawsuit. And, for Consumerist, Chris Morran wrote
While there has been much discussion about Paramount’s copyright claim on the Klingon language, the judge in the studio’s lawsuit against the makers of a Star Trek fan fiction movie has chosen to not opine on that particular dispute while giving the go-ahead for Paramount’s larger copyright complaint to move forward. (More on this story next time!)
G. Norman Lippert (remember him?) told Erie Reader’s Ed Bernik
I’m embarrassed to admit the catalyst that really got my writing started, but also perversely proud of it: My first novel was fan fiction. (Actually he’s not too insufferable here.)
In a Globe and Mail review of Colm Toibin’s The Testament of Mary, Simon Houpt wrote
If the director Aaron Willis hasn’t created an entirely cohesive work, he and Nancy Palk, who plays Mary as an insightful, inconsolable and justifiably angry woman, have made a compelling argument for Toibin’s unholy fan fiction to live in the theatre. For Dallas Observer, Jennifer Smart wrote
young Dallas playwright/actress Janielle Kastner would like you to know her new play Ophelia Underwater is not Shakespeare fan fic. It is instead an “aggressively contemporary” and brutally honest one-woman play which takes place inside the mind of a teenage girl. For Today Online, Kevin Matthews quoted singer-songwriter Nicholas Chim:
"With Winterhalter, I was given a lot of creative freedom to express myself. I chased an MC off the stage with a sword, wrote fan fiction for the hell of it, even had wrestling matches in the middle of the set. I believe we even were sort of blacklisted by Home Club for using too many confetti cannons!" GQ’s Joshua Rivera wrote that the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie is
a bit of a sci-fi-historical-fanfic mystery, and it's actually kind of surprising how closely the movie appears to be hewing to the concept of the games. In a Jewish Chronicle review of Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson’s Gena/Finn, Angela Kiverstein wrote
Gena and Finn are (female) fans of the TV programme Up Below - Gena posts fanfic and Finn illustrates (sadly we do not see her drawings - graphic sections would have added to the bold narrative mix). From Charlotte Eyre on The Bookseller:
C J Daugherty, whose Night School series is published in 22 different languages, said that in the past six months she has found 20 plagiarised versions of her books on Wattpad in Spanish, French and Polish, as well as the original English. The site was designed for users to post their own stories or fan fiction but Daugherty said fans are ripping PDF versions of her books onto a Word document then uploading the text. For Leader & Times, Elly Grimm quoted Library Assistant Director Tammy Garrison
"I want to give points not just for how much they’re reading, but for my personal theme of training the brain and general learning and experiencing new things. […] For example, last year, you had to read five hours in order to get the T-shirt, which I felt was a fine amount of reading for a month, you can squeeze some reading in there. I also count fanfiction in there along with audiobooks, reading graphic novels, a subtitled movie or TV show, a documentary, anything that will expose them to new ideas and learning something new." From The Economic Times:
There can surely be no more proof of the indisputable place Britain has in the life of mainland Europe than the increasing incidence of English words in the lexicons of linguistically snooty nations such as France. Even with the Brexit debate becoming increasingly acrimonious across the Channel, the dictionary called Le Petit Larousse - a must-have when schools reopen in France in the autumn - has added what seems to be an unusually large number of English and English-inspired words this week, including selfie, troll, emoticone, fanfiction and retrofuturisme. Finally, for Straits Times, Yip Wai Yee wrote
Fans will want to tune in and be a part of the conversation, no matter what others say. They take to forums to analyse at length even the tiniest details of a film or TV episode, and they are the ones who write fan fiction and paint fan art.