Мне не очень понравился Париж.
Вернее - так себе - ОК как столица, но -- overcrowded, overpriced, over all, disappointing...
Много есть интересного посмотреть в Париже, и за несколько визитов - мы посмотрели много, но больше у меня нет желания туда возвращаться, да в принципе как и в Лондон.
Но в Лондоне хотя бы на понятном языке говорят и есть культура уважения к customers, в Париже - культура сервиса ниже и как бы ты не улыбался, и не старался всунуть в английскую речь: merci, bonjour, s'il vous plaît - тебя всё равно стараются обмануть, обсчитать и игнорировать.
Парижанцы тоже уже устали от ступид туристов, как и барселонцы (или кто там протестует против туристов? замного им для гармонии).
Ну и холодина зимой - а мы несколько лет подряд мой день рождения там отмечали, и конечно - страшные, аррогантные, огромные нЭхры повсюду в центре, и бунчи цыган и других албанцев - воров и жуликов, со своими падающими кольцами и букетиками.
это я писала - несколько лет назад про Париж:
Paris may be the city of love and one of the most romantic places in the world but today I’ve been having a little romance with the city itself. It turns out I love Paris.
I spent the day wandering among some of the main attractions, stopping for café lattes and macaroons and generally loving every corner of this gorgeous city.
I wandered around taking photos while doing my very best to avoid all the scammers and touts. I decided not to go up the tower because the queue was so long and I had so much I wanted to see.
"There should be a name for the syndrome that occurs when you're in Paris and you already miss it." (Rosecrans Baldwin )
The French have a reputation for not speaking any other languages, but for Parisians this isn’t true and most of them speak pretty good English, particularly younger people.
If you ask if they speak English they’ll undoubtedly say ‘no’ but this is because they don’t want to be embarrassed by their not-so-perfect language skills.
Ask them if they speak just a little English and you’re more likely to be met with a positive response.
Paris is sexy city and the people in Paris are sexy and everything about it oozes sex appeal from the beautiful buildings to the smoking hot bars and cafes.
The people of Paris are so stylish, they have a classic elegance that goes beyond fashion and the way they walk, talk, eat, drink, smoke and breeze through crowds is just so sexy.
Parisians are not only stylish dressed but the Parisians also have amazing figures: both men and women are slim and look really healthy.
"Paris is the only city in the world where starving to death is still considered an art.” Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
In parks they don’t have many benches, they have chairs. Everyone will pick up one chair and drag them to their perfect spot to relax for a few hours. It actually makes more sense because you can sit where you like.
It’s easy to get lost in Paris.
Paris is like a labyrinth of narrow streets crisscrossing and winding and turning into different streets with no warning.
It’s all well and good having a map but they’re pretty useless if you don’t know where you actually are.
There’s something about Paris that inspires me. It makes me want to get up early in the morning and explore.