The Magellan Legacy - 3.0

Oct 26, 2011 04:52

Hey, another update! And not too late this time!

So, a quick recap of last time:
- The kids grew up into teenagers.
- Annoying teenagers who insisted on pranking the entire household on a near constant basis
- There were a few arguments and a few fights
- And then two of the teenagers grew into, somewhat well adjusted (ahem, no) adults and Ares was picked as heir!

Ares: Booyeah! I'm heir supreme!

Not sure how happy you'll be about this down the line.. but hey! Woo!


Lol, most likely to be a sports star? I don't think so (oh he's athletic, don't get me wrong, but that's not his LTW :P)

So Ares, now that you're legacy heir.... See all those people being all flirty and talking of romance? How about it?

Ares: Ha, no. I've no interest in that, thank you very much. Friends are good enough for me, friends and my books.

Well, ok that's fine. But this is still a legacy. How are you thinking we'll get to the next generation?

Ares: Your problem, not mine. I'm happy as I am. You work something out.

(ghostpassenger's Hidra Atmos and geaks' Beryl Sinclair, respectively.. also random old man)

I can't convince you to chat up the nice young lady over there?
(rhiannon_alexis Shaula Meissa also I believe that is sixamsims Bartzz Tipona hiding behind the bartender)

Ares: Nope, sorry.

How about him?
(ageiha's Drake Beaufort again, he likes showing up a lot)

Ares: No, now leave me to my drink in peace and stop badgering me!

Alright, I'm sorry! No need to break an arm over it. I'll leave you to it and go check out things at home then.

Ares: You do that. Also... ow.

Imaginary Friend Douche: Your mom sucks. And she's ugly.
Hephaestus: You leave my mom out of this! And she's not ugly, she's the world's most gorgeous person, everyone's eye candy!

Freya: I can't believe you just tried to pull that stunt! I'm very angry with you, young man!
Hephaestus: (woooow, Mom's stunning! Wait, what?! Why am I even thinking this? It is like some weird involuntary effect keeps happening. Like she has some kind of creepy aura of stunning)

Watching a cooking show with your dead mother. ++

I wonder why a ghost would even bother.

And since, as much as I love him, we've no real need for the poor guy. Hermes gets to take a one-way trip into town. Don't worry, he gets to be randomly shoved in a mansion (thank you "kick out" option, very realistic).

Ares never really stopped saluting his father. Atleast someone shows him some respect.

Oh look Ares, an eligable bachelorette *HINT HINT*.

Ares: Uh no. I really don't want to talk to her.
Esme Aighs (bondchick_nett): Yeah well, I don't want to talk to you either, ass.

You sure I can't convince you? Look cptnsimdecision's Drio Embassy is actually willing to touch you! That's something, right?

Ares: .... Seriously, I'm just saying hello.
Drio: Hi!

Ares: Stop trying to hook me up with people!

Bartzz: Nobody is hooking up with anyone, it's midnight! People are trying to sleep! GO HOME!
Drio: (He said hi to me, what a nice guy *off in own world*)

Ok, you know what. Fine. You get what you want, I'll stop trying to make you romance people.

Ares: Good! I can get on with my life and continue working on my novels in peace and quiet! .. Though I wish we had a typewriter, I really hate computers.

(I'll get you yet, you difficult bastard)

Hm. Something tells me I've spent too much time focusing on Ares and not enough on what the rest of the house has been up to.

Jonny: Keep playing son, we'll get some discipline into you yet after all those pranks.
Hephaestus: I just wanna go to bed ;_; And I told you before, that was my imaginary friend!
Jonny: You need to work on your excuses.

Ares likes writing Science Fiction. Maybe it's because the town's mostly populated with aliens. Except then it wouldn't really be science *fiction*, would it?

Jonny: *stares out the window*

What's out there?

Jonny: Nothing, just contemplating my long life.
Poseidon: Pfft, *your* long life? I can't even feel my fins anymore. And still nobody got me a new castle.

Ares: Hey Hermes. No everything's going well. Oh the garden gnomes haven't invaded your new home yet? No that's good... Here? Oh fine, though there appears to be a bit of a garbage smell around the place. Maybe the trash compactor broke.

Freya: *innocent*


Jonny: Honey, seriously! TAKE A SHOWER!
Freya: Stop telling me what to do, you old coot!
Jonny: Then stop smelling like trash!

Freya: You KNOW my back's been bothering me! It gets difficult to wash my own back!
Jonny: Ugh, I see how it is... *whispering* Go start the shower, I'll join you in a minute
Freya: *winks*

Freya: Shouldn't you take a break from that thing sometime?
Ares: Mmmhm.

Actually he does take breaks to stretch every now and again.

I don't think he's left the kitchen in days though.

Freya's still working on her physique for her career in crime. Just because you're old...

Everyone's excited about Hephaestus' graduation!

Ares: (So tired)
Freya: I'm so hungry
Jonny: Meh.

Freya: No wait, not just hungry. YAWN.
Hephaestus: (Who is awesome? I am!)

Jonny: Nobody left the fireplace burning, did they? *worry worry*

Dude. Nobody's ever turned it on in the first place. I nearly forgot we *have* a fireplace in this house.

Ares is shocked to find his grandfather roaming the halls at night.

Although not as shocked as finding his grandfather using his computer.

Ares: Get out of the way, grandpa! I need to write!
Astraeus: I don't see why I have to move, it's night. Go to bed and let the ghosts have their gaming fun, damnit!

Ares: I thought you wanted to game.
Astraeus: Eh, I can't seem to beat your grandmother's high score.
Ares: Does that mean the computer is available again?

Hephaestus: Hey brother!
Ares: Why does everyone insist on following me around?!
Hephaestus: Good morning to you too.

And since I forgot to post a picture of what Hephaestus looks like as an adult after his birthday. Tadah! There he is!


Freya: You can't just come in here and change the channel!
Jonny: You weren't even watching, you had your eyes closed!
Freya: SO!? I can sit here and nap while having a cooking show on!
Jonny: Mm, I like it when you shout at me...

Freya: YOU! I don't know who you are but how dare you just walk in here just when it's getting interesting!
Unknown Guy Kirk: I didn't know anyone was in here!
Jonny: Honey, leave the kid alone. You do know him, he's one of Hephaestus' old high school friends.
Freya: Don't care! He interrupted a perfectly good shouting match! *slap*

Hephaestus: Dad, I can't believe you didn't stop mom! That is a friend of mine!
Jonny: Look son, you know what a risk it is to interrupt your mother in anything.
Hephaestus: Still, you could have tried something! GAH!

Jonny: Hmm, I feel kinda tingly for some reason....

Grim Reaper: GREETINGS, Tis that time again!
Hephaestus: D:

Hephaestus: Nooooo! And the last thing we did was fiiiiiight!!

Hephaestus: I'll finish your mac n cheese in your honor, dad. ;_; *promptly burns it*

Freya: Oh my dear husband! *weeps* When I get my hands on you in the afterlife I'll personally kick your ass for leaving me alone!

Ares: Excuse me, I'm upset too!
Freya: Shush son, I'm trying to watch TV.

Hephaestus: Don't worry about her, you know how she gets. Antagonistic is her middle name.

Kirk's visiting again too for... no reason >.>

Kirk: So, what's it like being dead?

Kirk: Hey so, I was thinking. Since we both don't have a lot, we could share rent dude! You could move away from your mother and live the high life!
Hephaestus: Awesome! I'm outta here!

And so Hephaestus suddenly left.


Ares: What!? He left me all alone with our mother!?

Ares: You could atleast get off the sofa and out of the living room from time to time.
Freya: And you could leave me alone and worry about your own life.
Ares: Fine! I'm going out!
Freya: You do that!

Well! This is going just great!

I'm sorry Ares. Your mother's never very good at being kind.

Ares: That's ok, I'll drown my sorrows in this book.
Female townie: Pfft, wasting your time in a park reading books taking up benches meant for older people like me. The youth of this day and age.
Truman Primm (brilliantcat): Wow, talk about rude.

Truman: Hey, you're Freya's kid right? I'm an old friend of hers. Hey, don't worry about that old lady.
Ares: *sadface*
Truman: Man, you look like you could use a drink. Come on, I'm buying.

Ares: I really could do with a snack more than anything...

Ares: *starts sniffling again*
Truman: Nonsense! Bartender, buy this man some stiff drinks!

Bartender: Will this be enough?
Ares: Uh...

And then they went to the sports bar and played Riverview's favorite game. Foosball.

(I know there was a foosball table at the last bar too. I don't know either).

Freya: Good grief where've you been!? Most sane people are in bed by now!
Ares: Ugh, and I would be too if you'd stop constantly harping on me!

Freya: It hasn't been easy, has it? I'm sorry. *hugs*
Ares: Thanks mom.. (but seriously, I'd really like to sleep).

Freya: How's the new novel coming along then?
Ares: Oh pretty well, I've just wrapped up a major plot point about the rabid space bunnies. I just need to save this...

Computer: *crashes*

I just now noticed there's a little plumbob in that drink.

Ares: Nonsense bartender, I can handle another drink *hic* I'm pre...purr...perfectly sober.
Bartender: Mmhm *rolls eyes*.
Ares: I'll prove it! *hic*

Ares! I can see that dart on the floor! Put those darts down right now before you put someone's eye out.

Ares and Truman have started hanging out more often. Watching and discussing sports and other such deep discussions.

Like... cakes?

Ares: I'm just saying, I don't see the point in romance. It just doesn't do anything for me.
Truman: I get you. But I think  there's something really nice about those fluttery feelings and starting a new relationship. I love it every single time.
Ares: Maybe for you. I just don't get it. Sure the sex part and all that, but romance? Nah. No wedding cakes or anything for me.
Truman: Ha, wedding cakes. I think I'll pass on that too. (I'll take the other part though).

(Truman has like, I don't know how many relationships going at the same time, for some reason)

Ares' book is back on track too.

Ares: And here you still are, in the living room surely just gotten up from lounging on the sofa watching TV again.

Ares: You can be so lazy, mom!
Freya: Well we can't all think the TV is a plague to be avoided, like SOME people I know!

Ares: Books are just more fulfilling... oh bah, let's just agree to disagree.
Freya/Ares: *relationship minus*

I decided to throw a party for Hermes (who we haven't seen since he moved out near the start of this update) since it's his birthday. Also an excuse for me to buy a bar.

As we see, Sif's still around.

Cheap drinks for all!

Embla's still kicking too. The lady in the middle is Juliana, one of her children (the one that *hasn't* been seen before, unlike the other two, you know, Cousin 1 and 2).

Everyone: *focuses on the cake*
Ares: *focuses on the alcohol instead*

Hermes: *does the happy birthday dance*

Ares: Ugh, I don't know what dance that is but loud music and loud clothing and those movements... my poor brain.

Ares: Soooo.. this may be the drink talking but...
Truman: Yes?
Ares: I was wondering if you were interested in uh... blowing off some steam with me...? No strings attached?

Truman: You're sure about this?
Ares: Absolutely.
Truman: No strings?
Ares: Nothing. I told you, I don't want a relationship, I don't want romance. But, to put it crudely, I do kinda want to get laid right about now.

Truman: Well, alright then! And you're sure this bed is ok?
Ares: Eh, it's the only double. I'm sure mom won't mind.


Ares: (Mmm, blowing off steam's pretty nice)

Freya: What are you buzzing around in my bedroom for!? OUT! Before I throw you out!
Truman: I'm going, I'm going! Sheesh!

Freya: I've missed you.. you yeti.
Jonny's ghost: I've missed... oh we've got an audience.
Truman: I don't need to see this, leaving now.

The next day...

Ares: *hurk*

Remember when I said I'd get you yet? >:]

Ares: Oh no...

Congratulations! You're now officially pregnant. MUAHAHAHAHA.

Ares: I hate you.


And that's as we say is that for this update. Yes, I just left it on a cliffhanger >:]

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and see you next time!

Warnings: Language, Woohoo, etc.

the magellan legacy, challenges, sims 3

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