The Magellan Legacy - 3.1

Nov 04, 2011 03:55

Welcome back to the Magellan Legacy! I warn in advance, there will be a lot of dog spam in this as I'd just gotten Pets and got a bit carried away >.>

Anyway, previously on the Magellan Legacy *insert soap opera tune*

- Ares was declared heir and spent most of the update declaring his lack of desire for romance
- Hermes and Hephaestus moved out
- Jonny sadly passed away
- Ares befriended brilliantcat's Truman Primm
- And, courtesy of me, got pregnant



Now where were we, oh right!

Ares: I feel sick... I probably look awful too.

Cheer up! You'll feel better in a few sim days, promise! :P

Ares: I still hate you and I'll get you back for this, you'll see.

Step one of this revenge plan is flooding the house?

Ares: Shut up, not my fault these things are of terrible quality.

Well, you could make more money so you could buy better ones?

But seeing as how you also broke the laptop when you popped...well..

Ares: So mom, I do believe we're going to need to start stocking up on baby bottles soon.
Freya: Oooh! :D

Freya: (now if I could only get my other sons to give me some grandkids, or atleast a daughter or son in law... maybe by force...)

Truman: So how exactly...
Ares: *grumbling* Divine Intervention
Truman: What?
Ares: Uh.. alien genes and such...

Ares got invited to a party Hephaestus was hosting. And before he got through the door, jens_sims Shane Decker accosted him for a discussion about politics.

A very deep, serious discussion obviously.

Ares: Hey brother, I got you a house warming gift!

Hephaestus: Don't want it!
Ares: What?

Hephaestus: We're not friends, I won't accept your gifts
Ares: Well screw you too.

Apparently that was reason enough for Ares to break Hephaestus' toilet...

It's like Ares has some kind of cursed touch when it comes to plumbing.

But by the end of the party, they were back on speaking terms. Atleast... speaking and listening to Ares' unborn child terms, I suppose.

Meanwhile back at home, Freya gets the honour of being the first of the Magellan family to reach her LTW! (which was reaching rank 10 in the criminal career).

What will her next goal be?




Meanwhile Ares is still writing with great success *coughs*

But... she just retired! D:



Really now...

Oh great, that's some really great timing you have there Ares.


Ares: I really wish my mommy was here ;_;

Yes yes, I wish she was too, now get thee to a hospital already.

Uhm, what's this?

Ares: I believe that would be twins


Anyway, their names are Sirona and Belenus.

Ares: Dude, I just got home from the hospital, could you not call at another time?

Course he couldn't, you know him.


It's nice to have a shoulder to cry on.

Ares: I'm sorry for bothering you *sniff*
Truman: Nah man, that's what friends are for right?

And not to randomly come by and praise your written works and then leave again... looking at you sixamsims Bartzz Tipona.

It's becoming a regular haunted house in the Magellan house.

Twins birthday party! :D

Ares: It was really cool of you to drop by, brother.
Hephaestus: Hey, no problem.

If only Hermes had deigned to show up too, but alas.

Truman did though.

Truman: So, I was thinking since you're living up here all alone taking care of two kids, maybe you'd like to move in with me and my friends? We'd all help.
Ares: Yeah, I think I'll pass.. I like this house.

(heh, autonomous ask to move in)

Or were you just asking because you wanted something to distract you from the broken heart there, Truman?

Wait a minute. Isn't that one of the guys Hephaestus is....

Good thing Hephaestus left then!

And Ares, why the hell are you putting the baby on the floor!?

Truman: That seriously broke my heart.
Ares: I am sorry, my brother's an ass.
Truman: It's ok, I've got my eye on some others.
Ares: Haha,  Never a moment's rest?

Apparantly birthdays get drum solos now.


Freya! :D

I didn't know ghosts could do that

Freya: Come here little man and smile for grandma!

Freya: Now grandma's going to introduce you to a very important thing. The *television*!

And thus a new TV addict was born.

Why are all my sims families such winners at raising children? :|

Really Ares? You had no idea your own brother was loaded?

And then you felt a need to gossip about it?

Ares: So hey, you asked me last time if I wanted to move in but I've been thinking. Why don't you move in here, there's plenty of room. I promise I won't get in your way and I could really use a hand with the kids.

Truman: Weellllll, I dunno. Do you promise to take the trash out on a regular basis?
Ares: :|

He did say yes

Ares: SWEET, finally some help with the twins! It's been terrible by myself.


And then I added a dog to the family. This is Maera, she's playful, likes to swim and is a bit clueless.

Jonny: What do you think you're doing?
Maera: Couch! Couch soft!

Maera: Maera can sense food in dreams. Maera hungry!

Maera: Eggs, flour and milk make food! FOOD!


Ares and Truman catching a toddler raising break.

Maera: Toys!

Maera: TOY!

Ares is certainly enjoying Maera's enthousiasm with the toy.

Maera: WALK, take me for a walk! Yes!

They ended up driving to the dog park.

Hey, the house happens to be quite a distant from the park, ok!

Maera: What? You don't like dog spam?

Maera: Dig, dig..

Maera: Must dig up all the yard!

Maera: Bring the paper!

Maera: Take the paper! Take it!


Maera: Why won't you take the paper?

I can't help the spam, Pets was new and she's cute

Aw, aunt Sif died.

Toddler spam instead?

Or both! Toddler and dog spam!

Ares is making good use of that friends with benefits living in your house arrangement, I see.

Maera: KITTY!

Not sure that cat looks happy to see you, Maera.

Ares, what's this?

Oh no.... Don't tell me that woohoo was a risky woohoo?

Ares: I'm sorry, did someone say something, I couldn't hear that over the MYSTERIOUS throwing up I was doing!

Why would you go and do this!?

Ares: I dunno, someone apparantly decided I had a uterus now and since I have one I might as well use it?

... I hate you.

Doggy hugs make everything better!

And doggy belly rubs :D

Ares: Yes and I'd like that one, and that one.. oooh.. and that one!

It's that he's so cute



And Belenus

Maera: New person, must sniff!

Not new, you silly dog. Just older.

I hope that's a brilliant idea for a new book that'll make lots of money for the new baby, Ares.


Well atleast it's more cute!


Belenus: Aw man, growing up means homework? :[

Yes, but also story time!

Sirona: Daddy, I want a story too!

And so Ares told her this exciting tale. One he wrote himself too!


What are you looking at the *dog* for, Truman?

Well, shit.

Truman: So... tired
Ares: Alas, I think our days of sleeping are officially over.

Yes, yes they are. And with the birth of Taranis and Camma, I end this update.

Damn you Ares, for making my life more difficult.

See you guys next time!

Warnings: Language, woohoo, dog spam, etc.

the magellan legacy, challenges, sims 3

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